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September 2011 Meeting: Bottles of Hope

Bottles of Hope FundayAs part of our group’s ongoing participation in the **Bottles of Hope** program, we’re spending our September meeting covering bottles. Bottles of Hope (BOH) are polymer clay-covered bottles that are given to cancer patients and survivors. These bottles often include a personal message of hope inside to encourage the individual. Read more about the BOH program here.
Our meeting will be held Saturday, September 10, 2011, from 1:30-4:30, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring**
We’ll provide some bottles — if you have your own small glass bottles to cover (generally about 2-4″ tall), that’s great, too! Bring your preferred brand and color of clay, plus whatever other tools and supplies you want to use.
You may already know how you want to cover your bottle. If not, here are a few ideas:
* **Play with your supplies.** Texture sheets, molds, cookie cutters, and mica powders are but a few of the supplies that can make a beautiful bottle.
* **Cover it in canes.** Bring canes (or make some at the meeting) to cover your bottle.
* **Try a new technique.** Since Bottles of Hope are fairly small, it’s a great way to try out a new technique you’re interested in. Browse our library and try a tutorial you’ve never tried!
* **Ask a fellow guild member.** We have so many talented folks in our group. Maybe you missed a meeting where someone demonstrated a technique you’d love to learn. This casual meeting will be a great opportunity to play catch-up and help re-stock our BOH stash at the same time!
* **Get inspired.** Browse Flickr to see what other polymer clay artists have done with their bottles.
Bottle of Hope, Side 1Turquoise Bottle of HopeBottles of HopeFiligree Bottle Of Hope View 1BOH: Geisha (Front)
We look forward to a creative — and productive — meeting!
We’ll be holding a raffle this month, so come prepared with a few extra dollars. July’s winners (Penni Jo x 2, Marolyn x 2, and Myra) will supply the prizes.

