Minutes recorded by Laura Clarkson
There were 16 members and 2 visitors in attendance. There were many show and tell items shared. The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages
Chris Crossland and Karen Humphreys were in charge of today’s program. Chris taught us how to build a patriotic eagle shield. Thank you to Chris and Karen for coming in from Muskogee to share their expertise.
The June minutes were approved as submitted. Vice-President reported on upcoming programs: Wendi McKinnon will present the Program in August, Myra in September, Angel in October and Deborah in November. December will be our Christmas party.
Treasurer reported current financial status and that we have 30 paid members.
Librarian reported that Penni Jo has donated more molds to the Guild. These are available for members to check out.
Retreat planning for 2018 is ongoing, if you have a suggestion for a guest artist contact Tom Gibson by email.
We are participating in the State Fair again this year. Sign up sheet was passed around for September 17, 2017 demonstration. If you would like to enter any pieces into competition, see page 12 in the Fine Arts, Crafts and Hobbies Competition Guide on the State Fair website. Registration deadline is August 15, but items don’t need to be dropped off until September 9. The 5 classes are: Sculpture, Jewelry and accessories, Beads and Buttons, Household and Functional and Mixed Media with polymer clay.
Our next drawing will be at the August meeting.
July has 5 Saturdays and we will be having a 5th Saturday play day at the Hobby Lobby in Moore on 7/29/17 from 1:30 to 4. Jane has reserved a room there. No program, just bring something to work on.
Connie reported Angel and Betty need to be remembered. Angel’s son has suffered a stroke and Betty’s Mom died.