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Minutes for August 2013 Meeting

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Tom opened the meeting with Show and Tell. Myra showed a metallic mosaic vase. Lisa displayed her experiment with Viva paints, one using translucent clay and paint in a jelly roll cane. She also showed her completed faux mother of pearl piece we did at last month’s meeting. Jane shared her extruded bracelet from Betina Welker’s new bracelet book. She also showed her two Bottles of Hope. One was covered in the leaf and alcohol ink process that Lisa taught. The other was carved and then back filled with clay. They were very pretty. Penni Jo presented their new mold, Caboshapes III – Triangles. She displayed a necklace she made using the triangular shapes with the embroidery technique she taught several months ago.

LeeAnn taught Texture Encrusted Whatzits. Proof of the fun was the uncharacteristic quiet as everyone worked away covering our items. Lots of exciting ideas and fun uses for molds abounded.

The July minutes were approved with a motion by Tom and a second by Jane.

We decided to not have a Saturday meeting in September. Our meeting would have been the day before our demonstration at the fair. Because we have to find another location for the meeting and because of the proximity of the date, we felt it would be best to just do the fair demonstration as our meeting.

LeeAnn announced the upcoming programs:

October – Nance will teach; be prepared for spooks!

November – Penni Jo and Lisa will teach polymer clay on gourds

December – our annual exchange

January – Angel will teach a cane

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. The guild has 24 members.

Nance gave several Bottles of Hope to the Mercy Oncology Center. She said it is the first time that we have received an expression of appreciation. She was told that one woman was moved to tears with the gift. She asked everyone to please work on creating bottles because they are asking for more.

Penni Jo reported that Patty Barnes will be coming Oct 19 to teach a Saturday class on faux malachite and faux dichroic glass. The class will be from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. We will meet at the Canadian Shores Mobile Home Park’s club house in Norman. The cost is $60 for members and $75 for non-members. Jane is collecting monies for the class.

We discussed covering the cost of transportation and housing for the class teacher. A motion was made by Cheryl to use our treasury funds to cover these costs. Lisa seconded it. It was approved by all.
Penni Jo mentioned that we need to have someone who will take on the responsibility of corresponding with teachers and taking care of registration for future classes.

We discussed next year’s retreat. Penni Jo said that because their business is growing so fast, she will need to have someone else be responsible for requesting donations for the retreat raffle and goody bags. Penni Jo will continue to try and make contact with the artist who said she would love to come to teach at the annual retreat. If she is not successful in reaching her, Penni Jo will send out a call for a teacher.

Angela reported that our demonstration at the fair will be Sunday, September 15 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Because of the limited space, if we have enough volunteers, we will split into two shifts. The deadline for entry into the fair’s polymer clay competition is August 15th. More information is available on the State Fair website.

We agreed to order the new book, Polymer Clay Global Perspectives by Cynthia Tinapple.

We did the inchie exchange. In October, Alex, Tom and Cheryl will bring prizes for the raffle. The November inchie theme will be water.

The meeting adjourned. Our next meeting will be October 12th from 1:30 to 4:30 at the OKC Contemporary Arts Center on the state fairgrounds.

August 2013 Meeting: Texture-Encrusted Whatzits

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Our meeting will be held August 10th from 1:30 to 4:30 at the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center at the State Fair Park (3000 General Pershing Blvd.).

textured jarLee Ann will be presenting Texture Encrusted Whatzits. She doesn’t know the real name for it, she just knows it’s fun. If anybody knows, please inform her!

Supply List

  • 1/2 pkg any color of your choice for the base and 1/2 pkg of a contrasting color for your texture  – or you can do both in the same color. Hey, we’re flexible.
    If you are covering a vessel, roll out base color on 3rd-thickest setting of your pasta machine. Don’t bake.
  • Small amount of scrap clay (approx 2×3 on thickest setting).
  • Mold release-cornstarch or spray bottle with water.
  • Molds – buttons, Penni Jo’s molds, rubber stamps, or molds you’ve made yourself. I will have some you can use and some you can keep.
  • Work surface that clay will stick to
  • Card stock
  • Pasta Machine
  • Blade

This month it’s Inchies with the theme of “Sunshine”.

Minutes for July 2013 Meetiing

Tom opened the meeting with Show and Tell. Lisa showed tools that she made using the alcohol inks and gold leaf techniques we learned last month. She is sending them and some pens to another guild for their retreat. LeeAnn passed around a jar she made by slicing layers from button molds and then placing them on an underlying sheet. It was a natural color with the details highlighted with acrylic paint. Penni Jo showed her turtle mold and the cabs that she had made to fit in its shell. She also displayed the newest cab mold they have developed. Jane showed the necklace that Penni Jo brought her from Fandango. It was a skinner blend with gold leaf crackle. It was woven with chain as the weft and clay as the warp. It had companion earrings. Kay presented a square bead that was baked in multiple sessions adding round embellishments as she went. Gregg showed his completed fisherman’s sculpture. It is absolutely magnificent with the dog standing in the boat holding a net and the fisherman pulling in a great fish.

