Hello clayers! This months meeting is going to be a special treat and a great adventure! We will be having our meeting at The Delux Indie Craft Bazaar which will be located at the OKC Fairground’s Centenial Building. The Centennial Building is located south of and diagonal to the Space Tower and it is also adjacent to the Cox Pavillion and accross from the Hall of Modern Living. If these directions have you totally confused, please go to www.okstatefairpark.com/grounds-map to get a site map. We will be having our regular meeting so everyone bring book ideas and a raffle item. Jane and Nance were the winners of the last raffle. Jane is currently out of the country and Nance may be unable to attend the meeting, so lets all try to bring something in their place. We will be making Bottles of Hope and Nance has made arrangemetns for bottles and other BOH things to be available at the meeting. This meeting is a chance for the craft loving public to get to know about our wonderful guild and about this amazing medium we all love, polymer clay, so perhaps it might be a great idea for us all to bring items, not just for show and tell, but also for the public to see what we do and what can be done with polymer clay. Also, for those of you who like to incorporate beads into your polymer clay work (or for those of you who may be just plain addicted to beads) there is also a Bead Jamboree show going on at the fair grounds May 8-9 at the Oklahoma Expo Hall. See you at the meeting!