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Minutes for August 2015 Meeting

Minutes recorded by Angel

We had 14 members and no visitors at the August 8, 2015 meeting. Many members brought Show & Tell items (see photos here).

The dynamic duo of Penni Jo & Jane presented “Harvest Moon Light switch Cover” designed by Penni Jo.    Together they presented a great project, with details, tips, techniques, directions, and patterns.  A BIG Thank You to both Penni Jo & Jane!

During the business meeting, we discussed the following:

Minutes from the 7/11/2015 meeting were approved, Tom motioned and Jane seconded the motion.

Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:

  • September: Connie –  Tea Light Jack-o-Lanterns
  • October: Angel – Aztec / Tribal Design Technique
  • November: Penni Jo & Jane

Connie opened discussion about programs for our future meetings. She suggested that we go over the guidelines for teaching projects seen on the internet, in books, picture tutorials etc.  Teaching is intimidating to members because the guidelines are unclear. Connie has struggled to get members to commit to teach due to these difficulties and wants the next Vice President to have an easier time of it!  She talked about “follow along projects” where the group is following published instructions or a picture tutorial together with the follow along leader offering their experience from having already completed the project.

November is an inchies month; the theme is “Fall.”

Angela sent the treasurer’s report. We have 24 paid members.

Librarian Jane reported that we received two magazines: Polymer Café and Polymer Arts. The molds discussed last meeting as a $25.00 purchase are to come next month.

Web Master Myra reported an issue with the website being unavailable; she determined it was due to a database problem. The issue has been resolved. A suggestion was made by Penni Jo to take down 2015 retreat info and put up new dates.

Bottles of Hope coordinator Nance was not present.

Old Business:

  • Randee Ketzel Class: The upcoming class, “Jade, Turquoise & Cinnabar.” will be held October 3rd from 9 to 5, and the cost is $70, which will include Randee’s $65 class fee plus $5 toward a box lunch.  The August meeting was the deadline for the class fee.

New Business:

  • A suggestion from Jane came up while we were discussing the Randee Ketzel class.  She suggested that the guild comp both the hostess (for home stay) and the organizer due to the amount of work involved. Angel moved and Marsha seconded the motion, all were in favor.
  • 2016 Retreat: Tom spoke about Lindly Haunani who will be our guest speaker for the 2016 retreat.  Class project photos were passed out to be voted on.  Members were asked to pick three.
  • State Fair discussion: Demo, which is September 20, 2-6 p.m. a sign-up sheet was passed around and 4 people signed up. There will be a Polymer Clay Creations category in the State Fair’s Creative Arts Competitions. The deadline to register online ( for that contest was August 15th. If you register after August 15th, there’s a late fee. All entries must be taken to the fairgrounds on September 12th or 13th.
  • Lori Luli talked about teaching at an upcoming meeting.  She asked the group if they would be interested in making a LED nametag like the one she worked on at the 2015 retreat.  The group was receptive to the idea.  Lori went over the cost ($4.00 per kit) and that she wanted to partner with someone for help with the design.  Many questions were asked.
  • Jane opened discussion about the hand scrub we had at the 2015 retreat.  The salt in the scrub will not stay in a gritty form for a long period of time, so Jane suggested that it be divided among the guild members.  All were in agreement and members were instructed to bring glass jars or plastic bags to the September meeting.

Reminder: October is a Raffle month.  Winners from August were Tom X2, Angela, Laura Connie X2, Penni Jo and Jane. They will bring the raffle prizes!!

September Meeting: Tea Light Jack-o-Lantern

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jackOur September meeting will be in the Story Time Room at the Moore Public Library (225 S Howard Ave, Moore, OK) instead of our usual meeting place, due to the State Fair. For those unfamiliar with Moore, here is a map.

Connie will present our project for this month – a jack-o-lantern illuminated with an electric tea light.


  • 2 oz. of orange clay
  • 1/4 of green or brown for stem


  • Cutting blade
  • Paper tape measure (to measure around body of pumpkin)
  • Craft knife (to cut out face)
  • Round cutter 1 3/8 or 3 1/2 mm to get clean cut on bottom
  • General clay tools (to make ridges and indentions)
  • Pasta machine to make flat sheets of clay (orange sheets you can bring already done. setting on #2 with 0 being the thickest. Needs to be wide enough to cover from top to bottom and go all the way around body)
  • Work surface
  • Magic noodles (Connie will bring these)
  • Battery tea light (available at Dollar Tree). If you want it helps you know how big around pumpkin needs to be.
  • Box to carry your project home – we have no oven this time.


