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August Meeting: Ink Jet Transfers

Ink Jet Transfer Sample by ShirleyShirley will be teaching August’s lesson on **Ink Jet Transfers**. We will be transferring two ink-jet-printed images to polymer clay, then creating two small “tiles” which can be used in elasticized tile bracelets. Each tile will use a different technique, resulting in a slightly different look. One technique will result in a transfer with bright, clear colors, and the other will yield an image that is a bit yellowed, giving it an aged look. There are many types of images that would make a nice bracelet: copyright-free artistic designs; old prints or drawings; photos of children, grandchildren, or ancestors; fragments of maps; and vacation mementos. Lots of colorful design images will be provided for you to use, but for those who wish to use their own images, an e-mail message outlining options will follow.
– **When:** Saturday, August 9, 2008, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
– **Where:** The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK. (The classroom is up front, near the check out stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
– **What to Bring:**
– One-half ounce of white polymer clay (Shirley has used Kato and Premo with good results.)
– One-half ounce of translucent polymer clay (Will be rolled to the thinnest setting, so if you have a favorite brand that works well at this thickness, do use it.)
– One pkg. of black polymer clay
– One-half ounce of scrap clay
– Liquid polymer clay
– Elasticized bead cord (black)
– Brass tube, knitting needle, or some device about 1/8 inch diameter, or wide enough to measure a space through your tile big enough to accommodate a knot in your bead cord.
– Clay blade
– Pasta machine
– Needle tool
– Scissors for cutting thin slabs of cured clay
– Bone folder, stiff credit card, or plastic spoon for burnishing image on clay
– Tile(s) for baking surface
– Waxed paper, baby wipes, etc. for clean work surface
– Also helpful: Grid paper or a gridded cutting mat
Note on clay brands: Since the process involves several steps of re-baking, Shirley recommends using only clays with similar baking temperatures on one tile. Additional materials needed to finish the bracelet at home will be listed in the instruction handout.
**REMINDER** – We will be having a swap this meeting. Since our group seems to have a lot of August “babies,” our swap theme is birthdays. Think cake, babies, age, party hats, or any other festive birthday-themed items. To participate, bring one item. In exchange, you’ll receive one item from another swap participant.

June Meeting: Rubber Stamped Coasters

Swirly Bird Coaster 2 by CraftyGoat
This month, Angela Mabray will be giving tips on using rubber stamps with polymer clay, then showing how to make a **Rubber Stamped Coaster**.
* When: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
* Where: The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK. (The classroom is up front, near the check out stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
* What to Bring:
* Polymer Clay: Our main project will use about 1/2 block of white clay (makes one 4″ coaster). Angela will be discussing various techniques, so bring along extra clay if you want to make other coasters.
* Rubber Stamps: Angela will have lots of stamps available, but feel free to bring a few favorites to use and share. Deeply cut stamps tend to work best with polymer clay.
* Cork Coasters: You can buy pre-cut round or square cork coasters at Hobby Lobby (a package of 6 costs $2.77). These are usually on the same aisle as bulletin boards & other cork boards. If you prefer, you can buy the rolls of cork and cut them down to size.
* Pasta Machine
* Glue: Super glue or Sobo
* Work surface and baking tile (at least 4″ x 4″)
* Clay blade
* Scissors
* StazOn ink pad, chalks, stamp cleaner: Angela will have some available to share if you don’t have these
* Optional (for projects other than the coaster pictured above): Kato or TLS liquid clay, alcohol inks, black acrylic paint, colorful acrylic paint
Swap: Don’t forget — this month is our first swap. Bring one item to swap that fits this month’s theme, which is **floral**

