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September 2017 Meeting: Ceiling Fan Pulls

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, September 9, 2017, from 1:30-4:30 p.m. Due to the State Fair, we will be meeting this month at NorthHaven Baptist Church, 4600 36th Avenue NW, in Norman, OK. Directions: From I-35 coming from the north, exit on Indian Hills Road. If coming from the south, exit on Tecumseh Road. Go west to 36th Ave. NW – the church is about halfway between Tecumseh Rd. and Indian Hills Rd. We will be going in the west entrance. Click here for a map.

This month, Myra Cleveland will be showing us how to make functional and sturdy ceiling fan pulls.


  • Scissors
  • Scotch tape
  • Ruler
  • Sewing needle & thread or Aleene’s Tacky Glue (NOT superglue) to secure tassel
  • X-acto knife
  • Needle tool or Etch ‘n’ Pearl tool
  • Wire cutter
  • Round nose pliers
  • Needle nose pliers
  • Pasta machine
  • Blade
  • Your favorite clay tools


  • Polymer clay in your choice of colors
  • Cane slices, Skinner blends, texture sheets, and/or mica powders to decorate fan pull cap
  • Medium/large beads (polymer clay, glass, wood, or metal) to decorate top of fan pull
  • 20 gauge wire (about 24”)

Myra will provide:

  • Ball chain and connectors
  • 1/4” diameter wooden dowel
  • Small circle cutter
  • Fringe for tassels

August 2017 Meeting: Desktop Christmas Scenes

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, August 12, 2017 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds. We will have a drawing this month – so for those who won something last time, please bring something this time!

For the August meeting, Wendi McKinnon will lead us in creating a Christmas scene or a Nativity scene in an Altoid tin. We will be focusing on the figures inside the tin during the meeting. The outside of the tin will be your own design.


  • Altoid tin (the larger one, 3.5” x 2.25”)
  • Small amounts of clay:
    • For Christmas scene: red, white, brown, green, black, orange
    • For Nativity scene: tan, flesh, brown, blue, gray, white, gold
  • Ball of scrap clay
  • Miniature Christmas trees (optional)


  • Needle tool
  • Pasta machine
  • Work surface
  • Baking surface
  • Blade
  • X-acto knife
  • Small ball tool

Minutes for July 8, 2017

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Minutes recorded by Laura Clarkson

There were 16 members and 2 visitors in attendance. There were many show and tell items shared. The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages

Chris Crossland and Karen Humphreys were in charge of today’s program. Chris taught us how to build a patriotic eagle shield. Thank you to Chris and Karen for coming in from Muskogee to share their expertise.

The June minutes were approved as submitted. Vice-President reported on upcoming programs: Wendi McKinnon will present the Program in August, Myra in September, Angel in October and Deborah in November. December will be our Christmas party.

Treasurer reported current financial status and that we have 30 paid members.

Librarian reported that Penni Jo has donated more molds to the Guild. These are available for members to check out.

Retreat planning for 2018 is ongoing, if you have a suggestion for a guest artist contact Tom Gibson by email.

We are participating in the State Fair again this year. Sign up sheet was passed around for September 17, 2017 demonstration. If you would like to enter any pieces into competition, see page 12 in the Fine Arts, Crafts and Hobbies Competition Guide on the State Fair website. Registration deadline is August 15, but items don’t need to be dropped off until September 9. The 5 classes are: Sculpture, Jewelry and accessories, Beads and Buttons, Household and Functional and Mixed Media with polymer clay.

Our next drawing will be at the August meeting.

July has 5 Saturdays and we will be having a 5th Saturday play day at the Hobby Lobby in Moore on 7/29/17 from 1:30 to 4. Jane has reserved a room there. No program, just bring something to work on.

Connie reported Angel and Betty need to be remembered. Angel’s son has suffered a stroke and Betty’s Mom died.

Minutes for June 10, 2017

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Submitted by Laura Clarkson

Welcome visitors, new members & All

  • Number of attending 13
  • Number of visitors   0

Show and Tell:

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages


  • Penni Jo and Jane presented a scrappy cane.

Business Meeting

Officers/Volunteers Reports:

Secretary – Approval of Meeting Notes for 5/11/17.

Vice President –  Jane Linn – Program schedule:

  • July: Chris and Karen – Eagle
  • August: Wendi
  • September: Myra
  • October: Angel
  • November: Deborah
  • December: Christmas Party

Treasurer – Angela Mabray

  • Membership: 30 paid members

Bottles of Hope Coordinator – Wendi

Wendi reported on the play day at the Toby Keith Center. Wendi and Tom attended and they had one boy participate. Has talked to Procure and they can take anything we have. Wendi made “Tags of Hope” and brought templates of the tags to share.

Librarian –  Jane Linn

Jane reports the new book on wire jewelry has arrived and we now have 2 books on wire jewelry in the Library.

Webmaster :  Myra Cleveland – No report

Photographer – Tom Gibson – No report, but check out the website for photos of artwork.  (See above)

Party Planner – Connie Farrell – No report

Mail Support & Comfort – Connie Farrell – No report

Old  Business:

No business items

New Business:

No business items


Angela reported we have received a date for demonstration of polymer clay at the State Fair – September 17.  The Guild sponsors the contest for polymer clay. Members were encouraged to sign up for entry of their artwork into the different categories. Jane suggested we add a category for Bottles of Hope for 2018 as it is too late to add for this year.

BiMonthly Drawing /Inchie theme:

Next Inchie Theme:

  • Summer – July


  • Who brought: Laura, Penni Jo and also included a Goody Bag from the Retreat.
  • Who won: Penni Jo, Connie, Wendi (?)

