Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild Meeting August 14, 2010
**1. Introduce / welcome guests**
Our meeting began as usual with members visiting with each other while setting up for the meeting. We had a visitor: Mary Armegin. Welcome Mary!! Present were: April, Nance, Angela, Shirley, Lee Ann, Sue, Jane, and Penni Jo
**2. Show and Tell**
Angela showed pens made with canes. One is a Bic retractable. Lee Ann showed a pendant made made with a slice of the feather cane that she made last year while demonstrating at the State Fair. Jane had a giant paper clip made using the Ruphia bead technique. Nance showed the roses, leaves and flowers that she would be teaching today. April had a cool box of Kali canes that she is practicing from a Sarah Shiver book. Penni Jo showed her latest mold and a pendant and earring set made using the mold.
**3. Program:** Nance gave a brief history of the Japanese wood based clay that we would be using. She gave us each a tray and enough white and colors to create a rose, tiny lilac and leaves. We had great fun making tiny arrangements in the pots and bowls that Nance brought for the arrangements. Thank you Nance!
**4. Minutes**:
Penni Jo Read the minutes. Nance moved they be approved as read, Sue seconded. Minutes were approved.
**5. Old Business:**
Reminder of the fair deadline.
A. State Fair — Today is the last day and you can still sign up on line. PJ made a fair worksheet on which to list your items to keep track of your progress and remember which pretties to take to the fair. (she is old and forgetful, hence, the list). π
State Fair Demo – Sunday, Sept. 19, 2:00-6:00 Our demo area will have two 8 foot tables in the same area as last year.
1. Ideas/Suggestion for Jewelry entry (and any other entry): We discussed a number of ideas, including
a. Jewelry displays for sale at Michael’s with a coupon.
b. Pin on ‘form’
c. Make an informative, nice stick-on or folded description of entry to be shown with the entry. Jane will have them made to describe the item. What is this?βIs it cane, sculpted, purpose, and other info including the words “Polymer Clay” prominently on on description. We are to call or email info needed.
B. Penni Jo-Retreat update? She will call the church in question for more info.
C. Shirley has lined up our Guild to display at Midwest City Library in April, 2011
D. April is coming.
**6. New Business:**
Jane showed how projects “popped” on black backgrounds and suggested that we try to bring a display with our projects to the fairgrounds with our entries. It was amazing to see how showy an item looked on a black or dark burgundy background.
Members expressed some dissatisfaction with the way last year’s polymer clay items were mixed in with entries from other categories and felt that the polymer clay items were lost among many different styles and materials. Angela said she would ask if the fair managers need volunteers for helping with setups.
We discussed quarter sheet fliers for visitors to the demo to pick up with our guild info on the front and a list of polymer clay tools etc. on the back. There was a discussion that we research to have the quarter sheet handouts for demonstration day printed professionally. We would like 200 to 300 sheets and will take as many as we can get for about $25.00 or more for the printing, depending on whether color is prohibitively expensive. Even if it costs over $25.00, we need plenty of them so as not to run out. Any left over sheets can be used at Hobby Lobby to advertise our guild meetings. Members can discuss details and costs of color printing with the group through email.
NEW TIME: Since there is now a class just before us that ends at 1:00, we have agreed to move our meeting time forward on half hour to 1:30, going to 4:30. Shirley moved we check with HL about the time change. Nance seconded. Approved. Jane will check with management to be sure this time works for them.
NOTE: Angela encouraged members to submit their polymer clay work to Polymer Cafe’s Reader Gallery, as they are always looking for high resolution photos of good polymer clay work. If you send some of your flickr site links to Polymer Cafe they may write to ask you for permission and / or for higher res pictures to use in the magazine.
**7. V.P. Report (upcoming lessons):**
Sept.- Pillow beads-Jane
Nov..- Faux cloisonne, faux enamel- Angela
Dec. – Members ideas – bring item to show finished results.
April amended the list. Penni Jo will not be able to teach the faux cloisonne so moved it to 2011. Angela will teach the Faux Enamel in November.
**8. Treasurer’s Report ~~ Angela**
– Balance – $628.15
– Members -10
**9. BOH Report ~~ Nance**
Please bring finished BOH and take unfinished bottles home. Make more.
**10. Librarian Report ~~ Jane:**
New library item- ) – Artful Ways with Polymer Clay by Dottie McMillan – (has been ordered but not arrived; to be seen next month)
**11. Drawing for a new book ~~ Jane:**
Clay Art for all Seasons.
**12. Swap or Raffle**
Swap: August – anything made learned in guild. We had a giant paper clip with a Ruphia bead top, a fabulous Kali Cane and a pair of mokume gane earrings. Jane got the earrings, April got the paper clip and Penni Jo got the Kali cane.
September – Penni Jo, Nance and Starla, winners of July’s raffle to bring for this month’s raffle.
Next meeting:
September 11, 2010
At Hobby Lobby in Moore