Myra presented the technique of inlaying mother of pearl. We used mica powders to create the mother of pearl look and put it into stamped pendants. It was finished by sanding thoroughly. It is a very pretty look.

The June minutes were approved with a motion by Penni Jo and a second by Nance.

LeeAnn announced that our August program is open and asked for volunteers. In September Nance will teach. Lisa and Penni Jo will teach polymer clay on gourds in October. Connie will teach in November and Angel will teach in January. The December meeting will be our annual show and tell and exchange.

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. The guild now has 24 members. She noted that next month’s race held at the fairgrounds should not interfere with parking for our meeting.

Nance said she would be very busy at work in the foreseeable future. She will continue as Bottle of Hope coordinator but will no longer be able to hold classes at hospitals.

Jane reported that we received Betina Welker’s new bracelet book. We also received a Polymer Arts magazine and a Polymer Café magazine. Polymer Café’s challenge for this time is “Canes, Canes and More Canes.” The deadline for submission is August 31st.

Angela said that the deadline for registration for your fair entry is August 15th. You can register online and she sent out the link by email. There are several categories in the polymer clay division. The details are on the state fair site. We have not yet received confirmation that we are invited to demonstrate at the fair. When Angela receives confirmation, she will email us to see who will be able to attend.

In new business, Penni Jo presented the possibility of inviting Patty Barnes to hold a class on making polymer faux dichroic glass and malachite. The all day class would cost $60. The guild would pay for her travel and hotel expenses. There was a lot of interest in the class. We would hold it in October. Penni Jo will check with Patty to see what dates she would be available.

The church has penciled us in for the second weekend in April for our annual retreat. We will continue to see if there is an all in one location that might be available. Penni Jo will check with the artist who said she would love to come to see if she is available that date. If she is not, then we will send out a call for teachers.  We will stay with the Safari theme. Nance mentioned that her work has more African stuffed animals if anyone was interested in purchasing them and then loaning them to the guild for retreat.

We discussed moving our guild meeting to the Bridge room in the OKC Arts Center. The lighting is better and the sound is better. There is a possibility that we would have to do more set up. Angela will check on it.

The meeting adjourned. Our next meeting will be August 10th from 1:30 to 4:30 at the OKC Arts Center on the state fairgrounds.

Minutes for June 2013 Meeting

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Our June meeting opened with Show & Tell. Gregg showed the armature he is making for the fishing scene he is creating. He also shared his Bottle of Hope where he used gold metallic and black acrylic paint to do a bronze technique. Jane displayed a ruffle bracelet she made from the instructions in the Polymer Arts magazine. She showed a tool she covered using the labordorite lesson we had at our May meeting. She also displayed a reversible transfer bracelet colored with Inktense pencils. Cheryl showed a necklace also made using the labordorite technique. Those who created pearl themed inchies show them.

Tom announced that Penni Jo, our retreat director, requested that we review the retreat in July when she will be able to attend. However, she asked that we decide about the location for next year so we could reserve a place quickly. A general discussion ensued regarding the positive and negative factors of our current facility. We agreed that placing the ovens outside of the kitchen worked much better. The general consensus was that we would try to reserve the same location for next year.

The May minutes were approved with the correction that both Lisa and Penni Jo will teach the October class on polymer clay and gourds. Jane made the motion which was seconded by Lisa.

LeeAnn announced the lessons for the next meetings will be:
July – Myra will teach mother of pearl inlay.
August – Angel will teach the hound’s tooth cane.
October – Lisa & Penni Jo will present polymer clay on gourds.
We need volunteers to teach in September and November.

Janice will see about reserving the club house at her complex for the September meeting. We will be required to hold our meeting at another location because of the state fair. It was also suggested that we move our February meeting to a different Saturday so we can avoid the traffic of the Affair of the Heart.

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. She also announced that we now have 24 members with Kathy being our latest addition.

There is a fair amount of treasury monies. We discussed reducing the annual dues to $24 per year. It was proposed that we do away with the point system that has been used in the past to reduce dues. It was also recommended that we reimburse teachers for supplies when they teach. The guild will reimburse them $10 without receipts and up to $25 if they submit receipts. These changes will be effective immediately. Marsha made the motion and Angel seconded it. The motion was passed.

The new library purchase for this month will be Betina Welker’s new bracelet book.

