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September 2014 Meeting: Witchy Halloween

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Meeting announcements: Due to the State Fair, we will be meeting this month from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at the Covenant Life Church, 3106 N. Utah Avenue, OKC, instead of our usual meeting place. Utah Avenue is about halfway between Meridian and Portland – here’s a map to help you find your way. This is also inchie month, with a theme of “back to school”, so bring some inchies to swap!

Chris Crossland will be our teacher this month, along with her friend Karen. Here’s her intro and supply list:

Hello, fellow clay addicts! Here is the supply list for the September 13th guild meeting. We are going to feature clay creations for fall and Halloween which incorporate glass pebbles, and we are totally excited about it! We will feature a snaggle-toothed green witch hovering over her crystal ball.

However, if you are just not “into” witchy things, you can make a beautiful fall leaf and acorn pendant instead. Karen and I will be providing the glass pebbles and everything you will need other than clay tools and the supplies listed below for each project. It would save a lot of time if you can have your colors mixed ahead of time. I have given the exact proportions below for the witch color mixes and they are based on the standard 2 oz blocks. Since such small amounts of wart-brown and snaggle-tooth ivory are needed, we will provide them for everyone. If you have any questions, just email me or ask in the forum.

Per special request (and you know who you are), we are also going to demonstrate and provide a handout for a black cat holding a pumpkin…we think you are gonna love this little guy!

Witch Pendant

  • Usual clay tools
  • Extruder with the disk that has about 18 holes (for witchy hair)
  • Texture mat – anything simple and swirly works fine, it’s for the back only
  • 3/4” and 1 1/2” circle cutters
  • Sculpey large ball stylus (the one that comes in that set of 3 tools with stylus on one end)
  • Mica powders: spring green and silver
  • AB glitter flakes
  • Green clay mix: Premo 1/2 block bright green pearl; 1/8 block Spanish olive; 1/8 block 18K Gold
  • Black clay mix: Premo 1/2 block black; 1/8 block pearl
  • 1/8 block Premo purple

Fall Leaf Pendant

  • Usual clay tools
  • PJ’s Oak Arbor mold (PJ 020). We will use molded leaves and acorns as a starting point and come up with a whole new look from this very versatile mold. We will also discuss free-hand cut leaves.
  • Mix 3 fall leaf colors (or more!)…use your favorite fall shades. Some suggestions are a golden green, a mid-tone green, and a red or russet. Premo Copper makes a great fall leaf color. If you plan to make the leaf pendant and are not sure of colors, email me and I will provide you with recipes that we have used and which work well together. We will also be providing a handout to everyone at the meeting which will include our favorite fall color recipes.
  • Medium brown mixture (for tendrils and acorns). Total of about 1/4 block of mixed color
  • Fall berry colors: 1/8 block each of Pomegranite and Alizarin Crimson
  • Mica powders: red russet; super copper; Aztec gold; mink; misty lavender (If you are like we are, you never go ANYWHERE without your mica powders, so if ya got ‘em, bring ‘em! We will, of course, bring all of ours to share.)

Minutes for August 2014 Meeting

We had 15 members (including this month’s new members Marsha and Alice) and 1 visitor at the August 9, 2014 meeting. Show & Tell items included Bottles of Hope, a fish sculpture, pendants, earrings, and Best Flexible Molds texture sheets.

Angel was our instructor this month. She presented “Let’s Swellegant.”  Her pre-baked pendants and countless samples showing different coating/patina combinations were so helpful in learning about these coatings. Thank you, Angel! Angel also brought product samples and coupons, which were provided for the group by Christi Friesen. Thank you, Christi!

During the business meeting, we discussed the following:

Minutes from the last meeting were approved. Jane motioned and Cheryl seconded the motion.

Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:

  • September: Chris Crossland– glass pebble project
  • October: things to do with inchies

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We have 25 members.

Bottles of Hope coordinator Nance told of the great reception we received form our last batch of donated bottles. The hospital is giving the bottles to patients just before they go into chemo, and is even auctioning off some of the bottles to raise money for cancer funds.

