Minutes recorded by Cheryl Rains.
With 19 members in attendance, Tom opened the meeting with Show and Tell. LeeAnn showed a Bottle of Hope and a pendant made from Helen Breil’s new book. Nance showed her fall leaf brooch. Tom displayed two Bottles of Hope.
Chris and her friend taught a dual class on making a witch pendant and a fall leaf pendant using glass pebbles as a focal point for the piece. It was a lot of fun.
In the business meeting, August’s minutes were approved with a motion by Connie and a second by Lori.
Connie gave a report on upcoming classes. October’s meeting will be a sharing of ideas of how to use inchies and a demonstration by Penni Jo. In November, Penni Jo will be teaching us how to make her darling dress earrings with the hanger as part of the findings. Connie asked that the treasurer send a $40 check for the rental of the church for this month’s meeting.
The treasurer’s report was given. We currently have 25 paid members.
There will be five attendees to demonstrate at the State Fair.
Jane reported that our new book, Design Basics by David Kraus has not arrived yet. Penni Jo said that the book really helped her own design process and would be a great addition to our library.
There was no old business.
In new business, Penni Jo told about a company, CaBezel. CaBezel is a tool to help you create consistent bezels and cabochons every time. They have teamed up with Best Flexible molds. The CaBezel CJM013 works with the Almond Cabs and More, PJ001, to make bezels that fit the cabochons.
October will be raffle month. If you won in August, please bring a prize for the raffle. November will be inchie swap. Our theme will be Thanksgiving.
Our next meeting will be October 11 at 1:30pm at the Arts Center on the State Fairgrounds.