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Minutes for the August 2019 meeting

Called to order at 1:32 pm by President Betty Bolerjack

8 members in attendance

Show and Tell:

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages

Yahoo pages

Our facebook page:

Program: Today’s program was presented by Kathy Luli on Clay Lace Bead Embroidery

Business Meeting:

Minutes of the July 14, 2019  meeting were approved after a Motion by Lori and a second by Kathy.  Laura volunteered to record the minutes today.

Program schedule for the following months was presented:

September – Lori Luli – Silk Screening

October – Cheryl Reich – Cane making

November – Cheryl Reich – Covering a glass ornament with a cane

December – Christmas Party

January 2020 – Making Bottles of Hope

Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley

Membership: 26 paid members

Treasurer’s report was approved after a motion by Tom and second by Jane

Bottle of Hope CoordinatorTom Gibson reports we still need more Bottles of Hope

Librarian – Jane Linn: Polymer Studio has been received

Old Business:

 Retreat – Tom Gibson:  Request for proposals have been put out, but no responses have been received as yet.  Date of the Retreat has been moved to April 17, 18 and 19 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).  It will be held at Canyon Camp in Hinton, Oklahoma.  Discussion occurred regarding whether to make the retreat all-inclusive this year, rather than separate the classes out of the retreat registration.  The venue makes it possible to accommodate everyone in the classes.  Betty’s husband has volunteered to provide transport from the airport to the venue for those flying to the retreat.

New Business:

       Elections are scheduled for January 2020

Photographer:  Tom asked for feedback on the slideshow format of the photographs.


  • State Fair Contest registration ends 8/15/19, with entries turned in by 9/7/19. The Fair demonstration will be Sunday, 9/15/19, this is the day after our next meeting.  Connie suggested someone to coordinate what needs to be brought to the fairgrounds.  No volunteer identified.  Suggestion was made to print business cards to hand out.  It was moved by Kathy and seconded by Connie to buy these.  Motion passed.
  • Next inchie swap is in October
  • Drawing will be in September. If you won in the last drawing, please remember to bring something for the drawing.
  • Next Meeting: September 14, 2019

Submitted by: Laura Clarkson