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Meeting Announcements

December 2012 Meeting: Share a Project!

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Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This month is our Christmas swap, so everybody bring an item you have made and you’ll take home an item crafted by someone else. If possible, we would also love to hear how you made your item. We have quite a talented group so the items are fun and varied.

This meeting will be held at the City Arts Center at the State Fair Park (3000 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City), on December 8, 2012 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

October 2012 Meeting: Ikat Cane

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Lisa will be teaching the Ikat cane. She has been playing with clay for many years. In fact, she was claying before claying was cool. Lisa is very knowledgeable and innovative about polymer clay projects.

Supply List:

  • Pasta machine
  • Extruder with small square disc
  • Ruler
  • Brayer or equivalent
  • Long blade
  • Round cookie cutter -larger than 1 inch
  • Small cutter or soda straw
  • Tile or other surface to work on
  • Cards for baking
  • Clay- 1/2 package of two different high contrast colors. Also about 1/4 pkg of one of the two colors for backing for pendant. (Black with a pastel or white or white with a dark color or black are good for color choices)
  • Have clay conditioned before class to save time.

If there’s time, Lee Ann will show another technique which will require a 1/2 package each of two colors to make skinner blend.


October is raffle month, so bring a few extra dollars if you want to participate! Tom, Cheryl, Lori, and Kay will bring items for the raffle.

Thanks to all who participated in the fair demo. Job well done on your fair entries! We have some amazing talent in our group and please bring your entries to the Oct. meeting ( with or without ribbons) so everyone can see them.

The meeting is back at the City Arts Center this month on October 13, 2012 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

February 2012 Meeting: Mokume Gane with a Twist

This month we will be exploring a really fun new twist on an old technique. Some of you have been experimenting with it already. It’s a lot of fun, but there are several preliminary steps, so you’ll be better off bringing your clay already conditioned and rolled to the right thickness, if possible.
**Shirley Conaway** will be teaching this fun **Mokume Gane with a Twist** pattern.
Shirley Mokume Gane ProjectOur meeting will be held **Saturday, February 11th, 2012, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies you will need to bring:**
– 4 half-blocks (1 oz. each) of four contrasting colors, 2 lighter and 2 darker, rolled to strips about 2″ x 4″ on thickest setting of pasta machine
– ½ block of a color to use as a base (will show through holes).
– ½ block of a backing color – rolled on thickest setting
– Scrap clay equal to about 2 blocks worth
**Tools and Equipment**:
– Pasta machine
– Brayer or clay roller
– Clay blade, very sharp for horizontal slicing
– Needle tool
– Shaped clay cutters, various sizes, if you have them
– Tile for baking
– Work surface that clay will stick to and not move if pressed down. Your baking tile may work. Glass and acrylic work well.)
– Spray bottle for spritzing
– 4 new 3×3″ square sticky note pads (optional, but they make horizontal slicing easier)
– Waxed paper, paper towels, alcohol wipes
– Household implements to make shaped punctures in clay: I will bring some to share and some for you to take home, but if you have small items you think make interesting holes or impressions in clay, bring them. Examples are tubes or clay cutters that make various size holes; cake-decorating tips; embroidery thread spools; crochet needle; hardware items; seashells that make spiral cuts or wavy lines.

January 2012 Meeting: Faux Wood

**UPDATE 1/23/12: Meeting is rescheduled to Saturday, January 28th, at the regular time 1:30pm to 4:30pm. Lee Ann will be teaching her Faux Wood technique, the materials list is below. We look forward to seeing you there!**
Update 1/13/12: Due to a scheduling conflict at our regular meeting place, we’ve been forced to cancel the January 14th meeting. We’re still trying to figure out a new date and will post here once it’s scheduled. Our apologies for the last-minute change!
Lee Ann faux wood projectsThis month, **Lee Ann Kelly** has generously offered to teach us a beautiful **Faux Wood** technique. Lee Ann’s artistry in polymer clay is always an inspiration, and we know this project will be no exception!
Our meeting will be held **Saturday, January 14, 2012, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring:**
– Half a block of each: gold,burnt umber and black
– Bic Stick pen
– Pasta machine
– Craft knife and/or tissue blade
– Pliers — needle nose preferred
– Ruler
This month we’ll be holding a raffle, so bring a few extra dollars if you want to participate. November’s winners (Kay, Stacie, Lee Ann, Sue and Penni Jo) will be supplying the prizes.