Minutes for July 2015 Meeting

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Minutes recorded by Angel

We had 12 members and 2 visitors at the July 11, 2015 meeting. Show & Tell items included Fourth of July inchies from 6 members, BOH with herringbone cane taught at our last meeting, Helen Breil style pendant, Best Flexible Molds new additions, earring, and a new Premo color Golden Glitter!  Lori also brought many samples of artwork from her Mixed Media cruise / Bead & Button show.  On the cruise Lori entered a drawing for guilds with the prize being a goody bag, and won! After some discussion we decided to lay the contents out and draw numbers for choosing an item.

This month Kay demonstrated shape and texture earrings.  The demonstration was organized with clear written directions and pictures.  Thank you Kay!!

During the business meeting, we discussed the following:

Minutes from the last meeting were approved, Laura motioned and Jane seconded the motion.

Vice President Connie was not in attendance so Penni Jo gave an overview of the upcoming programs:

  • August: Jane & Penni Jo – Light Switch Plate Cover w/ glow in the dark clay
  • September: Connie –  Tea Light Jack-o-Lanterns Note: September Meeting To Be Held At The Moore Library
  • October: Angel –
  • November: Instructor Needed

November is an inchies month, the theme is Fall.

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We have 23 paid members.

Librarian Jane indicated that we received the back issues of Polymer Arts.  She asked for suggestions. Angel asked about purchasing some Best Flexible Molds.  The group discussed this option and thought it would be a great idea! The details of this are being worked out.

Web Master Myra was not present.

Bottles of Hope coordinator Nance was not present.  Angel brought bottles for covering.

Old Business:

  • Randee Ketzel Class: Penni Jo spoke about Randee Ketzel’s upcoming class, “Jade, Turquoise & Cinnabar.” The class will be held October 3rd from 9 to 5, and the cost will be $70, which will include Randee’s $65 class fee plus $5 toward a box lunch.  Those interested in attending should contact Penni Jo to sign up. Class fees (cash or check made out to Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild) must be paid by August 8th.

New Business:

  • 2016 Retreat: Tom has been working on the schedule for the 2016 retreat.  Adjustments to the schedule are necessary to allow for more class options.  Jane suggested the guild members be given an early registration option one month before regular registration opens on the website.  Angela indicated that Eventbrite could help with this.

Reminder: August is a Raffle month.  Winners from June were Marsha, Tom, Angel, Victoria, Debbie and Angela. They will bring the raffle prizes!!

Our next regular meeting will be August 8th, 1:30 pm at Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center on the OKC Fairgrounds.

August Meeting: Switchplate Cover

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switchplateOur next meeting will be Saturday, August 8, 2015 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds. This is our raffle month, so if you won something in the last raffle, remember to bring an item for this one!

Penni Jo and Jane will be showing us how to make an adorable Harvest Moon switchplate cover that has glow-in-the-dark elements.


  • Polymer clay: Blue (can be metallic glitter blue), metallic or glitter gold, black, white, and glow-in-the-dark clay
  • Switchplate: any size. The artwork can be modified to fit.


  • Pasta machine or brayer
  • Craft knife
  • Superglue
  • Favorite clay tools

NOTE: Our September meeting will be at the Moore Public Library (225 S Howard Ave, Moore, OK) instead of our usual meeting place, due to the State Fair. For those unfamiliar with Moore, here is a map.

July Meeting: Earrings

Our next meeting will be Saturday, July 11, 2015 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

We will have an inchie swap this month, with a red/white/blue, 4th of July, or summertime theme.

Kay McKinnis will be showing us how to make earrings this month. Sounds like fun!


