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October 2010 Meeting Notes

We had a great October meeting! Six members attended, but sadly, there were no guests this month. Jane began the meeting with **Show and Tell**. As requested, some members brought their state fair entries so everyone could get a better look. Others brought recent creations, some of which were made during our polymer clay demonstration at the state fair.
**Program:** Our own resident author, Angela (“Crafty Goat”), taught us how to cover a business card case with carved faux ivory, a project from her new book, Polymer Clay 101, which will be published in January 2011. She brought several beautiful examples which she had carved. For many of us, this was our first experience using a lino carving tool. No one finished, but Jane urged us to bring our finished pieces next time. Many thanks to Angela for an excellent lesson!
**Business Meeting:**
Minutes from the September meeting were approved.
**Old Business:**
**Guild Retreat Planning:** Jane announced that Penni Jo is currently in California, at Sandy Camp, a polymer clay retreat, doing demonstrations and gathering ideas for a possible retreat for our guild.
**Guild Show April, 2011 at Midwest City Library:**
Jane reminded us to be planning for our show in April, suggesting that our state fair entries will be appropriate, but that we will need additional pieces. Shirley reported that there are three display cases, and if memory serves, each is approximately 5′ wide and contains three levels for display. We will be able to display our guild information, as well as leave business cards. Nance suggested that part of the space be used to display a few basic polymer clay tools and some books, and we all agreed. The library will provide books from their collection, if we need to fill space.
**State Fair Re-Cap:**
Jane asked for fresh thoughts or ideas for next year regarding our state fair display and demo. For the demo, it was suggested that we need to have more sign-up sheets for visitors who are interested, and that a member should do a follow-up call or email with an invitation before the next meeting. Shirley volunteered to do that. She also suggested that we request a support behind our demo tables on which to hang our banner, such as the lattice we had this year, as it was much better than bringing in something of our own for that purpose.
For the fair entries, we re-opened our discussion about whether to divide entries into hobby and professional categories, so that everyone would have a greater chance of winning a top prize. We decided not to do so, as each judge will have different ideas on what is good, and our group is very small at this point.
Several members voiced concerns about tightening the wording of our guidelines for entries: specifically, providing a definition of “beads” and writing more specific guidelines regarding the percentage of the entry that must be polymer clay. The question of adding a new category for “mixed media” was also brought up. Decisions will be postponed until next spring, in time for the 2011 fair.
**Paseo “Hold It” Show:**
Jane reminded us that the due date for entries into the Paseo Art Association’s container show is October 23rd. The entry fee is $25.
**New Business:**
There was no new business.
**Programs:** April reviewed our upcoming meetings, and we planned several more as follows:

**November:** Faux Cloisonne or Faux Enamel with Angela

**December:** Members’ Ideas and Optional Swap

**January:** Vessels with Lee Ann


**March:** Mosaic with Angela

**April:** Kaleidoscope Canes with April
**Treasurer:** Angela reported that we have 10 members and a current balance of $490.39.
**Bottles of Hope:** No new report.
**Library Report:** Jane showed our newest library purchase, *Artists at Work: Polymer Clay Comes of Age*, by Pierrette Brown Ashcroft and Lindly Haunani.
**Drawing for New Library Book:** All agreed we should order Penni Jo’s phoned-in suggestion, **Mixed Media Mosaics: Techniques and Projects Using Polymer Clay Tiles, Beads, and Other Embellishments**, by Laurie Mika.
Pens brought for swap**October Swap:** Artistic covered pens were brought and swapped by Angela, Lee Ann, Jane, and Nance (see picture).

November Raffle: As winners of the September raffle, Penni Jo and Shirley will provide items for November’s raffle.

