Nov.14th 2020 minutes for Central OK clay guild
By Connie
At home of Betty
Attendance 4 in person
9 on zoom
Program done by Marlene G : confetti Veneer
Connie will post Christmas party invite on FB no zooming on that day!
to roll retreat in person at canyon camp to year 2022
To have a virtual retreat for two days 2021
Motion made by Betty 2nd by Jane all approved
Connie will call Anita at canyon camp
Motion made by Connie 2nd by Jane all approved
Reimburse Betty for half the zoom membership fee for this past year of 2020
Betty will contact LeeAnne for check.
Retreat goody bags will be mail to guest will have extra fee to cover mailing
Jane, Marc, Betty, Connie will help getting them out.
LeeAnne treasurer report 19 members
Dec. Christmas party
Jan.2021 program by Laura C
Feb. by PenniJo
Jan: we need new officers for 2021
Shirley said she would do Secretary on zoom
We still need a vice pres.