1. **Introduce / welcome guests**: Our meeting began as usual with members visiting with each other while setting up for the meeting. Lots of holiday chatter filled the room with happiness. Sue brought two guests, Connie F. her sister and Denise W. Another guest Debbie joined our merry band of clayers. There was a quorum of voting members.
2. **Show and Tell**: This was especially exciting as Lee Ann brought some projects as ‘teasers’ for next month’s meeting, Big, hollow vessels. The samples were fabulous hollow vessels in many styles and colors. We were all blown away by them and are eager for next month’s lesson. She also answered lots of questions, how, cut where, what kind of forms needed. Etc.
3. **Program**: The program was brought by all of us. We each brought a project to show made using a technique we’d learned. Ruth brought an ornament embellished with poinsettias and leaves made from canes that she has learned to make. Sue brought a Christmas tree with tiny candy canes made using a lesson on leaf cane learned in guild. Lee Ann brought a snow scene with a tiny reindeer and tiny trees. Her design was inspired by an advertisment. Jane brought a gingerbread man recipe card holder with matching recipe cards made by her hubby. Penni Jo brought feather earrings. Each member described their project and, if they wanted to, went into a bit of detail as to how each piece was created, any special info about it, the inspiration of the design etc. All in all, there was a lot of eye candy and information.
4. **Minutes**: Last meeting’s minutes were posted online and sent to members:
* Sue moved they be approved.
* Lee Ann seconded.
5. **Old Business**:
* Penni Jo reported on the possible retreat next April. We discussed if we would like
to have goodie bags (PJ reminded us that Makins had asked to know about guild events,
they will send stuff): Yes. Supporters: Yes. Vendors: Yes.
* Jane reminded us that our dues are due next month. We will get a notice of the
amount with any deductions earned from Angela.
6. **New Business**:
* We were reminded that Angela’s book was out. Ruth said she had seen it on Amazon. There is also a video and a writer review with her picture. We were all so very excited!!
* Jane gave us a handout of a proposed slate of officers for 2011. They are as follows:
** Shirley Conway, President
** Angela Mabray, Vice present, Treasurer, Webmaster
** Penni Jo Couch, Secretary
** BOH Coordinator Nance
** Librarian, Jane Linn
** Ruth has volunteered to be the photographer.
* It was discussed in the group that the last two offices in the list be changed from elected offices to appointed positions by the leader. Moved by Sue. Seconded by Ruth. Carried.
* Be thinking about the offices and let the group know if you are interested in a position. Voting will take place in January.
7. **V.P. Report** (upcoming lessons):
* Jan 8. Large hollow Vessels – Lee Ann
* Feb 11. April Kali Cane – Sue will back up if April can’t teach.
* March 8 Angela Mosaics (tenative)
* April 9. Penni Jo Retreat to be held over the retreat weekend?
* May 14 Open
8. **Treasurer’s Report** ~~ emailed by Angela:
* Balance – $481.53
* Members – 10
10. **Librarian Report** ~~ Jane: New library book will be reported on and shown next month.
11. **Drawing for a new book** ~~ Jane: Foundations in Polymer Clay Design by Barbara McGuire
12. **Swap**: Members played “Dirty Swap” with the projects that they had brought to show.
After the swap, Sue spent time demonstrating polymer clay techniques to our visitors. Thank you Sue!!
Angela (2), Sue and Ruth won a raffle in November. There will be a raffle in January.
Next meeting: Jan 8, 2011 At Hobby Lobby in Moore.
January has 5 Saturdays, will we have a play day?
*Meeting submitted by Secretary Penni Jo Couch.*