Minutes for COPCG August 2011 Business Meeting

**Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild Meeting**
**Date: August 13, 2011**
**Introduce / welcome guests**
Our meeting began as usual with members visiting with each other while setting up for the meeting. We had a number of guests this month. Tom Gibson, a doll sculptor using polymer clay, a medium not usually accepted by most Art Associations and Societies, Angel Mance, and Lori Luli a previous guest and beader who joined our happy group this month.
Calla Lily Switch Plate Elegant Light Switch by Janie B.
**Show and Tell**:
Myra showed a filigree Christmas Ornament, switch plate and bookmark as well as Pandora beads! Nance had a lovely feather/leaf pendant. Lee Ann showed her beautiful, finished Opal pendant. Sue had finished her switch plate and showed a number of other fabulous switch plates in a variety of colors and styles. Angela finished her switch plate in a ‘stenciled’ pattern that was delightfully charming! Cheryl showed a blade cover that was not only colorful it also provided safety. Penni Jo showed two switch plates. Shirley had some lovely silver clay seashells and a silver pendant that she’d made with her sister. Lori showed some of her work including Mokume Gane, faux wood (aka Faux Bois) and steam punk hearts, techniques she’d learned recently in a number of classes. Jane showed two incredible switch plates of falling leaves, one with wire work.
Resident Hobby Lobby April Gregory brought a number of demonstrations of a number of “TIPS” for use with or to supplement our polymer claying.
There were 6 sections of tips.
> 1. Clear materials: Shown in three different pendants. Each pendants was a polymer clay ‘jewel’ glued into a bezel and the bezel was then filled with a ‘clear’ material.
> a. Kato liquid clay- The bezel was filled, baked and hit with a heat gun. Most of the liquid clay remained cloudy as the layer of clay was very thick.
> b. Dimensional Mod Podge – Bezel was filled, allowed to dry and then filled again to smooth. It was the medium clarity.
> c. Resin, two part — Mixed equal amounts poured over the ‘jewel’ allowed to cure and a second layer added to level. To tint, use alcohol ink. Faux geodes can be made using resin and polymer clay mold.
> 2. Glues:
> a. Quick Set — Epoxy, very strong.
> b. Poly Bond by Lisa Pavelka — Excellent hold, heat resistant, but keep the lid on TIGHTLY!
> 3. Re-purposing (altering) materials — Metal:
> a. Silversmithing can be ‘faked’ with Polymer Clay and other materials such as adding metal dots from the scrapbooking aisle to the outside of a bezel.
> b. Silver metal to Gold effect. Sand to etch the surface and get down to the base metal to change the color of the metal using Rub N Buff which comes in metallics as well as a number of colors. She used two colors on a metal piece. Rub N Buff can also be used on Polymer Clay.
> c. Emboss metal. Stamp, add powder, dry and heat. Finish with desired effect.
> d.Embossing leather: Stamp the leather using an embossing ink. Sprinkle with embossing powder. Allow to dry. Heat. The leather now has a beautiful raised pattern.
> e. Change the color of the leather.
> f. Krylon 18 K Gold pen can be used to color and repurpose items.
> 4. Layering:
> a. Metal Filigree can be bent, cut and punched. Use the pieces to embellish a design.
> b. Use a “Big Bite” hole punch in leather and light metal. Make a hole in filigree and a leather band. Stack a number of punched items to form a design. Attach the stack to the leather strap using a grommet.
> 5. Shrinky Dinks: create designs, color or print, cut out and bake.
> a. Color with colored pencils.
> b. Print out on an ink jet printer at 50%.
> 6. Demo: Bird and cart. Bird And Cart by April G.
> a. Showed the form used to create the bird. She covered the form with Polymer Clay, baked and cut the warm clay to remove from the form.
> b. She identified the various jewelry parts, jewels, wire, etc used to finish the project. WOW.
> c. She described how the project was assembled with the parts.
**Business Meeting:**
**1. Approval of Minutes:**
> The minutes were read. PJ goofed big time and got our guests from last month mixed up, mis-identifying our newest member. It should read We had two guests: Marolyn Bryant from Shawnee and Cheryl Rains from Oklahoma City. Cheryl Rains joined our merry band and is our newest member. (PJ thought Cheryl was Marolyn. My most humble apologies to Cheryl.)
> Minutes will be approved pending changes.
**2. Officers Reports:**
**Vice President -Angela**
– September 10: Bottles of Hope Day — work on bottles, share techniques & ask questions
– October 8: Faux Embroidery with Penni Jo
– November 12: Pandora Beads with Myra
– December 10: Annual Christmas Share-a-Project Meeting
– January 14: OPEN (any volunteers?)
– February 11: TBA with Shirley
**Treasurer- Angela**
– Balance: $720.19
– Members: 11
