Minutes recorded by Angel
We had 16 members and 2 guests attending the November 14, 2015 meeting. Check out all 8 of the Show & Tell items brought to the meeting on the guild website. Thank you Tom for taking photos and posting them!
Our program was titled “Clearly a Bowl” presented by Jane Linn & Penni Jo Couch. The dynamic duo of PJ & J provided many samples and clear directions! Thank you ladies!
In the business meeting Deborah moved to approve the 10/10/2015 minutes. Wendy seconded and the motion passed.
Moving on to the officers reports:
Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:
- December: Dirty Santa & Snacks
- January: Light Up Pendant with Lori
- February: Repair Clinic – bring clay items with problems / mistakes and the group will brain storm and offer ideas to repair or improve!
Angela sent the treasurer’s report. We have 25 paid members.
Bottles of Hope: Nance sent bottles and the new coordinator Angel took them home to clean and prepare for use. Connie is working on getting some bottles from Deaconess Hospital. She is also working on a place where we could donate them.
Librarian Jane brought up a question about Polymer Cafe and if the guild subscription had been updated? Jane will check on that with Angela.
Old Business:
The question of offering early registration for retreat & or retreat classes to guild members was discussed. No decision was made.
Tom says that he is getting things prepared to go out to ask for donations. And a contract out to our guest teacher.
New Business:
We have two open offices, Vice President and Secretary.
Our next regular meeting will be December 12th, 1:30 pm at Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center on the OKC Fairgrounds.