In new business, we discussed putting out a call for artists for our 2016 retreat. We also discussed the upcoming state fair where our guild sponsors a polymer clay category. Entry forms need to be submitted online by August 15th. The guild will be demonstrating polymer clay at the state fair on September 14th.

We selected a color and design book as the new choice for our library.

We held our raffle, where Marsha, Connie, Deborah, and Jane were the winners. They will bring prizes for October’s raffle.

The meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be September 13th at 1:30. Because our usual meeting place at the fairgrounds is unavailable during the state fair, we will be meeting at the Covenant Life Church at 3106 N Utah Ave (near NW 30th and Utah) in Oklahoma City. The theme for September’s optional inchie swap is “back to school.”

August 2014 Meeting: Let’s Swellegant!

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Our next meeting will be on August 9, 2014, from 1:30 to 4:30 at the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds. This is our raffle month, so if you won something in the last raffle, bring some goodies for this one!

At this meeting, Angel Mance will explore Swellegant, a metal coating system brought to us by Christi Friesen. The process is achieved in multiple layers of the metal coating and patinas. Due to the nature of the product (drying time & time-sensitive patina application), Angel will provide each participant with a prepped polymer piece to try out the process. You will have a choice of either a heart pendant or a leaf. She has prepared samples showing the effect of the three patinas on all five of the metal coatings. Angel says she has had a ball with this stuff!!! The Swellegant products are being provided by Angel, but if you have Swellegant in your stash and want to bring it, that would be great.


  • Work surface
  • Paper towels
  • Wet wipes
  • Plastic gloves
  • Small box (to take your piece home in)

Optional Supplies:

  • Small fan & extension cord (only if you already have one)

NOTE: Construction is still likely on May Avenue next to the fairgrounds. Enter through Gate 5 further south on May, across from Forest Lumber. See this map for reference.

Minutes for July 2014 Meeting

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Minutes recorded by Angel M.

We had 12 members and 1 visitor at the July 12, 2014 meeting. Show & Tell items included Bottles of Hope, jewelry, dragons, Best Flexible Molds texture sheets, and a pen. Penni Jo also asked the group to offer opinions on the texture sheets as a focus group.

Jane was our instructor this month. She presented “Extruder: Retro & Beyond”.  Many samples were sent around to inspire us to get our extruders out and use them!  Jane took us through the steps to make a retro cane.   Jane and Myra brought and showed extruder discs from a couple different companies.   Myra demonstrated two discs that worked together to make a heart cane.

During the business meeting, we discussed the following:

Minutes from the last meeting were approved, Penni Jo motioned and Cheryl seconded the motion.

Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:

  • August: Angel – Swellegant
  • September: Chris Crossland– glass pebble project

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We have 23 members.

Librarian Jane described the latest addition to the library, the current Polymer Café. The challenge listed in the magazine is “Faux What?” due August 31, 2014.

We discussed where to have the September meeting due to the State Fair of Oklahoma during the month.  Many questions were raised, and we are checking on an alternate date in the same location.

August is raffle month, members to bring items for raffle are: Myra, Connie, Tom, and Angela.

Inchies were brought by four members.  August inchies will have a theme of “Back to School.” Anyone who would like to participate should make and bring enough inchies to swap.  Connie asked if we were going to continue doing inchies, due to the low number of members participating. No solid answers were gained from this question at this time, we may need to visit this again.  The question prompted conversation about what to people use the inchies for.  It was suggested that we explore what kinds of things could be made with the inchies.

Nance handed out bottles to cover for our on-going Bottles of Hope project.

Web Master Myra reported that things were fine, and she had nothing new to report.

Tom opened the topic of renting storage space to house our library and ovens.  Tom e-mailed earlier this month about this topic discussing the need etc.  $20.00 a month was the fee for renting a cabinet at our current location.  After much discussion, it was concluded that we have funds to cover this type of expense.  The library books would be accessible when the doors to the Art Center were open.  The president, vice-president and librarian will have a key to the library cabinet. Some of the members went to check out the cabinet and where it was located. Nance motioned to approve renting the cabinet and Angel seconded, the members were in agreement and the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be August 9th at 1:30 at the Contemporary Arts Center on the OKC Fairgrounds.

