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October 2021 Meeting – Medallion Cane Reduction and Projects

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The October Meeting will be Saturday, October 16, 2021, at 1:30 pm. We will once again be meeting at Betty Bolerjack’s home, 6712 Randi Rd, OKC (map

The meeting will also be broadcast via Zoom. If you are unable to join us in person, you may contact Betty for info to join us on Zoom.

Penni Jo and Jane will be showing us how to reduce and use the Medallion Cane we made in August. The supply list is below. If you didn’t get to make a Medallion Cane, feel free to bring any other cane with which to decorate your choice of project as the principles will be the same. We hope you’ll join us!

Part 2, Medallion Cane, Reduction and Projects


Medallion cane from Part 1 (August 14) or cane of your choice

Tools for Reduction:

6-inch ruler

Acrylic rod



Acrylic sheet, 1/8-1/4 inch thick    (I will be bringing some acrylic sheets to use).

Optional: 6-inch tile

Optional:  “Polymer Clay Cane Reducing Guide” by Cheryl Reich

Some ideas for Projects with Medallion cane:

Terra Cotta Wind Chime (See photo below in September post)


3 Terra Cotta pots of decreasing sizes

Minimum 45 inches Jute or Chord

4 Beads larger than the drain holes in the pots.   I used wooden and clay beads ( that I made)

Salt and Pepper Shaker


Salt/Pepper Shaker, your choice of size

Sculpey Bake and Bond

Serving Utensil


Serving spoon, fork, etc with flat handle

Water-soluble white glue.  If not wrapping clay around the handle back and front, coat handle with water-soluble glue and let dry.

September 2021 Meeting – Project with Medallion Canes

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CANCELED! Please note that the September meeting has been canceled due to illness. See you in October!

UPDATE: The September class/project is being moved to October. September will be a play day.  Bring whatever you want to work on.

PLEASE NOTE: We have changed our meeting day to the THIRD Saturday of the month.

The September meeting will be on the 18th at 1:30 pm at Betty’s home at 6712 Randi Road, Oklahoma City (map). We will also be offering it on Zoom. Please contact Betty for info to join us via Zoom.

Jane and Penni Jo will show us how to apply the Medallion Canes we made in August to a flower pot. They will also have instructions for making a wind chime with flower pots as well as ideas for other projects (see below).


Work surface


Pasta Machine

Craft Knife

Straight edge


Poly Paste or Bake and Bond

Optional:  Extruder…  It is not a problem if you don’t have this!


The cane you made in August. If you didn’t get to make the cane, please Contact Us so that we can get the instructions to you.


Small terra cotta flower pot.  I used approx. 4 1/2 inch diameter but use whatever size you wish.

(I also used my medallion decorated terra cotta flower pot to make a wind chime..

if you would like to do this,  you’ll need:

3 terra cotta pots of  decreasing sizes

minimum 45 inches of jute or cord

4 beads larger than that drain holes in the pots.  I used wooden and clay beads that I made).

However, if the flower pot doesn’t appeal to you, this cane can be used on–Picture frame,  handle for food serving piece,  buttons,  hair barrette,  bowl,  pendant, bracelet, coaster, pen/ craft knife, etc.

Minutes for the August 2021 Meeting

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Minutes  for Aug the 14th Guild meeting

Members 11

5 people in person

2 on zoom

We voted and passed, to start meeting on 3rd Sat each month. We will Start on Sept the 18th.

Same time and at Betty’s home.

Motion made by Connie, Lori 2nd. All agree.

We will continue to meet at Betty’s home until the end of the year.

I have this list of the people who want to do the state fair demo. Here’s the list. I am ordering one extra ticket if you want to join!

LeeAnn, Jane, Tom, Connie, Betty

The program today was by Jane and Penni Jo : Cane

Our program for next month will be applying the cane we made in Aug.

August 2021 Meeting – Canes

Our meeting will be on Aug. the 14th at 1:30 at Betty’s home at 6712 Randi Road, Oklahoma City (map). We will also be offering it on Zoom. Please contact Betty for info to join us via Zoom. The project will be done by Jane.


We will be doing a couple of canes with ideas for projects  (pen, knife, craft knife, flower pot, Bottle of Hope, etc) to use them.  Pictures of projects will be coming soon with projects to choose from. Here is the clay and tools list.