**BOH Report ~~ Nance**
She needs medium sized bottles. PJ has some that can be used by the group.
**Librarian ~ Jane**
Jane showed the new book by Christi Friesen, Woodland Creatures.
**Old Business?:**
**Promoting Polymer clay:**
1. April will ask if we can demonstrate Polymer Clay use in the individual stores near the entrance.
2. Ruth asked about the art council. Angela mentioned OVAC (Oklahoma Visual Arts Colation) will be having a 12″ by 12″ auction.
3. Angela also mentioned that OVAC website allows artists to have a portfolio on their site.
4. A show formerly with “Vision Makers” is now organized by the Brady Craft Alliance
5. Shirley to check to see about Vision Makers.
6. More pictures in the body of reports. We need more members to upload photos to the guild Flickr site. So far, only four members are represented on the group site.
**IPCA biannual retreat:**
Jane and PJ reported on the retreat, how much fun they had and that they’d met a clayer from New York City whose monthly meeting was as involved as the mini retreat held in PJ’s house last April! There were clayers there from everywhere. We learned a lot. Jane watched most of the demos. PJ sold molds and her line was picked up by Metal Clay Supply in Jacksonville TX.
**State Fair**: 
Need to enter by the 15th. If entering later cost will be $10.00.
Drop off entries September 10th and 11th.
Demo Sunday September 18th 2:00 PM
**Twister Retreat**:
Penni Jo Reported on Memorial Presbyterian Church in Norman found by Nance.
Costs: $100.00 a day and $75.00 janitorial fee for an allover cost of $375.00.
Great big fellowship hall with big kitchen. We can have both.
PJ will write to the pastor and ask if the facility is secure, are the dates open and how early can we come and how late can we stay. The pastor reported that we may have a key for the retreat, come early, stay late.
There is no security but since we will be the first in and the last out the room should be secure.
Shirley has contacted them and gotten a firm date. April 12, 13, & 14 of April 2012.
We may have a breakfast and lunch if we desire.
A motion was made by Shirley that, the facility will our first choice if the hours, security and dates check out. If so then we would like to plan to have our retreat there. Seconded by Jane, motion carried unanimously.
The types of retreats were described by Penni Jo who has attended a number of them.
1. Classes all day long at retreat. Fandango. Students can sign up for some or all of the classes that you pay to attend. Classes last all day. Great for students, not so much for teachers and those who do not wish to take classes. The retreat room is a bit bare. Teachers strive to develop a project that the guild will want to bring to the group. Tough to get in as a teacher. Vendors get a booth for the cost of 20% of sales. NOTE: Room and all meals provided in the cost of the retreat. Approx. $500.00 + or -.
2. Demonstrations only: Sandy Camp is an excellent example of this. There are nine demonstrations over the three and a half day retreat. Demonstrators give two 30 minute demos. One right after the other. Demonstrators are selected from applicants. Demonstrators get free vendor booth and pay 10%. Attendee’s pay deposit of $100.00 for vendor booth which is applied to the 10% they will owe from sales. No meals, no room provided. Cost $90.00. Included the closing banquet.
3. IPCA bi-annual retreat. Demonstrations from a number of people. Any one can sign up to demo. No vendor section but attendees may sell from their table space and keep all of the proceeds. Cost $295.00 Lunch and Breakfast provided. No room cost provided.
4. Other Retreats I’ve read about or heard reports of can be a mix of the above. Some have short classes with a fee to attend, 3 to 4 hours long. Rest of the time is retreat.
**Demonstrations**: Since Jane and I attended the IPCA retreat and watched demos in the room with everyone else, it became apparent that we need a different room in which to demo. It is very hard for the watchers to hear the demos if everyone else in the room is chatting and laughing (which happens often at a retreat).
PJ to contact the church and see if a small room nearby could be used just to watch a demo. There may be a small additional charge for the extra room
PJ to CHECK DATES and be sure of the dates.
Guest rooms: Several offered to open their guest rooms to retreat attendees. Get list.
**Steering committee meeting**? Braum’s in Moore on 19th street Saturday Aug 20 at 1:00. After this starter meeting, we can bring our lunch to Hobby Lobby and meet before the meeting.
**New Business?**:
None of record.
Library Drawing for a new book** ~~ Jane:
Winning Title: Polymer Pizzaz II
**Swap or Raffle**
Swap Winners: Jane, PJ got Jane’s, Myra, Sue got Angela’s, and Angela got Sue’s. If I’ve missed you, please let me know which plate you got in the swap. Thanks.
**Next meeting: Sept. 10, 2011**
**At Hobby Lobby in Moore.**