October 2010 Meeting: Carved Business Card Case

Faux Ivory Carved Business Card Case by Angela Mabray
Our next meeting is this **Saturday, October 9th, 2010, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160 – see map).
This month Angela Mabray will be showing us how to make a carved faux ivory business card case. Angela will show how to use a Speedball lino cutting tool (the ones used to carve stamps) with polymer clay. The faux ivory technique she’ll demonstrate gives the business card holder an elegant look, making it great for men or women (think Christmas gift!). Angela encourages you to bring along a simple image to personalize your case — whether it’s a monogram, something you’ve sketched, or even your own or a spouse’s company logo.
This faux ivory business card case project is from Angela’s upcoming book, Polymer Clay 101, which will be available January 2011.
Two special notes about materials:
* Polyform (maker of Premo, Sculpey, and other clays and tools) has generously offered to sponsor this meeting by providing the group’s clay. So you don’t need to bring clay unless you want to use a different color scheme for your project. Thanks so much to Polyform!
* Don’t worry too much if you don’t have all of the materials. As is usually the case with our guild’s meetings, the teacher and other members can share if you’re not ready to invest in a particular supply or tool.
Materials/Tools List:
* Pasta machine
* Image or logo to carve, printed on regular copy paper, sized to fit on a 3.5″ wide by 2.25″ tall business card case. You may want to start with something that has fairly simple lines while you’re learning the carving technique. (Angela will also have some royalty-free images to select from.)
* Ballpoint pen or pencil
* Speedball lino cutter tool with V-Shaped cutter #1 and/or #2
* Angela says, “I found mine at Hobby Lobby near the model cars section. You can buy a set that includes the handle and a few cutting blades for about $15 (use a coupon!). Or you can get just what you need for this project slightly cheaper by buying the handle and cutting blades separately.”
* Clay blade
* Aluminum scraper
* Business card case (metal)
* These are available online here, here, or on Amazon. It’s entirely possible they’re available somewhere locally, too (if you know of someplace, please let us know!). If you don’t want to order these ahead of time, Angela will have two different types for sale at cost, one for $6 and one for $8. You’re also welcome to make your carved faux ivory piece into a pendant, Artist Trading Card, or other project if a business card case isn’t your thing.
* Brayer or acrylic roller, optional
* Super glue
* Brown acrylic paint for antiquing
* Old toothbrush or stiff-bristled brush
* Paper towel
This month’s swap theme is Covered Pens (pens you’ve covered with polymer clay). Everyone who wants to participate should bring along a pen they’ve made to swap.
Don’t forget to be bring the name of a book, magazine, or DVD you’d like to have in our wonderful library.

COPCG Minutes Sept 14 2010

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**1. Introductions / welcome guests**
We had two guests, Beth Baker and Christine Sawyer. Beth is a bead maker and was wearing a lovely necklace / earring set that she had made. It was decide that, during the time we each introduced ourselves to our guests, that we would briefly describe how we found polymer clay. Each story was different and so much fun to hear. We all fell in love with the clay and succumbed to it’s siren song.
**2. Show and Tell:**
PJ showed some of the things made for Sandy Camp. Angela showed two things: 1. A faux wood top for a business card case, the carving project for next month and the tool used for carving. (available for about $12.00 to $15.00 at hobby stores) These pretty cases can be sold or used by the maker. Note, if desired, the carving project can be used in anumber of ways. 2. Faux Enamel, the project for November. She showed a rubber stamp example that could be used as the base and starting point for the project. 3. She showed how a reverse stamp can be made from a rubber stamp that can be used to make Faux Enamel or even Faux cloisonne. Nance brought some great beads, beads and more beads. Lee Ann brought some fabulous Bottles of Hope, necklaces, and canes. Sue show her wonderful Faux Ivory set, neckace, earrings and bracelet.
**3. Program: Hollow Beads, Puff and Pillow by Jane**
We made 2 stretched puff beads. One bead was two sided stretched bead and the other was a single side stretch bead with a flat back and hanger. These two beads were baked and while they were baking she demonstrated making lentils on a light bulb, making lentils on a metal paint pallet and the blow up puff bead. An excellent lesson with many facets and techniques. Thanks Jane!
**4. Minutes:**
PJ read the minutes. The spelling of “Armitage” was corrected by Shirley. Angela moved to accept the corrected minutes, Shirley seconded, passed.
**5. Old Business**:
A. Penni Jo – discussion on proposed retreat in spring. A Friday all day and Saturday all day might be a good start. PJ will try to get hold of the church representative for possible dates.
B. State Fair: tomorrow is last day for deliveries.
Angela brought us our parking and entry tickets.
Sept. 19, 2-6 is our demo time. A note was taken of how many would be coming. We felt like there needed to be at least four people in the demo area at once for a good showing. Sue asked what we should bring. After our experience last year it was decided to bring the following: Flyers, clipboard with signup sheet, each member working can plan a small display of finished clay items, work supplies including work surface and a project(s) on which to work while there.
Shirley will take the banner home and bring both the banner and the screen to the demonstration.
We would like to have someone arrive around 1:30 for the setup and the other members arrive as soon as they can.
**6. New Business**:
Discussion on next year’s fair discription of the categories
a. 60% rule. What constitutes 60%. a variety of opinions. PJ was going to enter a mosiac box, but the box was more than 50% of the design. The same with a bell, the glass bottom was more than the handles, thus not qualifying. [A note from yours truly, Penni Jo. When we originally discussed this rule, especially in conjunction with jewelry, the thinking was — when making a necklace with a polymer clay pendant — if it was made using a lot of glass beads and showy wirework with the pendant as a part of the necklace, this overwhelming amount of non-polymer clay parts might cause a necklace to be awarded a ribbon for all the bead work with the polymer clay pendant only an element in the design. There is nothing wrong with awards for fabulous beadwork, but this is a polymer clay division and we wanted polymer clay to be the centerpiece of all our designs, not just an element in a larger, non-polymer design. Thus the 60% rule.]
b. The question was, should the rules be changed for next year? It was discussed and one member suggested that perhapss wording might be added “aside from the underlying structure or armature.” Many members expressed a positive response to this modification
c. Also brought up was a Mixed Media option. After a bit more discussion it was tabled for a later meeting. [Another aside: after the demonstration, Jane and I discussed the “Mixed Media” category idea. If so, then many other options are open to both the polymer clay user and the metal clay user. Also, picture frames, boxes, etc. etc.]
d. Another question, what constitutes a bead? Does it have to have a hole? from side to side? if from top to bottom is it a focal bead or a pendant? Do we need to add a definition of a bead to our description? Curious minds……
e. “Bead in” ‘s Pat Pierson has a bead group that meets every two weeks on the 1st and 3rd Monday from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. We are invited to join them.
f. Shirley brought us all the submission form for the Paseo’s annual container show. Thanks Shirley.
**7. Report from VP April: upcoming lessons or demos**
Oct – Carvings by Angela
Nov – Faux Enamel by Angela
Dec – Member ideas and or a something made using a lesson learned this year, bring a sample.
**8. Treasurer’s Report: Angela**
$608.38 in treasury
10 members
**9. Bottles of Hope: Nance**
We are all still working on them, keep bringing them in.
**10. New Book Report: Jane**
The new book is very good, even if it is not polymer clay. The flower construction is basically universal and has great instructions.
She also showed the new PolymerCafe Magazine. Angela’s art is in this issue.
**11. New book Drawing:**
I must have been asleep when the drawing happened, I have no idea which book was selected. Can some one please enlighten me? thanks.
**12. Raffle / Swap: This month was the Raffle**.
Penni Jo and Nance brought items for the raffle. Penni Jo won Nance’s beads and the works for a clay covered pen light. Shirley won Penni Jo’s tools and mold.
Next month will be the Swap.
**Next meeting will be on October 9th, 2010
at the Hobby Lobby Store in Moore, OK. **