Minutes for COPCG December 2011 Business Meeting

**December 10 2011**
**Introduce / welcome guests**
Shirley greeted visitors, newest member Kay and passed around the attendance sheet. Since it is Christmas time only 8 of our members were in attendance.
Shirley had a recent copy of USA today with a photo of artist Elise Winters in an article about breast cancer. From the black and white photo and the jewelry it looked like her . PJ said she would try to find out more and contacted the IPCA. Yes, it is our Elise.
**Show and Tell & Program:**
The show and tell / lesson was to bring an item to show and tell how we made it. Most brought something made using a lesson learned during the year.
Stacie, new to our polymer clay guild, brought a project started before joining. She told us that her home had only one tree. Every other tree was either killed or died so she made a decorative tree of polymer clay. As yet unfinished, the trunk and branches are sculpted, baked and antiqued. The tree has a sweet face and the branches have wires ready to add beads and or polymer clay leaves on to.
Tom brought a snowflake ornament made using the Angelina film. The polymer clay glitter covered ornament had spaces in the pattern where the Angelina film was applied. The film has a most magical feeling.
Nance showed several of her Christmas tree ornaments and jewelry that she has made through the years. One was a class she taught at guild a few years ago. The class included a lesson on how to make a leaf cane and then used the leaf cane slices to make the tree. After making the tree with leaf cane slices, decorative cane slices and tiny candy canes were added to make “ornaments”. One pin began with a tiny tree that she made. After baking it was molded so that many little tree pins could be made from it. These were also embellished with cane slices. A third tree was a clay tree with glass millefiori beads for ornaments. A fourth was a pendant with a tree decorated with sea shells on a mica shift background. Lovely Christmas tree jewelry. She also showed a wreath pin made of cane leaves and slices.
Kay showed an ornament made of a very large bottle cap that was embellished with a molded hummingbird, holly leaves and flowers. The background and the hummingbird were tinted with metallic green. She also showed a stunning three strand beaded necklace.
Lee Ann brought a beautiful snow lady wearing a delightful cape of quilt squares in soft green, deep green red, white etc. The border of the cape was wrapped using matching clay ‘ribbon’. Her sweet face was wrapped in the fur lined hood of the cape.
Jane showed a purchased tassel with the top wrapped with molded poinsettias. She made a darling clay ornament with a great sentiment on a white background, a twisted red, green and white border and the most darling, hand sculpted clay tools dangles. A stack of clay blocks, long tissue blades and a pasta machine!!! It was amazing in it’s detail. She finished the embroidery project started in class, a tiny house with great details on it. She finished it as an ornament by gluing it to a large glittery turquoise colored snowflake.
Penni Jo showed a Victorian style embroidered design that will go onto the face of a Badge Reel. Since the design had to be concave and curved, she showed step by step how to mold the plastic curved surface of the Reel, make a clay image of it, bake the clay image, cover with foil and then shape the final artwork over the baked, foil covered image. She made the design, baked it on the foil covered image and removed it after baking. The concave design can be glued to the front of the Badge Reel. She gave every member in attendance a Badge Reel. She also showed the finished heart pin/pendant that was used to show various stitches using the embroidery technique.
**Business Meeting: **
**1. Approval of Minutes:**
Minutes were emailed and posted on line. Jane moved to approve, Nance seconded, approved.
**2. Officers Reports:**
**Vice President ~Angela Upcoming Programs**
– January: Faux Bois (fake wood) by Lee Ann
– February: Layering and Imprinting by Shirley
– March: TBD
**Treasurer ~ Angela**
– Balance: both regular and retreat funds are in the account.
– Members:16
**BOH Report ~ Nance**
February and March, Nance plans to become more focused and to do some teaching. She will be sending the next group to the Norman Hospital Breast Cancer clinic.
Librarian ~ Jane**
The new book is in but she did not review it as Myra will be telling us about it.
**Old Business**
**1. Guild Retreat 2012 Penni Jo**
We covered the highlights of the retreat meeting. More detailed minutes from the meeting will be sent to members.
We have 16 donors to the goody bags.
We are one third full.
We will separate the goody bag stuff from the raffle/auction donations.
We are planning on 38 goody bags. Any left over bags to be raffled.
We’ve asked members to touch base with local businesses to see if the could donate to our guild or goody bags. One example is Lowes or Home Depot may have broken lots of ceramic tiles as they can be used as baking surfaces, heat sinks in small ovens etc.
Auto stores might donate sanding film for bead makers.
Perhaps we can ask if Hobby Lobby can donate anything?
Nance will donate a new rock tumbler for an auction/raffle item.
Nance will donate a new Sander for an auction/raffle item.
Ask if Polymer Clay Express .com would donate a dream machine. Angela reported that she has requested an auction/raffle item and has not heard back yet.
It was agreed that members would make at least two items to donate to the school for the secretary, pastor and office help. Any extras might be used if they have a bazaar or as prizes for the members.
The three toaster ovens have arrived and are at Jane’s house.
Attendees will be encouraged to bring snacks for themselves and or to share.
Tom and Kay will be the oven monitors chairpersons and will be in charge of the sign up sheet at the registration desk.
We will need two sign up sheets for Kitchen Duty and Oven Monitors at the registration table. Myra make the posters?
Nance will be compiling the program but will be traveling. Do NOT email her with information until after February 12th as she will not have access to her computer until then.
Members are encouraged to give Jane and or Ruth ideas for meals and food choices.
It was suggested that we let the attendees know if they have any dietary/food requirements. Peanut allergy and other allergies were mentioned. Should we ask Angela to add this line to the retreat page? Angela reported that this is already on the retreat info.
My most grateful thanks to the group for your willingness to jump in and help with the many, many things needing to be done for the retreat.
**New Business**
1. Slate of officers for January Election: (Thank everyone for stepping up!)
– Pres. Shirley Conaway (unless someone else volunteers)
– Vice Pres. – Lee Ann Kelly –
– Secretary – Cheryl Rains
– Treasurer – Angela Mabray
– Web Master – Angela Mabray
Any other nominations from the floor?
~~ Stacie Bebber volunteered to act as Web Master
**Slate of officers,** (cont’d):
**Volunteer Positions:**
– Photographer – Ruth and Stacie as a team. Both or either can take photos. Stacie can crop and PhotoShop photos as needed for the website and for the minutes.
– Bottles of Hope Coordinator – Nance can continue and needs medium sized bottles. She will be teaching classes on making Bottles Of Hope.
– Librarian – Jane will continue
– Librarian Helper – Lee Ann will continue.
Dues are due in January. Members will receive an email with amount owed.
None of record.
**Library Drawing for a new book ~~ Jane:**
Winning Title: Magazine Subscription for Polymer Arts Magazine.
Five members swapped this year.
– Kay got the embroidered pin by PJ
– Lee Ann got the Christmas tree pin with glass millefiori ornaments by Nance.
– Nance got Lee Ann’s snow lady.
– PJ got the ornament by Kay. (because she did not notice that Tom would be left with his own ornament. She feels very bad about this.)
– Tom kept his snowflake ornament saying that his wife wanted it.
No one really wanted to play dirty Santa.
**Next meeting:**
January 14, 2012
At Hobby Lobby in Moore.