Work surface


Pasta Machine

Craft Knife

Straight edge


Poly paste or Bake and Bond

Extruder, die with 1/4 inch square (or Lucy has a 4 square).  It is not a problem if you don’t have this!



1/2 oz (1/4 block) of 5 colors of your choice-

To give an idea until the pictures come, as an example, in 1 cane I used primary colors.  In another cane I used earth tones. Monochromatic could be used.

1 oz (1/2 block) Black

1 oz (1/2 block White

July 2021 Meeting – Bring Your Own Project

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The July meeting will again be held at Betty’s house, 6712 Randi Road, Oklahoma City (map) on July 10, 2021, at 1:30 pm. The meeting will be available via Zoom, but we encourage as many as can to come in person. Please contact Betty for info to join us via Zoom.

Bring your own project to work on. Also, Betty will have some fun surprises for us to play with! Everyone who attends in person will get to take something home!

Minutes for the June 2021 Meeting

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Minutes for June 13, 2021

 The following items were discussed and/or decisions made:

  • The meeting was held at Betty’s house, with four members present (Connie, Betty, LeeAnn, and Jane), and six on Zoom (Tom, Penni Jo, Myra, Lori, Kathy,  and Shirley).
  • RESTARTING REGULAR MEETINGS: The group voted that our 2021 season will officially begin on  July 10, when we will meet at  Betty’s house. That meeting will be accessible on Zoom.
  • Treasurers Report: Lee Ann gave the Treasurer’s Report. We have no paid members at this point.
  • DUES: It is time for members to pay dues. The amount will be prorated for half the year, which is $12. This can be done either on our website or by sending Lee Ann a check. For instructions for paying dues, see the detailed email, “Instructions for Paying Dues,” sent by Betty on June 13.
  • MEETING SPACE: Jane volunteered to investigate whether classroom meeting space is still available at Hobby Lobbies. Connie asked that any location chosen be centrally located to make it convenient for all.  In the meantime, the group will continue to meet at Betty’s house.
  •  ZOOM: Meetings on Zoom may not continue indefinitely, and will only be available as long as it is convenient for Betty to provide that access.  If we  move to a different meeting place, there might not be Wi-Fi, so meetings may have to be in person only.  Also, if we meet at a new location, it might be too difficult  for Betty to bring all of the equipment  she needs for Zoom.
  • OFFICERS: The guild has several office vacancies, and Connie has asked that members step up and volunteer in order to keep the guild going. Jane will ask Penni Jo if the two of them could work together to act as program chairmen. Shirley will continue as secretary as long as meetings are accessible on Zoom. We need a Retreat Chairman.  Tom is willing to be on the committee, but he can no longer be the chair.
  • STATE FAIR: Our demo is scheduled for Sept. 19, from 2-6 pm.  Let Connie know if you will need tickets to get in. We will let the fair staff provide the judges this year, but we will let the director know that we may want to provide our own judges at some point in the future.
  • RETREAT: we decided not to schedule a retreat for 2022,  but we will resume in 2023. A teacher and a location will need to be found. Tom brought up the possibility of changing the month for our retreat, as April is a busy month for polymer clay events. No decision was made.
  • FALL WORKSHOP: Jane mentioned the possibility of holding a fall one-day retreat at the senior center in Maysville.  We will discuss this further in future meetings.
  • CHANGING  OUR MEETING SCHEDULE: We discussed changing our regular meeting day, possibly to the third Saturday of each month, due to conflicts a few members have. No decision was made.


Submitted by Shirley Conaway

June 2021 Meeting – Easy Napkin Transfers

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We will be having a meeting on June 12, 2021, at 1:30 pm.  We hope that you will join us in person at Betty’s house, 6712 Randi Road, Oklahoma City (map). We will also be using Zoom in order to include as many as we can as we will be making some important decisions at this meeting. Please contact Betty for info to join us via Zoom. 

For our project, we will be following Patricia Roberts Thompson’s tutorial on Easy Napkin Transfers to create bookmarks and/or pendants.

You will need:

  • Colorful 2-3 ply napkins (find at the Dollar store?)
  • White clay
  • Pasta machine
  • Work surface
  • Small circle cutter
  • Clay/Tissue blade
  • Other cutters for pendants, if desired
  • Tile (bookmarks) or domed surface (pendants) for baking
  • Bowl for water
  • Scissors
  • Patty paper or parchment paper for burnishing
  • Small piece of terry cloth