This month our guild met at **Elements Beadery in Bethany, OK**, to learn about jewelry finishing techniques and the use of appropriate findings. Seven members were present. Thanks to Elements staff member, Pat Dorety, we had two delightful hours learning to solve our jewelry-making problems and exploring the many wonderful beads and findings at the store. Pictured (right), Pat helps several members complete projects they had brought with them.
After our visit, we held our business meeting over lunch at a nearby tearoom.
**Business Meeting:**
**Old Business:**
Congratulations are in order for members Penni Jo C.and Jane L., (polymer clay) and April G., (pottery/ceramics) who all have had pieces accepted in the Paseo Art Association’s juried competition. The show will run until November 28th. The Paseo gallery is open Wed. – Sat., noon until 4 p.m. The artists and their works are pictured at the end of this article.
**Use of Guild’s Flickr Site:** Angela reported that she had carried out the group’s decision to reserve the use of our Flickr site for paid members only.
**New Business:**
**Meeting Space:** Penni Jo reminded us to visit the larger meeting space at Southern Oaks Recreation Center, at 66th and S. Walker. The facility has good equipment, including an accurate baking oven. It is only available 6-9 p.m. weekdays, however, so we would have to change our meeting time.
**One of Our Members is an Author:** Angela Mabray has been asked to be a co-author of a new polymer clay book, and has been working on the chapters she is responsible for. We congratulate our talented Angela on this well-deserved opportunity!
**Upcoming Meetings:** V.P. April G. reviewed our revised meeting schedule:
**December 12:** Members will show and explain Christmas items they have made
**January 9:** Mica Shift with Lee Ann K.
**February 13:** Hollow Vessels with April G.
**March 13:** Hollow Vessels, continued
**April 10:** Flowers from Skinner Scraps with Penni Jo C.
**Treasurer’s Report:** Angela M. reported a balance of $410.31, and a total of 8 members.
**Bottles of Hope:** Chair Nance R. reported that she will be doing the bottles with cancer patients who are under age 18 soon, at an (as yet) undisclosed location.
**Librarian’s Report:** Angela reported that our newest purchase, *The Polymer Clay Cookbook*, by Jessica and Susan Partain, contains a great recipe for a sugar scrub to help remove clay from your hands.
**Library Drawing:** Instead of drawing this month, we purchased for our library two books from the bead shop, *Beading 101*, published by Hot Off The Press, and *The Best of Stringing 2009*, an Interweave Press publication.
No raffle was held this month.
After a delightful lunch in a beautiful setting, several members went to the Paseo gallery to see our members’ work in the container show. Pictured are (l-r) Penni Jo, Jane, and April with their work. All works: © all rights reserved.