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Minutes for January 13, 2018

  • by

Number of attending            17 total attendees
Number of visitors               2 Visitors – Darlene and Tyler

Show and Tell

Members shared latest work –Tom made several Bottles of Hope, as always creative. Betty brought her latest jewelry. Darlene also shared some of her jewelry. Laura made Heart pins with Magic Gloss. Penni Jo brought examples of a pink and turquoise Skinner blend and the smaller elephant she has made. Connie shared the cutter she made for a nativity to solve the problem of collapsing walls.

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages

Yahoo pages

Our facebook page:


LeeAnn Kelley presented the program today. It was on wire wrapping. An example is on the above pages.

Business Meeting

Officers / Volunteers Reports

Elections were held for – President, Vice-President. The following individuals were elected by acclimation. Betty Bolerjack, President and Shirley Conway, Vice-President. With the resignation of Angela Mabry as Treasurer, LeeAnn Kelley was appointed. Thank you all for being willing to serve.

Secretary – Approval of Meeting Notes for   12 /9 /2017. Tom moved and LeeAnn seconded. Minutes approved.

Vice President –   Jane Linn reported on future programs

  • February and March: Cheryl will be teaching canes to help us prepare for Alice’s classes at retreat.
  • April is the retreat
  • May: Myra will teach an animal print cane

Treasurer – Angela Mabray: Membership – 9 paid members for 2018, but we had 35 at the end of December. Several individuals paid dues during the meeting.

Bottles of Hope Coordinator –  Wendi McKinnon has resigned as coordinator. Tom agreed to take on the responsibility. Thank you, Tom

Librarian – Jane Linn

  • The new Polymer Arts Magazine is now available in the Library. Also Fire Mountain sent their new catalog.

Webmaster – Myra Cleveland

  • Registration for the retreat is now open to members through the website

Photographer -Tom Gibson – Photos will be posted to Facebook and Yahoo group

Old Business

Retreat – Tom Gibson – The location has now been confirmed for the Church. Tom reports for Alice Stroppel’s class we will need 15-20 canes. It was discussed attendees could share canes. Lori Luli will give a demo on sanding. Talk to Tom if you would like to do a demo at retreat. Dates for the retreat are April 12-14. Registration is open. There is a discount code for members only. Be sure and register early to ensure your spot.

New Business

February meeting will be moved to the 3rd Saturday, February 17, due to Affair of the Heart being at the Fairgrounds on February 10. Crowds generated by the Affair of the Heart create parking problems. This announcement will be quickly posted to the website.

Announcements – none

BiMonthly Drawing / Inchie Swap

  • Next Inchie swap will be at the retreat.
  • Drawing – The following people brought goody bags for the drawing: Laura, Penni Jo, Jane, Deborah, Marsha, mystery donation and also the Guild donated a Goody Bag from last year’s retreat
  • Drawing – The following people won the drawings this month Betty, Lori, Tom and Marsha was the big winner, winning 3 drawings. Marsha generously gave the Retreat Bag to our visitors.
  • Next drawing will be in March.