**Minutes for COPCG Business Meeting**

**Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild Meeting
Date: 7 – 09 – 11**
**Introduce / welcome guests**
Our meeting began as with members visiting setting up quickly as we have a long lesson today with many bakings. We had two guests: Marolyn Bryant from Shawnee and Cheryl Rains from OKC.
*Our thanks to Polyform for supplying clay for the projects. Everyone loved the fresh clay and busily conditioned the colors for the project.*
**Show and Tell**
(this is not very clear in my notes. Please forgive any misinterpretation of the scribbles I call writing.)
Show and tell was postponed until first baking. One guest Marolyn, showed her earrings, Sue showed her opal pendant started last month and a swirly pink bracelet, Lee Ann had Pens! and beautiful swirly MG Marquis shape beads; Angela showed a bracelet, pendant an a pen and pencil set. (or maybe I have become confused here) More Ooos and Ahhs followed when Shirley mentioned silver clay and showed a Kathleen style bead; PJ had a new mold, and Myra had a pendant, beads and buttons.
Jane brought the program “Coloring on Clay using Pencils and Markers”. She had prepared three tiles for each of us on which to test the coloring techniques. She also gave each of us fresh clay from Polyform to complete the class. This lesson taught us a wide variety of skills including:
> a. How to prepare the clay after baking using 220 or 320 grit emery paper to give ‘tooth’ to the baked clay.
> b. Introduction to covering a light switch cover with clay and baking.
> c. Demonstration of using Inktense water activated pencils.
> d. Demo of using water color pencils.
> e. Demo of using markers.
When our covered light switch covers were in the ovens baking, we began on our tiles first labeling each tile with the technique, sanding, then coloring the stamped images with the variety of water activated pencils and markers. There was much happy visiting and lots of questions as we all delved into the challenge of something new.
After coloring the tiles we used thin sheets of Premo Translucent and White Translucent as well as TLS (Translucent Liquid Sculpey) over the colored designs. After baking we all had our heads together trying to decide which of the effects we liked the best. TLS seemed to be the big winner while others liked the White Translucent.
Jane had lovely stamps to share as did some of the members. Beautiful light switch covers began to emerge as we practiced our new skills.
She also showed us some photos of beautiful bracelets by Ponsawan Sila that inspired the project as well as a bracelet that she’d made using several of the techniques that she taught today. What a great lesson. Thanks again Jane. And, thank you too to Polyform for the clay for the lesson.
**Business Meeting:**
**1. Approval of Minutes:**
Minutes posted on the website were approved.
2. Officers Reports:**
Vice President -Angela
– August: April will be teaching some techniques that she has learned while working for Hobby Lobby.
– Sept: Penni Jo will teach Faux Ribbon Embroidery. The class will be free to the members.
– Oct: Need a teacher or idea anyone game? 
– Nov: Still needing a teacher or an idea.
– Dec: Members will each bring a project made during the year, describe how they made it and may choose to swap it with members if desired.
**Treasurer- Angela**
Balance: $697.36
Members: 10 + 1 Marolyn Bryant joined making 11.
There were a number of expenses this month presented by Treasurer Angela.
> 1. Fabric for the Library show
> 2. New Checks
> 3. Books
Expenses were approved.
**BOH Report ~~ Nance**
No report this month. Although the ladies at the Presbyterian church may have an interest.
**Librarian ~ Jane**
Jane reported on the Green magazine. It is OK, but does not seem to be enough for the price.
New PolymerCafe is here. Looks good.
Book, Patterns in Polymer came in. It looks beautiful, excellent layout with color recipes, orderly layout presented important info in the same space on all the pages making it easy and fun to read and look at.
**Old Business:**
1. Promoting Polymer clay: Angela reported on opportunities to demonstrate at the Festival of the Arts. The time requirement was too much for a small group like ours. They needed us there for long hours during the day. After some discussion it was decided that it is not feasible for us at this time
2. The possibility of individuals demonstrating our hobby singly at the entrance of a local store came up. We have seen demonstrators showing their art before at a set up near the entrance. What do we need to do to find out if we can do this? Shirley will contact April for further info.
3. Guild Report: 
**a**. Locations. Shirley reported the following:About the Edmond Community Center facility: It would be room 222, which requires a refundable deposit of $50. Set up/take down & clean fee: $20.
Occupancy loads: Theater: 50; Classroom: 35; Banquet: 50 – you’d think this would take the most space??
Rates: 5 hrs is $65 plus set-up. Full day (8 a.m.-10 p.m.) is $111 per day.
She assured me the room can be locked.
Not a good kitchen – deep laundry room type double sinks & need ice chest for food.
Parking: during weekdays we’d be sharing it with the police station & maybe a bank. But she said 35 people shouldn’t have a parking problem. No competition Saturdays. Shirley will put their leaflet in the mail to me.
**b**. PJ Reported on Memorial Presbyterian Church in Norman found by Nance.
Costs: $100.00 a day and $75.00 janitorial fee for an allover cost of $37.00. Angela mentioned that we can use the monies in our treasury for the retreat.
Great big room with big kitchen.
The cost was about the same for both. After much discussion, it was decided on Memorial Presbyterian in Norman. PJ will write to the pastor and ask if the facility is secure, are the dates open and how early can we come and how late can we stay.
A motion was made by Shirley that, the facility will our first choice if the hours, security and dates check out. If so then we would like to plant to have our retreat there. Seconded by Jane, motion carried unanimously.
**New Business?:**
None of record
Jane “It’s a girl!”
Library Drawing for a new book ~ Jane:**
Winning Title:Woodland Creatures by Christi Friesen
**Swap or Raffle**
Winners of the raffle: PJ won two, Marolyn won two and Myra one raffle.
Next month will be a Swap: Theme ~~ Light switch covers.
Next meeting:
At Hobby Lobby in Moore.
August 13, 2011 at 1:30 PM