July 2017 Meeting: Eagle and Shield

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, July 8, 2017 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

This is Inchie month, with a theme of Summer.

The always entertaining Chris Crossland and her trusty sidekick Karen Humphries will lead us in creating a patriotic eagle & shield pin/pendant, so appropriate for July!


  • Bake & Bond
  • Mica powders: Pearl-ex Pearl White, Aztec Gold, Sunset Gold
  • Glue-on bail for later 


Your favorite tools and:

  • Needle tool
  • Christi Friesen’s WIA tool (or whatever you use to sculpt)
  • Size “0” knitting needle
  • X-acto® or craft knife with sharp blade
  • Kemper Star cutter 3/8″ (if you don’t have it, we will cut the 3 stars for you)
  • Extruder with a 1/8″ round disc
  • PJ’s Smooth Hair texture sheet

Clay Colors

These colors of clay are used to make the colors we will be using in class: White, Pearl, Cad Yellow, 18K Gold, Cad Red, Navy (or Ultramarine Blue and Black to make Navy clay)

Color Recipes for class:

To save time during the meeting, it is suggested that the following colors be mixed and/or conditioned ahead of time:

  • White mix:  1/2 block White + 1/4 block Pearl
  • Beak mix:  1/8 block Cad yellow + 1/8 block 18K Gold
  • Shield trim & backing:  1/2 block 18K Gold
  • Shield stripes:  1/4 block Cad Red
  • Blue Shield Top:  1/4 block Navy (if you don’t have Navy clay, mix 1/4 block Ultramarine Blue + 1/16 block Black)

Minutes for May 13, 2017

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Minutes submitted by Laura Clarkson

14 Members attended the meeting.

Show and Tell consisted of several Bottles of Hope.

The Program was led by member Betty Bolerjack who shared technique for twisted wire for use in jewelry making.

Jane Linn, VP,  shared the future Program schedule:

  • Penni Jo and Jane will teach in June
  • Chris Crossland and Karen Humphreys will teach in July
  • Wendy McKinnon will teach in August

Angela Mabray gave the Treasurer’s report.  We currently have 30 paid members. The retreat came out in the black.

Wendy McKinnon, Bottle of Hope Coordinator, reported she has contacted Procure regarding providing Bottles of Hope and they are interested.  She has scheduled a Play with Clay with the children at the Toby Keith Center for Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 2 pm.  Everyone was invited to participate.

Jane Linn, Librarian, reported this is the month to buy a book.  It was moved by Angel and seconded by Wendy to purchase the Complete Guide to Making Wire Jewelry.

Old Business:

Retreat 2017 – Tom is currently reviewing the surveys.  Stated there are some issues we will need to address.  Need to begin planning now for next year and identify whom we would like as a guest artist.  Members were requested to be thinking about this for the discussion.

New Business:

  • Discussed having an all day class in October and it was suggested we see if Ginger Davis might be available for this.
  • Angela M. shared the Thank You card the Guild received from the Mustang Library for the Polymer Clay display at the Library in March.

Next drawing will be in June: Penni Jo, Laura and Angel won the last drawing.

Next Inchie swap will be in July with a Summer theme.

June 2017 Meeting: Penni Jo’s Scrappy Gems

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, June 10, 2017 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

Penni Jo and Jane will lead us in this fun class. To make this project, please keep your different scrap colors separate from each other. We will be rolling each separate color into a series or rolls and doing something special to each roll before assembling the cane.

This original and unique class was inspired by a TV show about beautiful jewels created from dried and dyed heather. Their technique creates beautiful, gleaming, ‘stonelike’ cabochons called Heathergems®.

We have re-created this look using scraps of polymer clay.

This polymer clay class will allow the student to create Heathergem-inspired “Scrappy PenniJoGems” cabochons & beads from leftover clay. Since most people work with their favorite colors, the Scrappy PenniJoGems usually come out quite appealing and unique to the artist.

These beautiful cabochons are wonderful for earrings, pendants, bracelets, hair barrettes, home décor and more.

To speed up your work, condition your scraps before coming. Do not mix up your colors, just soften each individual scrap of clay so that each scrap can be rolled into a roll in class. Keep your scraps of clay separated as much as possible before coming to class as we will be rolling each separate color or blend into a series or rolls and then do something special to each roll before assembling.


  • Polymer Clay: Good clay scraps, at least two to three ounces. Or, any mix of your favorite colors. Skinner Blends, Metallic and Pearl or Metallic scraps work very well. Even old canes can be used.
  • “Junk” clay to make the cabochon backing.
  • Rigid tissue blade for cutting slices.
  • Heavy body acrylic paint. Black, dark brown, dark blue or dark purple (We’ll have some in class to use)
  • Clay tools and favorite tools
  • Newspaper or other paper on which to paint.
  • If a shiny finish is desired, polymer clay friendly varnish and brushes for polymer clay.
  • Cabochon Molds or cutters (need plastic wrap for curved edges)


  • Pasta Machine
  • Embossing powders, dark colors of your choice. (these can add bits of sparkle or texture.)
  • Mica powders, iron on Jewels if you wish to add jewels to your designs.
  • Findings for cabs
  • Elastic cord for Tile Bracelet

Teachers will bring:

  • Wax paper/aluminum foil
  • Cabochon Molds
  • Cutters
  • Saran or Glad Wrap

Project Ideas:

  • Pendant
  • Earrings
  • Tile Bracelet (1” cutter ?)
  • Stick pin
  • Barrette
  • Frame Tiles
  • Mosiac Focal Designs

Penni Jo has provided a handy guide you can download for future reference. Thanks, PJ!!