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April 2023 Meeting: String and Chain Pull Art on Polymer Clay

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Want to know how this beautiful flower and the other pieces you see here were created on polymer clay? Join us on Saturday, April 15, at 1:30 pm CT for a class on String Pull and Chain Pull Art on Polymer Clay taught by Betty. The meeting will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 1401 NW 25th St. (map) Park on the west side and enter through the double glass doors (message us on Facebook for the entry code). We meet downstairs in the basement. There is an elevator for anyone who has difficulty maneuvering stairs. Please contact us if you need help.

Supply List

Note: Items marked with an * will be provided. Item marked with ** will be available to borrow or purchase for $1.00 ea.

  • Sculpey Liquid Polymer Clay – Basics (Clear/White/Black) and Primaries (Red/Yellow/Blue). These are available at Hobby Lobby for $10.99. (If you are on a tight budget and don’t already have these, get the Basics Pack. You can learn the techniques with just those.) Other colors (individual bottles or 3 packs) as desired.
  • Pearl Liquid Clay*
  • Sculpey Clay Softener
  • Prebaked Background – Prepare and bake ahead of time. Bring more than one so you can experiment with the techniques. Make them in the size and shape of your choice rolled out on the thickest setting of your pasta machine. Bake at the recommended time and temp. 
  • Sewing thread* and/or ball chain*
  • Ceramic tile
  • Small oven-safe (glass or metal) vessels with flat top and flat bottom to support your piece while working and baking. Could be votive cup, metal condiment cup**, small jar, etc.
  • Paper towels
  • Alcohol
  • Popsicle Sticks (narrow – it has to fit in the bottle of clay) or other sticks for stirring liquid clay
  • Small cups w/lids for mixing/storing clay*
  • Blue Painters tape
  • Aluminum foil
  • Ball tools
  • Work surface

March 2023 Meeting: Bottles of Hope

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It’s almost time for our March meeting! We are continuing to meet at Wesley United Methodist Church, 1401 NW 25th St. (map). Our meeting will be at 1:30 pm on Saturday, March 18. Park on the west side and enter through the double glass doors (message us on Facebook for the entry code). We meet downstairs in the basement. There is an elevator for anyone who has difficulty maneuvering stairs. Please contact us if you need help.

Bottles of Hope

We will be making Bottles of Hope this month. We are planning to create masculine themed bottles this time. Tom will be taking them to The Oklahoma Proton Center for patients being treated for prostate cancer.

There is no supply list this month as we will all be using our own ideas. So bring what you need to create a unique Bottle of Hope. If you need bottles, Tom will have some available. He has made many and will be able to provide guidance if you have never made a BOH. 

What are Bottles of Hope? “Bottles of Hope are small glass bottles covered with polymer clay and given to cancer patients. They symbolize a wish and a hope for health”  Visit the Bottles of Hope website for more information and some inspiration!

February 2023 Meeting: Gnomes

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Our February meeting will once again be at Wesley United Methodist Church, 1401 NW 25th St. (map), at 1:30 pm on Saturday, February 18. Park on the west side and enter through the double glass doors (contact us on Facebook for the entry code). We meet downstairs in the basement. There is an elevator for anyone who has difficulty maneuvering stairs. Please contact us if you need help.

GNOMES by Connie

Our very talented Connie Farrell makes the most adorable gnomes and she is going to be teaching us how to make them, too! So, grab some clay and your favorite tools and join us as we learn how to make these cute little gnomes!

Valentine gnome supply list:

Clay:  1/2 block each of red, white, black, and flesh or any color you want
Normal supplies/tools: work surface, pasta machine
Cutters: round 2 1/2 inch and 1/2 inch, 1/2 inch Diamond or Triangle for Beard, 3/16 kemper cutter, heart (can use mine)  Note: if you want to make a St. Patty’s gnome, Betty will be bringing micro shamrock cutters!
Wire: 18g wire one inch long to attach head and body
Poly Paste (if you don’t have it, there will be some available to share)

January 2023 Meeting: Faux Caramel Jasper

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Important Announcement!

We will be meeting at Wesley United Methodist Church this month, located at 1401 NW 25th St. (map) The meeting will be at our usual time at 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm on January 21. As usual, you may arrive as early as 1:00 to visit and get situated prior the start of the meeting. 

