Minutes recorded by Deborah
There were 12 members at our January 12, 2016 meeting. Check out all of the Show & Tell items brought to the meeting on the guild website. We also exchanged inches.
Old Business
In the business meeting Angel motioned to approve the 12/12/2015 minutes. Wendy seconded and the motion passed.
New officers were elected:
- Penni Jo: President
- Jane: Vice President
- Deborah: Secretary
The following volunteers are willing to remain in their positions:
- Angela: Treasurer (with Lee Ann as Assistant Treasurer)
- Jane: Librarian (with Lee Ann as Assistant Librarian)
- Myra: Webmaster
- Angel and Connie: Bottles of Hope Coordinator
- Tom: Photographer
- Marsh: Party Planner
Wendy motioned to accept all the officers and Wendy seconded. Officers were approved.
Upcoming programs:
- February: Light Up Pendant with Lori
- March: Class with Deb Hart – Owl
- April: Twister Retreat
- May: Light Up Christmas Tree with Laura and Spring Inchies
Bottles of Hope: Deborah will get contact information to Connie and Angel.
Librarian Jane reported on the new Polymer CAFE and Polymer Arts magazines.
Tom gave Connie, Deborah and Almond lists of sponsors for the retreat. He will send a request letter to be sent to sponsors for their donations.
New Business
Motion made by Wendy for guild to pay to upcharge on classes on an as-needed basis. Angel made motion to pass, Connie seconded and motion passed.
Dues for the new year were due. Please pay Angela.
Watch for information on website for OK POLY-CLAY TWISTERS RETREAT in April.
We had Repair Clinic. Jane wanted to know what to do with a bracelet that was too big. Some suggestions were to put clay on the inside.
Wendy put modge podge on a piece and made it sticky. Suggestions were to use ammonia or acetone to gently remove residue.
LeeAnn wanted to know how to cut canes evenly and had put combs together but the bottom was not flat. Suggest to cut a piece of plexiglass.
Almond covered a pice of pine wood that made it heavy. Suggested using Bass wood.
Tom wanted to know how to get things shiny. Suggested acrylic varnish in art supply.
Connie did a demo on the lids for the bottles of hope.
It was raffle month.
Our next regular meeting will be February 13, 2016, 1:30 pm at Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center on the OKC Fairgrounds.