  • 2 – 1/4 segments of clay.  These can be 1/2 segment of one color or 1/4 segment of 2 colors.
  • Gloss finish – PYM II or Lisa Pavelka’s  Satin Gloss (Kay has a large can of PYMII to share)
  • 2 – Earring findings, the sample shows pierced earrings  (Kay will bring gold and silver to share)
  • 2 – Jump rings, to match earring color (Kay will bring some in gold & silver to share)
  • 2 – 2″ head pins (Kay will bring some of gold and silver)
  • 6 – 3mm silver or gold beads  (Kay will bring those)
  • 2 – 6mm or 8mm pearl beads  (Kay will bring white pearl beads)


  •  Texture pads with small patterns (Best Flexible Molds, Sculpey, or Lisa Pavelka are good sources)
  • Sculpey cutters/shapers – small squares and small circles
  • Frosting tip – round 1/2″ diameter (not sure what number it is)
  • Ruler for trimming the 1 -1/4″ square to 1″ square  ( 1″ square cutters are rare to find)
  • Jeweler’s pliers with very small tips
  • A sharp pointed tool for creating small holes in clay

Minutes for June 2015 Meeting

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Minutes recorded by Angela.

Penni Jo began the meeting by greeting our 5 guests.  We then had “Show & Tell.” Connie brought inchies from the retreat, finished retreat items, tools and supplies, a Bottle of Hope lid idea, and light-up pumpkins. Penni Jo brought stencils. Tom brought a Sutton slice tin and a Bottle of Hope with a screw-top lid.

Laura presented our lesson for the day, a herringbone cane inspired by Matt Kernan’s project on the Polyform site. She made available small metal tins to cover, and the resulting projects looked great. Thank you, Laura!

During our business meeting, we discussed the following:

Previous meeting minutes from March 2015 were approved, with a motion by Jane, seconded by Angel.

Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:

  • July: Earrings with Kay
  • August: Instructor Needed
  • September: Light-up pumpkins with Connie
  • October – December: Instructor Needed

Inchie swap: Our next inchie swap will be in July. The theme is intentionally broad — summer, summer holidays (America, red/white/blue), vacations, etc.

Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We have 23 paid members.

Old Business:

  • Randee Ketzel Class: Penni Jo gave an update about Randee Ketzel’s upcoming class, “Jade, Turquoise & Cinnabar.” The class will be held October 3rd from 9 to 5, and the cost will be $70, which will include Randee’s $65 class fee plus $5 toward a box lunch. (Kay moved, and Marsha seconded, that the guild cover any additional lunch fees above the $5/person.) Those interested in attending should contact Penni Jo to sign up. Class fees (cash or check made out to Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild) must be paid by August 8th.
  • 2015 Retreat: We had a brief review of the retreat. Connie asked about holding it at a different place in the future, such as a church retreat grounds where food would be provided (by someone other than hard-working guild volunteers). Discussion ensued. Connie offered to continue to search for other options.

New Business:

  • 2016 Retreat: Tom shared the good news that our 2016 retreat guest artist/teacher will be Lindly Haunani. We will be adjusting the schedule (dropping a demo, extending the hours of the class) to allow more class options. There have also been discussions about moving the auction and changing its format.
  • State Fair Polymer Clay Competition: Angela reported that the creative programs manager from the Oklahoma State Fair asked whether the guild wished to continue sponsoring the Polymer Clay Creations division in the Creative Arts competition. They sent us a new contract, with wording that concerned Angela. Since the contract would have needed to be signed prior to the group’s meeting to discuss, Angela emailed the officers. They decided that it the return on investment was not sufficient to continue sponsoring the division. The new competition guide is out, and there are no changes to that division except that we are no longer listed as the sponsor.

We held our raffle, with winners Marsha, Tom, Angel, Victoria, Debbie and Angela. They will bring raffle prizes for our next drawing, which is in August.

Our next regular meeting will be July 11th, 1:30 pm at Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center on the OKC Fairgrounds.

June Meeting: Herringbone

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Let’s try this again…..

Our next meeting will be Saturday, June 13, 2015 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

We will have a raffle this month, so if you won something in the last raffle, please bring an item for this one. Inchies will be in July, with a red/white/blue, 4th of July, or summertime theme.

Laura Clarkson will be teaching us an attractive herringbone design this month. This class was shown on Sculpey’s website. If you’d like a preview, the link is here.


  • Clay – Silver, black, and white (or three colors of your choosing that have good contrast – Lori suggested bronze/pearl/18K gold)
  • Small tin box or money clip (we will have small boxes available for $1 at the meeting)


  • Pasta machine
  • Blade
  • Craft knife
  • Ruler
  • Work surface
  • Wax paper