May 2008 Meeting Notes

Nine people attended the May meeting, including 8 members (2 of whom had to leave before the lesson) and 1 returning guest. Penni Jo demonstrated the faux zebra wood technique, then showed us all how to make inros from a PVC pipe mold she provided. As always, the resulting projects were diverse & wonderful. Thanks to Penni Jo for providing such an in-depth lesson!
If you missed the meeting (or just need a refresher on some of the steps), you can find the handouts here.
Our upcoming meetings are:
* May 31: 5th Saturday Play Day at Penni Jo’s home
* June 14: Rubber Stamp Techniques with Angela
* July 12: Beads (all members sharing tips about bead rollers, making beads, etc.)
* August 9: Ink-Jet Image Transfers with Shirley
* August 30: Play Day
* September 13: Mokume Gane with Nance
* October 11: Translucent Layering with Jane
During the business portion of the meeting, we discussed the following items:
* Swap Theme: Starting in June, we will be doing a swap every other month (alternating months with the raffle). Our June theme will be Florals. If you would like to take part, just bring 1 polymer clay item that fits that theme. Everyone who brings an item will swap with another member. The type of object you make is completely up to you, as long as it fits with the theme. Participation is completely optional.
* Membership: Lee Ann K. became our newest member, which brings our member count to 14. Our balance is $417.26.
* Bottles of Hope: Several members brought back finished Bottles of Hope. Penni Jo told the group about a possible lead for obtaining classroom space to teach Bottles of Hope workshops. April G. entered one of her Bottles in the Integris Hospital Celebration of Life & Art Exhibit.
* Show & Tell: We took a few minutes after the business portion of the meeting to do a quick Show & Tell. It was a lot of fun to see what members have been working on. Jane suggested members also bring their completed projects from the previous month to show.
* Drawings: Nance donated 2 prizes for this month’s raffle. Penni Jo and April were the winners. The new library book selection is Creative Canes by Barbara McGuire.

May Meeting: Faux Zebrawood Inro

Faux Zebrawood Inro CloseupThis month, Penni Jo Couch will be showing us how to make a **Faux Zebrawood Inro** using polymer clay.
* When: Saturday, May 10, 2008, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
* Where: The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK. (The classroom is up front, near the check stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
* What to Bring:
* Strong Polymer Clay: **Please** have your clay conditioned before class and use only a strong brand of clay for this project. The Faux Zebrawood inro pictured uses 1/2 block gold, 1/4 block of dark brown and 1/2 block of black. For the inside, metallic clay is nice as it is bright when the box is opened. Gold may be very soft, so you may want to mix it 50/50 with translucent for the inside.
* Paper, scotch tape, scissors
* Cord: like 1 mm or 2 mm rolled leather cord or other heavy cord
approx. 1/16” in diameter. The drill bit will need to be about the same diameter as your cord.
* Hand drill with 1/16” drill bit in a handle.
* Blades: Exacto knife with new, sharp blade. Rigid tissue blade or razor blade for straight cuts.
* Pasta machine or Acrylic roller and spacers
* Deli paper or wax paper: The deli or wax paper is needed to prevent the clay from sticking to your work surface.
* Poly-fill, small amount to stuff inside the inro.
* Liquid clay – Kato or TLS.
* Release Agent: Baby powder or cornstarch and a small brush for applying OR Kato Repel Gel.
* Brushes: Small brush dedicated to liquid polymer clay. (No need to clean it out. It can be stored in a baggie between uses.)
* Thin, stiff wire or needle to make holes in the beads.
* Baking Surface – Small (4” by 4” or 2” by 2”) tile or heavy cardboard. Remember, we share the ovens at guild so bring something just larger than your project so that many can be put into the oven at the same time.
* Varnish – Future or other polymer clay friendly varnish.
* Optional Items: Extruder to make the ropes that go around the box, under the lid and above the bottom. Closure if you wish for the necklace to separate in the back.
* Optional Embellishments: Canes – Assortment of canes, Pearl Ex or other mica powders, Mokume Gane slices, or other faux finishes.
As this is a fairly involved class with specialized supplies, Penni Jo has put together a kit that has some of the necessary items for $1.00 each. She needs to know in advance which members want the kits so she can have these prepared. **Please reserve a kit via our mailing list.** If you’re not on the mailing list, you can also use contact form.
**Inro Kit Contents** (available from Penni Jo for $1):
* 1 1/4” tall PVC pipe form with paper taped around it, bottom clipped and ready to use.
* 1/4” Paper strip for cut line
* Small piece of paper for patterns
* Tiny bag of baby powder for release agent
* Tiny bag of liquid Kato Medium®
* Two sheets of Deli Paper
* Small amount of Fiber-fil®
* Toothpicks, two cut in half, ready to use
* Full color lesson with pictures.
If you would like a sneak peak at what we’ll be doing, check out these PDFs from Penni Jo:
* InroMaterialsList.pdf
* InroClassInstructions.pdf
It’s going to be an exciting meeting — we hope to see you there!

