February 2008 Meeting Notes
Six members and one guest were present at our February meeting. Guest Nance Ross became our newest member. Welcome, Nance! Several members wore their own new polymer clay nametags, each unique and very creative.
In keeping with the season, heart projects were the order of the day. April Salcedo taught a technique for making **pillow hearts** with inserted wire loops for hanging. Most made hearts no larger than a quarter, regulation size for the **Hearts for Heroes Campaign**, and we produced quite a number to donate. Angela Mabray then taught how to make **candy hearts**, using molds she had made from actual candies. She provided laser-printed transfer sheets with typical candy heart messages, and in the end, we had produced some very realistic candy hearts suitable for a necklace or charm bracelet. Last, Cassy Salcedo demonstrated how to make a beautifully **encased heart**.
Our tentative schedule for the next few meetings is:
– **March 8:** Extruder Canes – April Salcedo
– **March 29:** Saturday Play Day – Bottles of Hope. Angela will host.
– **April 12:** TBA
– **May 10:** Inro Box – Penni Jo Couch
During the business meeting, we discussed the following:
President Angela Mabray announced that the first issue of *Polymer Cafe* had arrived for our library. She also reported that she had also used some of our funds to purchase a supply of clay for the group, as agreed last month. This clay can be used when needed for new attendees or for other purposes.
New member Nance brings experience from her former guild in California. At her suggestion, we decided to try holding a raffle at each monthly meeting. Members may bring anything they wish to donate that is related to polymer clay. The winner of the raffle will then be obligated to bring something for the raffle the following month. Although a price of three for $1.00 was suggested, no decision was made as to price. Nance and Angela volunteered to bring items for the March meeting.
Annual membership dues, which are $36, are coming due for some of the earliest members. According to the points-for-service schedule agreed upon in 2007, the first allocation of points has been made, resulting in a discount on this year’s dues for some members.
April reported that a representative of the Makins Corporation said the company would sponsor any event our group might decide to hold, by sending tote bags and other items. She also said that they stand by their products and will work with any customer who has problems.
The Norman Hobby Lobby, which provides our meeting space, also generously provides a small display space where we can promote the guild. We discussed recurring difficulties with the stand for display of our guild poster. April was again able to get it to stay upright, but the stand is showing wear. No decision was made about replacing it.
We held our monthly drawing for an additional purchase for the guild library. The DVD, “Sculpting Babies in Clay” was the winner for this month.