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Minutes for the January 2022 Meeting

Minutes for January 15, 2022

The guild met at 1:30 Saturday, January 5, 2022, at Crown Heights Church of the Nazarene, 920  NW 46th St., in Oklahoma City.

There were thirteen present: seven in person,  and six online on Zoom. Four of the attendees were visitors.

Program: Connie demonstrated her twists and tips for making Jan Montarsi’s polymer snowflakes, Jan attended via Zoom.

Business Meeting:


Vice President :

Program presenters have been scheduled as follows: Topics of the programs will be announced at a future date.

February: Tom

March: Lee Ann

The following programs were decided at the meeting:

April: A class for “Beginners in Clay.” Details to be decided.

October: Chrismons  (Christmas tree ornaments)

The remaining months have yet to be filled.

Secretary: No report.

Treasurer: We currently have 11 members. Lee Ann also announced our treasury balance.  Since we have not been able to hold a retreat during the pandemic, we are holding over the allocated funds to use for our next retreat, tentatively scheduled for Spring 2023.

Bottles of Hope– the program is currently on hold

Librarian: The library is now stored at the church, but it has not yet been set up.

Old Business: none

New Business: As with many organizations, the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic have drastically decreased membership and attendance. In light of the situation, the guild voted  to take the following actions:

Dues will be suspended for one year, or until such time as it seems feasible to start again.  

Election of new officers will be postponed until more people are interested in helping out.

The guild will still meet informally. A program sign-up sheet will be circulated so members can volunteer to present a program during the month of their choice.

Thanks- The group thanked Connie and Betty for their hard work in keeping the guild functioning during these very trying times.

Our next meeting will be on Saturday, February 19, 2022.