Minutes for January 2017 Meeting
Minutes recorded by Penni Jo
Number of attending: 12
Number of visitors: None
Show and Tell
A lot of interesting goodies went around today. The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages.
Katherine taught our class today, a face and leaves project. She provided a face and we provided a leafy home for it. Lots of beautiful and colorful designs were created.
Business Meeting
Officers / Volunteers Reports
- Secretary – Approval of Meeting Notes for Dec 2016 as posted on line.
- Vice President – Jane Linn
- Month: February – Almond Eastland will teach
- Month: March – Cris Crossland will teach
- Month: April – Retreat, no meeting. Klew will be the teacher at retreat.
- Month: May – Betty Bolerjack will teach
- Treasurer – Angela Mabray
- Membership: 31 paid members (dues were collected, so this may change)
The following were elected and/or retained in office:
- President: Penni Jo
- Vice President (remains the same): Jane Linn
- Secretary: Laura Clarkson
- Bottles of Hope Coordinator: Wendi McKinnon
- Treasurer (remains the same): Angela Mabray
- Party Planner: Connie Farrell
- Mail Support & Comfort: Connie
- Librarian: Jane Linn
- New book chosen is “Freeform Wireart Jewelry.” Jane will get the info to Angela for ordering.
- Web Master: Myra Cleveland
- Ready to update the Eventbrite and turn it on. We will be advised when it’s ready for business.
- Photographer: Tom Gibson
- Took pics of the BOH’s and Show & Tell
Old Business
Tom reported that the cost of each of Klew’s classes will be:
- $45.00 for each single class
- $80.00 for both classes when signed up together.
New Business
PolymerCAFE is closing their doors. Perhaps we could write to them to see if we can have some for retreat or if we can buy back issues.
Bi-Monthly Drawing/Inchie Swap
- Next Inchie Theme: Spring
- Inchie Swap at the retreat in April : Spring
- Who brought: Tom, ?
- Who won: Angela, Connie