In new business, the state fair has asked if the guild will again do a demonstration on Sunday, September 15, from 2 – 6 pm. Angela will send out an email to determine how many members will be able to attend.

Lisa presented the lesson on making your own alcohol inks. We each made several colors and then tried them out on translucent clay and clay with metallic leaf. It was a lot of fun.

The meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be July 13 at 1:30 pm at the OKC Arts Center on the state fair grounds.

July 2013 Meeting: Faux Mother-of-Pearl Inlay

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Myra will be teaching this month…

Supply list:

— Pre-baked black clay pendant with a deeply impressed texture, in whatever shape you wish.

— 1/2 block Premo pearl clay

— 1/4 block Premo translucent clay

Condition and thoroughly mix these two colors together before the meeting, to save time. You can adjust the mix according to your preference – increasing the proportion of pearl clay makes it more shiny, adding more translucent may make it look more natural.

— Mica powders (I have plenty of these colors to share):

  • Blue
  • Pink
  • Pearl white

— Small-to-medium size paint brush or sponge-tip make-up applicators

— Sandpaper or sanding sponges (I will bring some):

  • Coarse (for removing excess material after baking)
  • Medium, fine, & extra-fine (for polishing)

— Small bowl or dish for water


— Pasta machine

— Blade

— Acrylic roller or brayer

The meeting will be held at the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center at the State Fair Park (3000 General Pershing Blvd.) on July 13th from 1:30 to 4:30.

June 2013 Meeting: Inky Dinky Do!!

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Ready to make some alcohol inks?  ME TOO!!

You will need:

  • 91% isopropyl alcohol (any brand), one quart. Available at CVS, Walgreen’s, etc.
  • At least  10 pre-baked white polymer circles (or other shape) to glue on top of jar for color ID. Lid is 1-1/2” – Sculpey or any other brand is fine.
  • Small, flat plastic container (like a peanut butter jar lid)
  • Small, soft paintbrush
  • Paper towels or other absorbent rag-type cloth
  • Index card to make master list
  • Pen or Sharpie
  • Box to transport ink home in upright position  (baby wipe-type boxes are great)
  • Wear old clothes and gloves if you want
  • Mica powders – pick a couple of your LEAST favorite ones. They might surprise you. If you don’t have any mica powders, I have plenty to share.
  • 1/2 block black clay
  • 1/2 block translucent clay
  • Pasta machine
  • Long blade

I will provide jars with dye for $1.oo each. Empty jars are 1 dime. I will have at least 6 colors plus black. You provide alcohol.

I decided that the way to do this properly is for me to furnish the dye (and I already have the jars) and for the Guild members to pay me instead of having the Guild purchase the dye. Not all members attend all meetings and some might not want more ink. I think it would be unfair to them for the others to get the dye if it were purchased by the Guild.

Since time is kinda short, I want to go ahead and get this out to you members (you know who you are). I may need to add some stuff, but I won’t take anything away from the list.

If you plan to participate, please let me know so I can prepare enough jars. Don’t worry – I have plenty of jars.

The meeting will be held at the City Arts Center (which has recently been renamed the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center) at the State Fair Park (3000 General Pershing Blvd.) on June 8th from 1:30 to 4:30.

Minutes for May 2013 Meeting

Tom called the meeting to order. There were 13 members present. Kathy and Craig were our visitors this month.

We began with Show and Tell. Craig showed a sculpture, a chess set and a marionette. Lisa showed a faux opal.  Myra showed a cinnabar bead and a mother of pearl inlay example.

The March minutes were approved.

Lee Ann announced the upcoming classes.  In July Myra will teach mother of pearl inlay. October will be polymer on gourds taught by Lisa. Lee Ann will talk with Penni Jo regarding the previously discussed September guest teacher. Any suggestions for classes or volunteers to teach would be appreciated.

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We currently have 23 members, including 3 new members this month. Angela related her meeting with the tax advisor. Per his recommendation, we will continue operating as we have in the past.

We considered using the monies in the treasury to provide scholarships for members to the annual retreat. We also discussed revising the membership discounts for teaching, etc. Both items will be addressed again at a later meeting.

Nance reported that bottles are available for the Bottles of Hope project.

Jane announced that we have received Christi Friesen’s latest book, Flourish. It is an excellent book with many techniques and very reflective of Christi’s fun personality. The library drawing was for Exploring Canework in Polymer Clay by Patricia Kimle.

We will do a post-retreat evaluation in June when Penni Jo will be able to be at the meeting.

Jane, Lee Ann, Connie and Tom were the winners of the raffle. They will bring prizes for the July meeting.

The June inchie swap theme is pearl. Come prepared to tell the techniques you used to create your inchie.

Our next meeting will be June 8 at 1:30 pm. We will meet at the OKC Arts Center at the fairgrounds.