This month, **Myra Cleveland** has generously offered to teach us how to make **Pandora-Style Beads**. Myra, who joined our group earlier this year, blogs at Clay Harmony and sells her work on Artfire. We’re eager to learn how she makes these beautiful beads!
Our meeting will be held **Saturday, November 12, 2011, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring:**
– Scrap clay (for practice beads)
– Clay in desired colors (including translucent, if desired) – Kato is best
– Small cutters (to make multiple beads of the same size)
– Piece of clear Plexiglas or plastic (the front of a CD cover is perfect)
– Sculpey Etch ‘n’ Pearl tool (large or medium size)
– Small canes to decorate beads (optional)
**Myra will provide:**
– Grommets/eyelets (2 per bead). Myra has generously offered to provide each person with 10 grommets, enough to make five beads, and will have more available for sale at the meeting. She will also have snake chain bracelets, silver spacer beads, and charms for sale, so people can leave the class with all the parts needed for a complete bracelet, if they wish.
This month we’ll be holding a raffle, so bring a few extra dollars if you want to participate. September’s winners (Angela, Angel, and Stacie) will be supplying the prizes.
**Retreat Meeting**
We’ll hold a planning meeting for our 2012 Retreat before the guild meeting from 12:20-1:10. Since the Hobby Lobby classroom will be occupied during that time, we’ll be meeting at a little restaurant called “Sunny Side Up.” It is east of I-35 on the south side of 19th street, behind the shopping center where Hobby Lobby is.