Park and enter through the east side double glass doors. (Contact us for door code to get in. The code only works until 3pm.) There is an elevator to get downstairs in the council room across from the sink and water fountain!  If all goes well, we are hopeful that this will become our permanent meeting place.

Faux Caramel Jasper by Lee Ann

Lee Ann made these beautiful pendants but didn’t know what to call them. We decided they looked like Yellow Jasper, more specifically, either Butterscotch or Caramel Jasper. We settled on Caramel. Aren’t they beautiful? 

Lee Ann will be teaching us how to create our own Caramel (Yellow) Jasper. As you can see from the Supply List, you have some options for the color. Jasper comes in many different colors, so once you know the technique, you can make it in virtually any color you choose.

We look forward to seeing you at our new meeting place!

Supply List

  1.  Translucent clay-about 2″x4″ rolled out on #2 or next to largest setting on your pasta machine
  2.  White clay-5″x5″ rolled out on #4 or medium setting on your pasta machine
  3.  gold foil-can be small pieces
  4.  Alcohol Ink-caramel or if you want a darker color, ginger works. I will bring some if you don’t have these
  5. One-inch cutter
  6. small bowl for ice water
  7. usual clay tools

December 2022 Meeting – Christmas Party

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This is my favorite! ~Connie

  • Join us for a Dirty Santa gift exchange.
  • Bring a gift you have made from Polymer Clay
  • Brink a snack to share
  • Brink your own drink

November 2022 Meeting: Apoxie Sculpt and Dazzle Dust

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This month our meeting will feature two demos presented by Tom where he will show us some of the uses for these products.

The Meeting will be Saturday, November 19, 2022 at 1:30 pm CT at Betty’s house, 6712 Randi Rd, Oklahoma City, OK.  (see map below)

The meeting will be available via Zoom. Please contact Betty if you need access.

Apoxie Sculpt

First is Apoxie Sculpt, a two part sculpting medium that combines the features and benefits of sculpting clay with the adhesive power of epoxy! Its smooth, putty-like consistency is easy to mix & use. Self-hardens (No Baking); cures hard in 24 hrs., semi-gloss finish. Adheres to nearly any surface. Great for sculpting, embellishing, bonding and filling most anything. Accepts paints, stains, mica powders & more for a variety of finishing options.

Dazzle Dust

Second is Dazzle Dust a heat set powder coat sealer for metal, clay or anything that can be heated to 300F. Dip or pour powder on hot item – baked clay or metal charms etc


No tools or supplies needed this month since this is a demo only but feel free to bring a project to work on. There will be plenty of time to enjoy working on projects together.

October 2022 Meeting: Chrismons

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Next Guild Meeting: Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 1:30 pm CT at Betty’s house, 6712 Randi Rd, Oklahoma City, OK (see map below)

By special request, we will be making Chrismons, a word that is short for Christ Monograms. They are special Christmas ornaments that are symbols of Christ created in white and gold. The class will be taught by Betty. There are a wide variety and she will have many to choose from. Just bring your imagination and creativity along with the following supplies and tools.

The meeting will be available via Zoom. Please contact Betty if you need access.


  • White or Pearl Clay, at least one block
  • Gold Clay (optional) 
  • Something gold to trim your Chrismon with. This could be any of the following. (Note: Silver can also be used as well as a tiny bit of red/green, but gold is the primary color.)
  • Acrylic paint
  • Mica powder (such as PearlEx)
  • Glitter
  • Inka-Gold
  • Gilder’s Paste
  • Seed Beads
  • Gold & Pearl beads



  • Pasta machine
  • Acrylic roller
  • Exacto knife
  • Scissors
  • Needle tool or toothpick for making a hole
  • Patterns (provided for those who attend in person)
  • Quilting template plastic (provided for those who attend in person)
  • Any other tools you think you might want or need!

Here are some links to patterns, ideas, and quilter’s template sheets.

This is a website owned by a friend of mine. He has many resources, including photos of cross stitch Chrismons. I have adapted these in the past to use as patterns.

Scroll down below the symbols on this page for a link to download a PDF of Chrismon patterns.

Quilting template plastic

Single  12”x18” $1.99
6-pack  8 11/16” x 11” $5.99