March 2008 Play Day Notes

Breast cancer bear with pendantThanks so much to everyone who came out to the Bottles of Hope Play Day, and thanks especially to our speaker, Cindy Matteson. Cindy was very sharing about her journey with breast cancer & her ideas for setting up a Bottles of Hope program locally. She even brought each of us a pink ribbon teddy bear!
We discussed the following:
* Cindy would love to see us have a special event in conjunction with a local hospital (perhaps Baptist or Integris Cancer Centers), where we deliver our Bottles of Hope to cancer patients & survivors. According to the organizer of the Kansas City event, we would need 75-100 bottles to make such an event worthwhile.
* Cindy suggested we might get high school art classes involved — not only would they enjoy learning about the clay and helping create the bottles, but this would help us build up our bottle supply. She knows some folks at the local high school and will help us look into this. Other similar possibilities mentioned were girl scouts and the YMCA.
* Cindy mentioned the possibility of putting together a few sample bottles, then making contact with the media, to start getting the word out about the program.
Angela created a handout with information on Bottles of Hope. She has made the handout and a video available on her site.
We had five people in attendance, and after Cindy’s talk, folks stayed around for several hours creating gorgeous Bottles of Hope. We ended up adding several bottles to our collection, and each person took home a few bottles to cover at home. We have *lots* of bottles (over 200), which will be available at all of our meetings for folks to take home and cover.
Thanks to all for a creative & fun-filled play day!

January 2008 Meeting Notes

Note: Thanks to our newly-elected secretary Shirley for providing these meeting notes.
Six members and one guest, April Gregory, attended the January meeting. April became our newest member at the end of the meeting, giving us two Aprils among our membership.
Jane Linn led us through the fun process of creating faux pewter picture frames. Everyone had good results, and each person’s frame was unique. She also showed other ideas for faux pewter, including a cleverly constructed wine stopper and an intricately decorated knife handle. Jane also demonstrated how to make faux abalone and showed us multiple beautiful samples she had made as she tested and perfected the technique in preparation for the meeting.
The schedule for the next few meetings is below:
* February 9: Hearts for Heroes, which will be taught by three members.
* March 8: Extruder Canes – April Salcedo
* March 29: 5th Saturday Play Day – Bottles of Hope. Angela will host this meeting.
* April 12: To be announced
During the business portion of the meeting, we discussed the following items:
* Election of officers: The following slate of officers were elected for 2008:
* President – Angela Mabray
* Vice President – April Salcedo
* Secretary – Shirley Conaway
* Treasurer – Angela Mabray
* Librarian – Jane Linn
* Photographer – Cassy Salcedo
* Web Master – April Salcedo
* Library Fines: The question of setting library fines for overdue books was discussed. The group decided that if a book is not returned after two months, the borrower will be fined $1.00 for each succeeding month. After six months, the borrower will be required to purchase the book.
* Silver Clay: Penni Jo suggested that rather than going to the expense and effort involved in preparation for a lesson about silver clay, those interested might do better to find a local silver clay group to visit. She announced also that she has a set of DVDs about silver clay which anyone may borrow. April mentioned that the Firehouse Art Center in Norman periodically teaches classes.
* Group Clay Purchase: Penni Jo mentioned that no more members had submitted orders for clay.
* Library Drawing: Making Polymer Clay Beads by Carol Blackburn was chosen to be purchased this month for the guild library. Angela announced that last month’s choice, a subscription to Polymer Clay Cafe, has been ordered and should be arriving soon.
* Membership Dues: Angela announced membership dues are due next month from the first three members who joined the guild.

January Meeting: Faux Pewter Frames

Faux Pewter Frame by Jane LinnThis month, Jane Linn will be showing us how to make two different faux surfaces — pewter and abalone — using polymer clay . Then she’ll be teaching us how to make a gorgeous picture frame using the faux pewter technique.
* When: Saturday, January 12, 2008, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
* Where: The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK. (The classroom is up front, near the check stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
* What to Bring:
* Strong Polymer Clay: Black (2 packages) and Pearl. Small amounts of several colors of your choosing (e.g., Blue Pearl, Green Pearl, Gold, and Purple).
* Frame: small or medium, wood or paper mache (no plastic)
* Rub n’ Buff-Silver Leaf (optional — we’ll have some to share if you don’t have any)
* Cotton swabs (3-4)
* Rubber stamps to stamp on picture frame
* Metal or wood tool with softly rounded point: (optional — you can make one of these by gently sanding the point of a round toothpick)
* Round toothpicks (3-4)
* Sharp craft knife, such as Exacto
* Flexible tissue blade
* Brushes, and other favorite tools
* Soft cloth
* Polymer-friendly varnish-satin
* Rubber-type gloves and Baby Wipes with alcohol (optional but encouraged — the black clay is really messy)
* Pasta Machine (optional)
* Baking Surface: Ceramic tile or cardstock large enough for your picture frame to bake on
Jane recommends conditioning your clay ahead of time (or coming a little early to the meeting and doing it there).