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March 14, 2009 Bookmarks by Nance

Hi clayers! It’s almost time for another fun and interesting poly clay meeting! The next meeting will be **March 14, 2009, 1-4 p.m., at Hobby Lobby in Norman (2417 W. Main, Norman, OK)**. We are truely blessed to have such skilled members in our group. Every class taught by our wonderful members has been exceptional. And speaking of wonderful members, are own red headed Scottish lass, Nance, with be teaching us how to make book marks. She says we will be making four different kinds of bookmarks, and the same supplies will work with all of them. In Nance’s own word, the supply list is as follows:
Tools: cutters, blades, rollers, work surface, modeling tools, texture plates or stamps, scissors to cut paper.
Supplies: several shades of clay, mica powders, tiny beads or glitter, if desired, Zap-a-Gap glue, (or whatever permanent glue you prefer), ONE metal bookmark sold at HL in the “Findings” area (“S”-shaped, or straight) with a chain and jump ring attached.
Do-Aheads: You might want to draw a design for a 6 inch long bookmark, and bring along some pre-made canes or “button” style thin, round or rectangular decorative pieces…..about 3/4 of an inch wide, and up to three inches long. OR YOU CAN JUST BRING CLAY AND SUPPLIES AND WING IT!
This month is our swap. The winners of the swap in January should bring something for this month’s swap, unless of course, they are brand new baby mama’s and may not be able to attend! The January Swap winners were Sue M. and our own new mother, Angela M.
Everybody be thinking of which books they would like to add to our wonderful library and bring a title or two for the library draw.
I hope to see everyone there!

February 2009 Meeting Notes

We all felt so liberated after Sue McCarrell taught us to make our own shape cutters for use with clay, using galvanized metal and solder. How great it is to be able to create shapes that are not found commercially! We were also treated to another demonstration by Penni Jo on multicolor skinner blends for flower petals and laser transfer. She showed us some wonderful examples she had made. Such talented members! It was a great meeting!
**Business Meeting:**
**New Business:**
April G. discussed the possibility of participating in the DeluxeOK Craft Fair on May 9, in Oklahoma City. Some wondered whether we could get one booth as a group, but it was decided not to pursue the idea at this time.
President Jane L. asked members whether they had preferences regarding placement of the business portion of our meetings. We decided we should be flexible, tailoring the schedule around the needs of the instructor each time.
Our **upcoming meeting schedule**, as reviewed by Vice President April G.:

**March 14:** Polymer Clay Bookmarks with Nance

**April 11:** Faux Stone with Jane

**May 9:** Making Nametags, Share a Tip Day, & Rose Cane Technique with Penni Jo

**June 13:** Inclusions in Clay with Nance
**Treasurer:** Our account balance is $657.50, and we currently have 8 paid members.
**Bottles of Hope:** Coordinator Nance is trying to get in touch with the publicity coordinator of Norman Regional Hospital to arrange ana event. We have a good number of bottles ready to give away to cancer patients.
**Guild Library:** Jane gave our newest purchase, **The Best of Bead and Button Magazine Polymer Pizzazz** a very good review.
**Library Drawing:** We decided to purchase two suggested additions to our library this month. They are **Elegant Gifts in Polymer Clay** by Lisa Pavelka and **Adapting Quilt Patterns to Polymer Clay** by Judith Skinner and Sarajane Helm.
**Swap:** No one brought items for this month’s swap.
March will be a raffle month. Last month’s winners, Sue M. and Angela M. will bring items to raffle, and our president asked that anyone else who would like to participate bring raffle items also.
**Upcoming swap themes** will be: **April: Blue; June: Fruit.**
Show and Tell: April, Jane, Nancy, Penni Jo, and Shirley brought items to show.

February Meeting: Soldered Cookie Cutters

Hi Clayers! It’s meeting time again and we have another great one planned. The next meeting will be February 14th, 2009, 1-4p.m., at the Hobby Lobby in Norman (2417 W. Main, Norman, OK). Sue M. will be showing us how to solder metal and make our own personalized cookie cutters! I know a lot of you have really been looking forward to this class just as I have! Sue will be bringing the metal and soldering tool for us to use so the supply list is real simple.
1. ruler
2. fine point Sharpie
3. old scissors (they will be used to cut the metal-special metal cutting scissors
are not necessary)
4. some kind of clamp
5. tweezers that clamp or a straight needle nose pliers
6. alcohol and paper towels for flux clean up
Also, bring a simple design idea for the cookie cutter you would like to make.

January 2009 Meeting Notes

Eight members attended our January meeting, when Lee Ann Kelley shared her “Swirlies” technique for covering three-dimensional shapes, such as boxes or glass balls. She brought some inspiring examples for us to see. Using our extruders, we made long strings of clay in our chosen colors and used them to create intricate designs to cover an object. Everyone seemed to love the process and several commented how relaxing it was. Many thanks to Lee Ann!
**Business Meeting:**
Vice President April G. reviewed our upcoming program schedule:

**February 14:** Soldered Cookie Cutters with Sue M.

**March 14:** Polymer Clay Bookmarks with Nance

**April 11:** Open
April circulated the list of suggested program topics, and the group brainstormed for more ideas. April will follow up on them.
**Other Reports:**

**Library:** Jane L. reviewed our newest issue of *Polymer Cafe Magazine*. Penni Jo talked about a good book that is not in our library; *The Art of Polymer Clay: Millefiori Techniques*, by Donna Kato.

