We had 15 members (including this month’s new members Marsha and Alice) and 1 visitor at the August 9, 2014 meeting. Show & Tell items included Bottles of Hope, a fish sculpture, pendants, earrings, and Best Flexible Molds texture sheets.
Angel was our instructor this month. She presented “Let’s Swellegant.” Her pre-baked pendants and countless samples showing different coating/patina combinations were so helpful in learning about these coatings. Thank you, Angel! Angel also brought product samples and coupons, which were provided for the group by Christi Friesen. Thank you, Christi!
During the business meeting, we discussed the following:
Minutes from the last meeting were approved. Jane motioned and Cheryl seconded the motion.
Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:
- September: Chris Crossland– glass pebble project
- October: things to do with inchies
Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We have 25 members.
Bottles of Hope coordinator Nance told of the great reception we received form our last batch of donated bottles. The hospital is giving the bottles to patients just before they go into chemo, and is even auctioning off some of the bottles to raise money for cancer funds.
In new business, we discussed putting out a call for artists for our 2016 retreat. We also discussed the upcoming state fair where our guild sponsors a polymer clay category. Entry forms need to be submitted online by August 15th. The guild will be demonstrating polymer clay at the state fair on September 14th.
We selected a color and design book as the new choice for our library.
We held our raffle, where Marsha, Connie, Deborah, and Jane were the winners. They will bring prizes for October’s raffle.
The meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be September 13th at 1:30. Because our usual meeting place at the fairgrounds is unavailable during the state fair, we will be meeting at the Covenant Life Church at 3106 N Utah Ave (near NW 30th and Utah) in Oklahoma City. The theme for September’s optional inchie swap is “back to school.”