August 2011 Meeting: Getting Creative with Mixed Media

You probably know the polymer clay aisle by heart — but have you explored the possibilities the rest of the craft store has to offer? **April Gregory** has generously offered to share some of the interesting supplies she’s come across in her job designing projects for Hobby Lobby. She will be bringing lots of supplies for us to play with, and she’ll teach us how to use them with polymer clay as well as how to alter them to better fit our needs. Some of the things she plans to talk about include:
* Changing the color of jewelry findings
* Layering findings
* Embossing on metal and leather
* Using supplies like Mod Podge, Shrinky Dinks, Rub n Buff, and embossing powder
Our meeting will be held Saturday, August 13, 2011, from 1:30-4:30, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring**
This meeting won’t be project-based, so there’s not a specific supply list. April will be bringing some supplies of her own for us to experiment with, and she encourages you to bring some clay and whatever other mixed media supplies you’ve been wanting to play with. This will be a fun time for sparking creativity and thinking outside of the box — or at least thinking outside of the polymer clay aisle!
**Swap Theme**
This month we’re also doing a swap with the theme “**Switch Plate Cover**” Use the techniques we learned at the last meeting, or come up with your own idea. Everyone who wishes to participate should bring one handmade item that fits with the theme.

Get Those State Fair Entries Ready!

Oklahoma State FairFor the third year, the Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild is sponsoring a Polymer Clay Creations division in the Oklahoma State Fair’s Creative Arts competition.
If you want a chance to wow us (and the general public) with your polymer clay skills, you need to register by August 15th. There’s an online registration page or a mail-in option (see the “Entry Form” link on this page).
The registration process just lets them know you *intend* to enter something in the specified categories… you don’t have to actually bring in your entries until the weekend of September 10-11. And remember, you can enter one item in each of the 4 classes.
Here’s the info on this year’s polymer clay competition:
All entries must be handcrafted by the exhibitor. The primary decorative elements of the piece must be at least 60% polymer clay. (Items used to support the polymer clay are not included in the 60% requirement.) Judging will be based on:
* Workmanship:30%
* Creativity: 30%
* Appearance: 40%
1. Sculpture
2. Jewelry and accessories
3. Beads and buttons
4. Household and functional
Good luck!

OKPolyClay Featured on the Deluxe Blog

Deluxe Indie Craft BazaarInterested in how the Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild got started? Or perhaps you want to start a group with a different medium as its focus…? Then check out guild co-founder Angela Mabray’s recent articles on the Deluxe Indie Craft Bazaar blog:
* This post talks about the group’s early days
* And here’s some suggestions for starting your own crafting group
And if you’re coming to our site from the Deluxe blog, welcome! Whether you’re a polymer clay user from way back, or someone who’s just interested in trying a new medium, we’d love to have you visit our next meeting on Saturday, August 13th.

July 2011 Meeting: Fun with Pencils and Markers

July Lesson: Switch PlatesJane Linn will be teaching our July lesson, giving us an opportunity to experiment with using pencils and markers on baked clay. We hope to see the different effects and then use a switch plate, with baked clay, as our palette. You’ll find more beautiful examples of Jane’s work at the end of this post (click on photos for a larger view).
Our meeting will be held Saturday, July 9, 2011, from 1:30-4:30, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring:**
* **2-3 paper towels**
* **320 grit wet/dry sandpaper** (a small piece will do). If you wish, you may sand the switch plate at home before coming. If so, please bring the sandpaper with you to meeting.
* **Plastic switch plate**
* **2 paint brushes**: a small and medium small (such as a 0/10 round and 4 round) for ‘water coloring’
* **Fine or extra fine point Permanent Black marker-Sharpie or Pitt (Faber- Castell)**
* **TLC – Transparent Liquid Clay**
* **Work Surface**
* **Pasta Machine**
* **Blade**
* **Craft knife/X-Acto**
* **Brayer or acrylic rod**
* **Pencil or black colored pencil** for sketching
* **Ceramic tile or card stock** for baking
* **Any favorite tool/tools** (you never know!)
* **Note: White, translucent, and white translucent clay is being provided by Polyform** (Thanks, Polyform!)
**Optional:** *Don’t buy any of these just for this, unless you think you might want to use them again. But if you have them, PLEASE bring them!*
* **Water Color Pencils**
* **Inktense Pencils**
* **Colored Pencils**
* **Colored Markers/ Blender Marker**
**More optional embellishments:** You may also want to bring….
* **Large stamps and permanent ink pad**
* **Canes**
* **Canes with transparent clay**
* **Embellishments** such as charms, glitter, beads, ‘jewels’, Steampunkery stuff
This month we’ll hold a raffle, with March’s winners (Sue, Jane, Nance, and Shirley) supplying the prizes. Be sure to bring your $$ for a chance to win some goodies!
**More project photos:**
Switch Plate 1Switch Plate 2