Minutes for June 2014 Meeting

We had 14 members at the June 2014 meeting. Show & Tell items included Bottles of Hope, jewelry, cat bowls, a barette, a baby footprint set, ghoulies, and goodies from Bead & Button and Fandango.

Penni Jo was our instructor this month. She taught the group how to use her tools to make Trumpet Blossoms. Other members also brought and showed their favorite tools, including a credit card, a linoleum carving tool, extruder discs, and many handmade tools.

During the business meeting, we discussed the following:

Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:

  • July: Jane and Myra – extruders
  • August: Angel – Swelligant
  • September: Chris – glass pebble project

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We have 23 members, including Jennifer and Elizabeth who joined during the June meeting.

Librarian Jane described the latest additions to the library. We drew Polymer Clay Gemstones: The Art of Deception by Randee Ketzel as the new book to add to our library.

We discussed whether to do a live demonstration at this year’s Oklahoma State Fair, and several people said they would like to participate.

The winners of this month’s prize drawings were Tom, Angela, Myra, and Connie. July will be swap month, with a theme of “Red, White and Blue.” Anyone who would like to participate should make and bring enough inchies to swap.

The meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be July 12 at 1:30 at the Contemporary Arts Center on the OKC Fairgrounds.

July 2014 Meeting: Extruders – Retro and Beyond

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Our next meeting will be on July 12, 2014, from 1:30 to 4:30 at the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds. This is also inchie month, with the theme of Red, White & Blue.



  • Choose 4-8 colors clay, 1 (one) ounce each making sure that you’ve included sufficient light, dark and medium values. The value (lightness or darkness of color) is needed to achieve a satisfying result. If at all possible, please condition all of your clay (in advance) to same condition and bring in sheets rolled out on thickest setting on your pasta machine.
    NOTE: you may use more than one ounce of clay to test the design. As little as ½ ounce (one fourths of a block) will work fine. The most important color you will need is the color that will cover the extruded clay. The cover color shown on the knife project was silver.
  • Choice of project that is simple enough to complete in a short time (bring needed materials for it): Bottle of Hope (small glass bottle under 4 inches), light switch cover ( bring a switch plate), tool like the knife shown or X-acto knife, etc. (bring desired tool), pendant or beads (bail, bezel, wire, eye pin, or bead wire)
  • Extruder (Hobby Lobby, and Michael’s carry Makin’s and/or Walnut Hollow). If you don’t have one and not sure you want one, members that have more than one have offered to bring them to loan.
  • 2 tooth picks
  • Ruler
  • Pasta machine
  • Acrylic roller
  • Thin blade
  • Craft knife or X-acto
  • Work surface
  • Tile
  • Any of your favorite tools – you never know……


  • 3/4“ round cutter
  • If you have one of the nice mokume gane slicers (Simple Slicer), please bring it!

NOTE: Construction is still likely on May Avenue next to the fairgrounds. Enter through Gate 5 further south on May, across from Forest Lumber. See this map for reference.

June 2014 Meeting: Favorite Tools

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Our next meeting will be on June 14, 2014, from 1:30 – 4:30 at the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

For this meeting, Penni Jo will be demonstrating her fabulous tool kit, as well as doing a demo making earrings using her tools. So if you have a set of Penni Jo’s Clay Tools, bring them with you to use for her demo!

Everyone is encouraged to bring their own favorite tools and tell the group about what makes them so useful.

This is our raffle month, so if you won something in the last raffle, bring some goodies for this one!

Supplies for Penni Jo’s demo (she will bring clay, enough for everyone to have some with which to play):

  • PJ’s Clay Tools (she has some to share)
  • Wire tools – cutter and round nose pliers
  • Flower color clay
  • Sepal color clay
  • 2 ear wires
  • 2 head pins
  • 8 seed beads
  • Four 4mm beads for stamen and stopper bead
  • 2 tube beads

NOTE: Construction is still likely on May Avenue next to the fairgrounds. Enter through Gate 5 further south on May, across from Forest Lumber. See this map for reference.