**1. Introductions / welcome guests**
We had two guests, Beth Baker and Christine Sawyer. Beth is a bead maker and was wearing a lovely necklace / earring set that she had made. It was decide that, during the time we each introduced ourselves to our guests, that we would briefly describe how we found polymer clay. Each story was different and so much fun to hear. We all fell in love with the clay and succumbed to it’s siren song.
**2. Show and Tell:**
PJ showed some of the things made for Sandy Camp. Angela showed two things: 1. A faux wood top for a business card case, the carving project for next month and the tool used for carving. (available for about $12.00 to $15.00 at hobby stores) These pretty cases can be sold or used by the maker. Note, if desired, the carving project can be used in anumber of ways. 2. Faux Enamel, the project for November. She showed a rubber stamp example that could be used as the base and starting point for the project. 3. She showed how a reverse stamp can be made from a rubber stamp that can be used to make Faux Enamel or even Faux cloisonne. Nance brought some great beads, beads and more beads. Lee Ann brought some fabulous Bottles of Hope, necklaces, and canes. Sue show her wonderful Faux Ivory set, neckace, earrings and bracelet.
**3. Program: Hollow Beads, Puff and Pillow by Jane**
We made 2 stretched puff beads. One bead was two sided stretched bead and the other was a single side stretch bead with a flat back and hanger. These two beads were baked and while they were baking she demonstrated making lentils on a light bulb, making lentils on a metal paint pallet and the blow up puff bead. An excellent lesson with many facets and techniques. Thanks Jane!
**4. Minutes:**
PJ read the minutes. The spelling of “Armitage” was corrected by Shirley. Angela moved to accept the corrected minutes, Shirley seconded, passed.
**5. Old Business**:
A. Penni Jo – discussion on proposed retreat in spring. A Friday all day and Saturday all day might be a good start. PJ will try to get hold of the church representative for possible dates.
B. State Fair: tomorrow is last day for deliveries.
Angela brought us our parking and entry tickets.
Sept. 19, 2-6 is our demo time. A note was taken of how many would be coming. We felt like there needed to be at least four people in the demo area at once for a good showing. Sue asked what we should bring. After our experience last year it was decided to bring the following: Flyers, clipboard with signup sheet, each member working can plan a small display of finished clay items, work supplies including work surface and a project(s) on which to work while there.
Shirley will take the banner home and bring both the banner and the screen to the demonstration.
We would like to have someone arrive around 1:30 for the setup and the other members arrive as soon as they can.
**6. New Business**:
Discussion on next year’s fair discription of the categories
a. 60% rule. What constitutes 60%. a variety of opinions. PJ was going to enter a mosiac box, but the box was more than 50% of the design. The same with a bell, the glass bottom was more than the handles, thus not qualifying. [A note from yours truly, Penni Jo. When we originally discussed this rule, especially in conjunction with jewelry, the thinking was — when making a necklace with a polymer clay pendant — if it was made using a lot of glass beads and showy wirework with the pendant as a part of the necklace, this overwhelming amount of non-polymer clay parts might cause a necklace to be awarded a ribbon for all the bead work with the polymer clay pendant only an element in the design. There is nothing wrong with awards for fabulous beadwork, but this is a polymer clay division and we wanted polymer clay to be the centerpiece of all our designs, not just an element in a larger, non-polymer design. Thus the 60% rule.]
b. The question was, should the rules be changed for next year? It was discussed and one member suggested that perhapss wording might be added “aside from the underlying structure or armature.” Many members expressed a positive response to this modification
c. Also brought up was a Mixed Media option. After a bit more discussion it was tabled for a later meeting. [Another aside: after the demonstration, Jane and I discussed the “Mixed Media” category idea. If so, then many other options are open to both the polymer clay user and the metal clay user. Also, picture frames, boxes, etc. etc.]
d. Another question, what constitutes a bead? Does it have to have a hole? from side to side? if from top to bottom is it a focal bead or a pendant? Do we need to add a definition of a bead to our description? Curious minds……
e. “Bead in” ‘s Pat Pierson has a bead group that meets every two weeks on the 1st and 3rd Monday from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. We are invited to join them.
f. Shirley brought us all the submission form for the Paseo’s annual container show. Thanks Shirley.
**7. Report from VP April: upcoming lessons or demos**
Oct – Carvings by Angela
Nov – Faux Enamel by Angela
Dec – Member ideas and or a something made using a lesson learned this year, bring a sample.
**8. Treasurer’s Report: Angela**
$608.38 in treasury
10 members
**9. Bottles of Hope: Nance**
We are all still working on them, keep bringing them in.
**10. New Book Report: Jane**
The new book is very good, even if it is not polymer clay. The flower construction is basically universal and has great instructions.
She also showed the new PolymerCafe Magazine. Angela’s art is in this issue.
**11. New book Drawing:**
I must have been asleep when the drawing happened, I have no idea which book was selected. Can some one please enlighten me? thanks.
**12. Raffle / Swap: This month was the Raffle**.
Penni Jo and Nance brought items for the raffle. Penni Jo won Nance’s beads and the works for a clay covered pen light. Shirley won Penni Jo’s tools and mold.
Next month will be the Swap.
**Next meeting will be on October 9th, 2010
at the Hobby Lobby Store in Moore, OK. **