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January 2011 Meeting Notes

Eight members and two guests were in attendance at our January meeting. Jane welcomed the guests and began the meeting with Show and Tell. Members shared some fabulous clay projects they had made.
**PROGRAM:** Lee Ann K. taught us a technique for making **large hollow vessels**. The vessels were made over a glass form of our choosing. After baking, the clay was cut in half and removed from the glass form. It was then glued back together and smoothed before adding a second, decorative layer. As always, Lee Ann’s clear instructions and helpful guidance made for an excellent lesson.
**MINUTES**: Not everyone had received the December minutes by e-mail prior to the meeting, so approval was postponed until everyone could check them for errors.

Annual membership dues were due. Jane asked members to pay our treasurer, Angela.

Jane congratulated Angela on the publication of her new book, *Polymer Clay 101* which she co-authored. Angela talked a bit about the process of putting it together and announced that she had some copies available for sale to guild members.
Jane also congratulated member Lee Ann for having her mica shift challenge project published in the most recent issue of *Polymer Cafe* Magazine.
Jane also had a project published in the challenge article. Congratulations also went to Angela for having a project article published in the same magazine.

**Election of Officers for 2011:** The following new officers were elected:
**President** – Shirley C.
**Vice President** (programs) – Angela M..
The following officers will continue in their offices:
**Web Master and Treasurer** – Angela M.
**Secretary** – Penni Jo C.
The following positions were changed from elected to volunteer:
**Bottles of Hope Coordinator** – Nance R.
**Librarian** – Jane L. and Lee Ann K. volunteered to assist
**Photographer** – Ruth Mitchell

**Polymer Cafe Challenge**- Wearable Art: Entrants need only send in a picture of the piece, a brief description, and their inspiration. The official entry form from the magazine must be used – no photocopies. Members were encouraged to mention our guild in their entries.
Information about a **bead contest** will be e-mailed to members later.

Web Master Angela M. reported that through our Web site, we have had several **requests for beginner classes**. There was some discussion, including the issue of whether we should charge a nominal fee for such a class, in order to cover materials and time. The group decided to postpone any decision until more thought could be given to the matter.

Jane asked whether anyone wished to meet for a **play day** on the **5th Saturday of January**. She will check with Hobby Lobby as to whether our meeting room will be available and let us know.
**Programs**: Our schedule for upcoming programs is:

**February** – Kaleidoscope Canes with April (with Sue as a backup)

**March** – Mosaics with Angela (tentative)

**April** – Retreat? Penni Jo has been working on this, but it is not definite.

**May** – Penni Jo may teach?
**Treasurer:** Angela reported a balance of $462.93, not including the dues which have been paid today. We have 10 members.
**Bottles of Hope Project:** no report
**Guild Library:** Librarian Jane L. reported on our newest library items, *Polymer Clay Beaded Jewellery* by Isabelle Cheramy Debray and our latest issue of **Polymer Cafe** Magazine.
**Drawing for New Library Book:** No drawing was needed because we acquired Angela’s new book, *Polymer Clay 101* and also we received last month’s new book, *Foundations in Polymer Clay Design*, by Barbara McGuire. Since our subscription to *Polymer Cafe* Magazine is ready for renewal, neither will there be a drawing next month.
**January Raffle:** Items were donated by last raffle winners, Angela, Sue, and Ruth. Winners of the raffle were Jane, Teresa (guest) and Angela
**February Swap:** Next month we will have our bi-monthly swap. The theme will be “Love Is in the Air.” Jane encouraged members to use their imaginations to interpret this theme.