**Bottles of Hope:** Coordinator Nance R. reported no new information. She will contact the PR Department of the hospital in Norman.

**Treasurer:** Angela reported a balance of $379.47 and a total of 13 members. She also reminded us that annual dues are due this month.
**New Business:**
The following **new officers were elected**:

**President:** Jane L.

**Vice-President:** April G.

**Secretary:** Shirley C.

**Treasurer and Webmaster:** Angela M.

**Librarian:** Jane L.

**Bottles of Hope Coordinator:** Nance R.

**Photographer:** Nance R.
Angela talked about the **DeluxeOK Craft Fair** to be held on May 9, at the Oklahoma State Fair Grounds in Oklahoma City. Applications are now being accepted for this juried event. The booth fee will be $30. More information is available at [].
Penni Jo announced that she had 1-ounce bottles of high gloss polycrylic varnish for sale for $1.00.
**Library Drawing:** *Polymer Pizzazz*, from *Bead and Button Magazine* won the drawing and will be purchased for our guild library this month.
**Raffle:** November’s raffle winners brought items for this month’s raffle. January winners were Sue M. and Angela M. These winners will bring raffle items for the March raffle.
February will be a swap month, and the theme is Birds. Other upcoming swap themes are: April – Blue and June – Fruit.

January Meeting: Swirlies

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season! The next meeting will be **January 10th, 2009, 1-4 p.m.,** at the new Hobby Lobby in Norman (2417 W. Main, Norman, OK). We are starting the year with a wonderful project from **Lee Ann Kelley**. She will be showing us how to make her “Swirlies.” She and I tried to come up with a word to describe her beautiful technique and I think she has hit upon the perfect word!
The supply list is below. Hope to see you all at the next meeting!
# Clay, any color, can be 2 shades of the same color or 2 different colors. Amount depends on size of item to be covered.
# Clay gun with the disk that has 1/8 inch round hole. Lee Ann will show an easy way to extrude if you have an old metal gun.
# Clay blade or X-acto knife.
# Ink cartridge from a Bic or Bic Stic
# Item to be covered can be anything oven proof. If covering a paper mache egg or ball, it’s important to drill a hole in the top and bottom to vent. Lee Ann will bring some glass Christmas ornaments.
# To save time, it might be a good idea to cover your project with a thin(#3 or #4) layer of clay before the meeting. If that’s done, a pasta machine isn’t necessary.
# A container and batting to take your unbaked project home.
Lee Ann says that this is easy but can be time consuming.
Meeting announcement written by April G.

December 2008 Meeting Notes

Member Nance Ross’s instruction made making leaf canes easy, as she led the five other members present in making a Christmas tree ornament. Thanks also to Nance for her excellent instructional handout. Some participants managed to go on to decorate their trees, while others will finish them at home.
**Business Meeting:**
Angela reviewed the schedule as it stands for our upcoming meetings:

**January 10:** Curly Strings with Lee Ann

**February 14:** open

**March 14:** Polymer Clay Bookmarks with Nance

**Library:** Jane gave a quick review of our two most recent purchases, *Making Beautiful Beads,* by Suzanne Tourtillott and *Polymer Clay and Mixed Media Together At Last*, by Christie Friesen.

**Bottles of Hope:** Nance said that we have about 50 bottles completed. No firm plans have been made for how we will give them away.

**Treasurer:** Angela reported income from the November raffle was $20. We spent $5.23 to ship our swap items to the Tulsa guild and to send a Bottle of Hope to Cindy M., leaving a new balance of $393.04. We currently have 13 members.
**New Business:**
**Elections:** Angela reminded everyone that new officers will be elected in January. The current list of nominees, including those who volunteered at the meeting, is:

President: Jane L.

Vice-President: April G.

Secretary: Shirley C.

Treasurer & Webmaster: Angela M.

Librarian: Jane L.

Bottles of Hope Coordinator: Nance R.

Photographer: Nance R.
Angela asked that anyone else who would like to run for an office notify her by December 19th. She also thanked the current officers for their service this year.
**Membership Dues:** Angela reminded the group that our annual dues will be due in January. She will send out notices in the next couple of weeks with each member’s final amount due after discounts.
**Inclement Weather:** Members can watch the website and email list for meeting cancellation notices.
**Library Drawing:** Donna Kato’s new book, *The Art of Polymer Clay: Millefiori Techniques* was the winner and will be purchased for our library.
**Bi-monthly Swap:** No one brought items to swap this month. The theme for our next swap, to be held in February, is Birds. Next month’s raffle items will be brought by last month’s winners, Magi, Nance, Penni Jo, and Shirley.

December Meeting: Large Leaf Cane Christmas Tree

Christmas TreeHello clayers!
The next polymer clay guild meeting will be December 13th at 1:00p.m at the Norman Hobby Lobby store. Nance will be showing us how to make a beautiful Christmas tree ornament. We may not have time to complete the project so be prepared to transport it home for baking.
Nance provided us with this supplies list — check it out to see what you need to bring.
And don’t forget that December is a swap month. If you want to participate, bring one handmade item that fits this month’s theme: Angels. In exchange, you’ll receive one item from another swap participant.
Meeting announcement written by April G.