December 2011 Meeting: Share A Project!

December is our always-popular **Share A Project** meeting, where members take turns talking about a favorite project. Bring a Christmas ornament, a handmade Christmas gift, or just something cool you’ve made this year with polymer clay. Share a little about how you made it. And if you want, you can include your project in the swap at the meeting’s end. It’s an informal meeting where we all get to share ideas and get inspired.
Our meeting will be held **Saturday, December 10, 2011, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**What to bring:**
– A finished polymer clay project
– There’s no lesson this month, so you don’t need any particular supplies. But you’re welcome to bring your clay and play anyway!
**Swap Theme**
If you would like, you may include your “share a project” item in the swap at the end of the meeting.
**Retreat Meeting**
This month’s 2012 Retreat Planning Meeting will be held at 12:30 in the Hobby Lobby classroom before the guild meeting.

November 2011 Meeting: Pandora-Style Beads

Beads by Myra.jpgThis month, **Myra Cleveland** has generously offered to teach us how to make **Pandora-Style Beads**. Myra, who joined our group earlier this year, blogs at Clay Harmony and sells her work on Artfire. We’re eager to learn how she makes these beautiful beads!
Our meeting will be held **Saturday, November 12, 2011, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring:**
– Scrap clay (for practice beads)
– Clay in desired colors (including translucent, if desired) – Kato is best
– Small cutters (to make multiple beads of the same size)
– Piece of clear Plexiglas or plastic (the front of a CD cover is perfect)
– Sculpey Etch ‘n’ Pearl tool (large or medium size)
– Small canes to decorate beads (optional)
**Myra will provide:**
– Grommets/eyelets (2 per bead). Myra has generously offered to provide each person with 10 grommets, enough to make five beads, and will have more available for sale at the meeting. She will also have snake chain bracelets, silver spacer beads, and charms for sale, so people can leave the class with all the parts needed for a complete bracelet, if they wish.
Bracelet by Myra**Raffle**
This month we’ll be holding a raffle, so bring a few extra dollars if you want to participate. September’s winners (Angela, Angel, and Stacie) will be supplying the prizes.
**Retreat Meeting**
We’ll hold a planning meeting for our 2012 Retreat before the guild meeting from 12:20-1:10. Since the Hobby Lobby classroom will be occupied during that time, we’ll be meeting at a little restaurant called “Sunny Side Up.” It is east of I-35 on the south side of 19th street, behind the shopping center where Hobby Lobby is.