Minutes for August 2015 Meeting
Minutes recorded by Angel
We had 14 members and no visitors at the August 8, 2015 meeting. Many members brought Show & Tell items (see photos here).
The dynamic duo of Penni Jo & Jane presented “Harvest Moon Light switch Cover” designed by Penni Jo. Together they presented a great project, with details, tips, techniques, directions, and patterns. A BIG Thank You to both Penni Jo & Jane!
During the business meeting, we discussed the following:
Minutes from the 7/11/2015 meeting were approved, Tom motioned and Jane seconded the motion.
Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:
- September: Connie – Tea Light Jack-o-Lanterns
- October: Angel – Aztec / Tribal Design Technique
- November: Penni Jo & Jane
Connie opened discussion about programs for our future meetings. She suggested that we go over the guidelines for teaching projects seen on the internet, in books, picture tutorials etc. Teaching is intimidating to members because the guidelines are unclear. Connie has struggled to get members to commit to teach due to these difficulties and wants the next Vice President to have an easier time of it! She talked about “follow along projects” where the group is following published instructions or a picture tutorial together with the follow along leader offering their experience from having already completed the project.
November is an inchies month; the theme is “Fall.”
Angela sent the treasurer’s report. We have 24 paid members.
Librarian Jane reported that we received two magazines: Polymer Café and Polymer Arts. The molds discussed last meeting as a $25.00 purchase are to come next month.
Web Master Myra reported an issue with the website being unavailable; she determined it was due to a database problem. The issue has been resolved. A suggestion was made by Penni Jo to take down 2015 retreat info and put up new dates.
Bottles of Hope coordinator Nance was not present.
Old Business:
- Randee Ketzel Class: The upcoming class, “Jade, Turquoise & Cinnabar.” will be held October 3rd from 9 to 5, and the cost is $70, which will include Randee’s $65 class fee plus $5 toward a box lunch. The August meeting was the deadline for the class fee.
New Business:
- A suggestion from Jane came up while we were discussing the Randee Ketzel class. She suggested that the guild comp both the hostess (for home stay) and the organizer due to the amount of work involved. Angel moved and Marsha seconded the motion, all were in favor.
- 2016 Retreat: Tom spoke about Lindly Haunani who will be our guest speaker for the 2016 retreat. Class project photos were passed out to be voted on. Members were asked to pick three.
- State Fair discussion: Demo, which is September 20, 2-6 p.m. a sign-up sheet was passed around and 4 people signed up. There will be a Polymer Clay Creations category in the State Fair’s Creative Arts Competitions. The deadline to register online (http://www.okstatefair.com/content/creative-arts-competitions) for that contest was August 15th. If you register after August 15th, there’s a late fee. All entries must be taken to the fairgrounds on September 12th or 13th.
- Lori Luli talked about teaching at an upcoming meeting. She asked the group if they would be interested in making a LED nametag like the one she worked on at the 2015 retreat. The group was receptive to the idea. Lori went over the cost ($4.00 per kit) and that she wanted to partner with someone for help with the design. Many questions were asked.
- Jane opened discussion about the hand scrub we had at the 2015 retreat. The salt in the scrub will not stay in a gritty form for a long period of time, so Jane suggested that it be divided among the guild members. All were in agreement and members were instructed to bring glass jars or plastic bags to the September meeting.
Reminder: October is a Raffle month. Winners from August were Tom X2, Angela, Laura Connie X2, Penni Jo and Jane. They will bring the raffle prizes!!