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September 2016

Minutes for September 2016 Meeting

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We had 18 members and 1 guest at the September 10, 2016 meeting. We held this meeting at the Unity Church in Warr Acres, since our usual meeting space was busy with the upcoming state fair. The fellowship hall where we met was nice and spacious — thank you to Unity Church for allowing us to use it, and to Connie making the arrangements for us.

Show and tell items included name tags from last month’s lesson, hollow beads, Bottles of Hope, mud cloth pattern necklace, recipe holder, an angel, and a turtle box. Thanks to Tom, photos of these items are available on our Facebook page.

Our September program was “Pumpkin & Fall Leaves Box,” presented by Chris Crossland and Karen Humphreys. Our teachers were extremely well-prepared and very generous with instructions and extra supplies.

In the business meeting, Laura moved to approve the August minutes. Lee Ann seconded and the motion passed.

Vice-President’s Report: Jane gave an overview of the upcoming programs:

  • October: Marsha and Deborah
  • November:  Angela – carving & fortune cookies
  • December:  Party / Dirty Santa

Treasurer’s Report: Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We now have 31 members.

Bottles of Hope: Connie thanked those who had donated Bottles of Hope. She encouraged us to continue making them, especially bottles for kids, as we hope to donate about 12 per month.

New Business:

Jane gave a report about Penni Jo, who has undergone several medical procedures, but is doing well and hopes to leave the hospital on Monday. Jane collected cards to deliver to Penni Jo.

Old Business:

State Fair Demo: Angela handed out gate tickets and parking passes to those who volunteered to help with the state fair polymer clay demo, which will be held September 18th, from 2-6 p.m. Tom will bring the handouts and banner.

State Fair Polymer Clay Entries: Angela reminded attendees that their entries for the State Fair’s Creative Arts competition are due by Sunday, September 11th.

Deb Hart Workshop: Deb Hart will be our special guest teacher for a workshop on Saturday, October 29th, from 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. It will be held in our regular meeting room at the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center on the fairgrounds. The cost will be $50 and will include lunch. Attendees may also purchase a copy of the handout to take home for an additional $10.

  • After discussion, the group decided the class should be on Deb Hart’s turtle box.
  • Myra offered to set up an EventBrite registration form. We will post the link soon.
  • Angela will take & place orders for a Panera Bread lunch. She will need someone to pick up the order and take it to the class.

Retreat: Tom is going to get in touch with Karen Lewis to see about getting more details on class offerings. Myra has put up a preliminary page about the retreat.


There was no drawing or swap this month. Our next meeting will be October 8th, 1:30 pm at Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center on the OKC Fairgrounds. We will have our inchie swap, with a “Fall” theme. We will also have our drawing, so please bring a door prize if you were one of last month’s winners.

September 2016 Meeting: Pumpkin & Fall Leaves Box

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pumpkin miceOur next guild meeting will be Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at the Unity Church Fellowship Hall at 5603 NW 41st St., approximately Ann Arbor and NW 41st.

Chris Crossland and Karen Humphreys will show us how to make this decorative box featuring a pumpkin, fall leaves, and adorable mice. Following is Chris’ supply list and clays to bring:

Karen and I are so excited to be teaching the class at guild in September!!! We have designed a cute little box that we think will be fun to do. Here are the supplies you will need. If you already have leaf colors, feel free to use them. You will also need a mix for the pumpkin and the mice.

Clay (Premo)

You will need four fall colors for leaves – green, gold, yellow, and red. Suggested mixes are listed below, but you can choose any four colors, as long as they have quite a bit of contrast. We used the following colors for the entire project:

  • Cadmium red 1/2 block
  • 18K gold 1/2 block
  • Alizarin crimson 1/2 block
  • Cadmium yellow 1 block
  • Gold 1/2 block
  • White 1/2 block
  • Black 1 block
  • Spanish Olive 1 block

Mixes for leaves:

  • Red: 1 part cad red, 1 part 18K Gold, 1/2 part Alizarin
  • Green: Spanish Olive
  • Gold: 1 part gold, 1/32 part Alizarin
  • Yellow: 1 part cad yellow, 1 part 18K Gold

Mix for mice:

  • 1 part white, 1/2 part black

Mix for pumpkin:

  • 1/4 block cadmium yellow plus two 1/2” circles alizarin crimson (#1 thickness)

Mica Powders

For leaves:

  • Mink
  • Spring Green
  • Aztec Gold
  • Misty Lavender
  • Super Copper
  • Red Russett

For mice:

  • Silver

For pumpkin:

  • Dark Brown
  • Pumpkin Orange

Don’t worry if you don’t have some of these – we will have some to share.

Tools and Materials

Besides your usual clay tools, you will need Weldbond Glue or Bake & Bond and a small knitting needle for tendrils. You will also need the following circle cutters: 5/16″ (we will provide), 1/2″, 5/8″, and 1″. (If you are lucky enough to have a set of 7 tiny circle cutters that Myra sold at the retreat, the red one is 5/16″.)

We will provide the box, template for covering the box top, templates for leaves, and foil pumpkin form.

Minutes for August 2016 Meeting

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Recorded by Marsha Hinds

Penni Jo called the meeting to order and welcomed our two visitors, Diane and Pat. She then had the guild members introduce themselves and give a little bit of polymer clay background.

We had 20 members present and 2 visitors. We then went around the room for show and tell. Both members and guests had show and tell – lovely jewelry, bottles of hope, cabochons and other wonderful items were passed around for all to ooh and aah about.

Tom presented a great lesson on Transfer Papers. He had prepared a little goody bag for everyone so they could try out the technique. Another great program under our belt.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the July minutes as published.

Jane, Vice President, gave an update on upcoming programs: in September Chris Crossland will be coming in from Muskogee to give our program/lesson. NOTE: Remember that we will not be meeting at the fairgrounds in September, but at the Unity Church Fellowship Hall at 5603 NW 41st; approximately Ann Arbor and NW 41st Street. In October, Marsha will be presenting, in November Angela, and our Christmas party is in December.

Angela, Treasurer, gave the Treasurers report. We have 29 paid members.

Angel and Connie gave an update on our Bottles of Hope. Some were delivered to the Toby Keith Foundation, and they were much appreciated. They prompted the members to work on “kid-themed” bottles of hope at this time.

During old business, the Fall Specialty class was discussed. Deb Hart will be coming to teach us. We are still working out the final details. Check out her website ( to get a feel for her work.

It was noted that next month is the month for our drawing, so if you won in July, bring a prize for September. The retreat had some goodie bags left, so Tom gave out Door Prize tickets, and Angela won this month. We will continue to do Door Prizes on the opposite months of drawings until he runs out of prizes.