Polymer Clay at the Oklahoma State Fair

2010 Polymer Clay Creations Entries
Congrats to our guild members for the awards they won in this year’s “Polymer Clay Creations” creative arts competition at the Oklahoma State Fair. The works were spectacular — thanks to everyone who took part! The glass display cases made it difficult to get good photos, but here’s a look at a few of the entries.
The Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild will also be doing a polymer clay demonstration on Sunday, September 19th, from 2-6 p.m., in the Creative Arts building. We would love to chat with anyone who is interested in learning more about our group or about polymer clay in general. Or feel free to email us anytime with questions you might have about our group. We always love to hear from fellow polymer clay artists in central Oklahoma!

September 2010 Meeting – Hollow Beads

Hi Fellow Clayers!
It’s meeting time again! Our next meeting is this **Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010 at 1:30-4:30** (please take note , we are now starting to meet at **1:30**, not **1:00**) at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160 – see map)
We will be making 2 kinds of Hollow Beads – pillow and puff, led by Jane Linn. These beads make great charms, pendants, and beads for bracelets and necklaces. They are especially fun because they can be be big and bold, without the weight of traditional beads.
**Materials/Tools List:**
– Cookie Cutters- circles-about 1″ and 3/4″ For variety, may want to bring extra cutters-about 1″ diameter ie. simple circle, star, heart, square, rectangle, flower
– Cutting blade/craft knife
– Hole maker
– Tile or cardstock for baking
– Pasta machine/acrylic rod
– Hot pad or mitt
– Scissors
– Liquid Polymer Clay or bonding glue
– Type of Super Glue, preferably with a brush applicator
– Sandpaper-600 grit
– 20-24 gauge wire-about 1-2 inches
– 2 oz. of clay, any color(s)
– Scrap clay-
– 1 oz. black clay
– Optional: Skinner blend, canes, textured sheets
– Very optional (don’t buy these for this until you’ve tried it):
– Aluminum paint palette
– Amazing Molds
– Plastic finger Protector
– Drywall & Plaster Sanding Screen
This month we have our raffle with Penni Jo, Nance, and Starla, the winners of July’s raffle providing the items for the raffle.
If you have finished any past guild projects, please bring them so we can see them at show & tell. We love to be inspired and ooo-and ah!
Don’t forget to be bring a name of a book, magazine, or DVD you’d like to have in our wonderful library.

Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild Meeting August 14, 2010

**1. Introduce / welcome guests**
Our meeting began as usual with members visiting with each other while setting up for the meeting. We had a visitor: Mary Armegin. Welcome Mary!! Present were: April, Nance, Angela, Shirley, Lee Ann, Sue, Jane, and Penni Jo
**2. Show and Tell**
Angela showed pens made with canes. One is a Bic retractable. Lee Ann showed a pendant made made with a slice of the feather cane that she made last year while demonstrating at the State Fair. Jane had a giant paper clip made using the Ruphia bead technique. Nance showed the roses, leaves and flowers that she would be teaching today. April had a cool box of Kali canes that she is practicing from a Sarah Shiver book. Penni Jo showed her latest mold and a pendant and earring set made using the mold.
**3. Program:** Nance gave a brief history of the Japanese wood based clay that we would be using. She gave us each a tray and enough white and colors to create a rose, tiny lilac and leaves. We had great fun making tiny arrangements in the pots and bowls that Nance brought for the arrangements. Thank you Nance!
**4. Minutes**:
Penni Jo Read the minutes. Nance moved they be approved as read, Sue seconded. Minutes were approved.
**5. Old Business:**
Reminder of the fair deadline.
A. State Fair — Today is the last day and you can still sign up on line. PJ made a fair worksheet on which to list your items to keep track of your progress and remember which pretties to take to the fair. (she is old and forgetful, hence, the list). 🙂
State Fair Demo – Sunday, Sept. 19, 2:00-6:00 Our demo area will have two 8 foot tables in the same area as last year.
1. Ideas/Suggestion for Jewelry entry (and any other entry): We discussed a number of ideas, including
a. Jewelry displays for sale at Michael’s with a coupon.
b. Pin on ‘form’
c. Make an informative, nice stick-on or folded description of entry to be shown with the entry. Jane will have them made to describe the item. What is this? Is it cane, sculpted, purpose, and other info including the words “Polymer Clay” prominently on on description. We are to call or email info needed.
B. Penni Jo-Retreat update? She will call the church in question for more info.
C. Shirley has lined up our Guild to display at Midwest City Library in April, 2011
D. April is coming.
**6. New Business:**
Jane showed how projects “popped” on black backgrounds and suggested that we try to bring a display with our projects to the fairgrounds with our entries. It was amazing to see how showy an item looked on a black or dark burgundy background.
Members expressed some dissatisfaction with the way last year’s polymer clay items were mixed in with entries from other categories and felt that the polymer clay items were lost among many different styles and materials. Angela said she would ask if the fair managers need volunteers for helping with setups.
We discussed quarter sheet fliers for visitors to the demo to pick up with our guild info on the front and a list of polymer clay tools etc. on the back. There was a discussion that we research to have the quarter sheet handouts for demonstration day printed professionally. We would like 200 to 300 sheets and will take as many as we can get for about $25.00 or more for the printing, depending on whether color is prohibitively expensive. Even if it costs over $25.00, we need plenty of them so as not to run out. Any left over sheets can be used at Hobby Lobby to advertise our guild meetings. Members can discuss details and costs of color printing with the group through email.
NEW TIME: Since there is now a class just before us that ends at 1:00, we have agreed to move our meeting time forward on half hour to 1:30, going to 4:30. Shirley moved we check with HL about the time change. Nance seconded. Approved. Jane will check with management to be sure this time works for them.
NOTE: Angela encouraged members to submit their polymer clay work to Polymer Cafe’s Reader Gallery, as they are always looking for high resolution photos of good polymer clay work. If you send some of your flickr site links to Polymer Cafe they may write to ask you for permission and / or for higher res pictures to use in the magazine.
**7. V.P. Report (upcoming lessons):**
Sept.- Pillow beads-Jane
Nov..- Faux cloisonne, faux enamel- Angela
Dec. – Members ideas – bring item to show finished results.
April amended the list. Penni Jo will not be able to teach the faux cloisonne so moved it to 2011. Angela will teach the Faux Enamel in November.
**8. Treasurer’s Report ~~ Angela**
– Balance – $628.15
– Members -10
**9. BOH Report ~~ Nance**
Please bring finished BOH and take unfinished bottles home. Make more.
**10. Librarian Report ~~ Jane:**
New library item- ) – Artful Ways with Polymer Clay by Dottie McMillan – (has been ordered but not arrived; to be seen next month)
**11. Drawing for a new book ~~ Jane:**
Clay Art for all Seasons.
**12. Swap or Raffle**
Swap: August – anything made learned in guild. We had a giant paper clip with a Ruphia bead top, a fabulous Kali Cane and a pair of mokume gane earrings. Jane got the earrings, April got the paper clip and Penni Jo got the Kali cane.
September – Penni Jo, Nance and Starla, winners of July’s raffle to bring for this month’s raffle.
Next meeting:
September 11, 2010
At Hobby Lobby in Moore

Minutes of Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild meeting held July 10, 2010

Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild Meeting July 10, 2010
Our meeting began as usual with members visiting with each other while setting up for the meeting.
**1. Introduce / welcome guests**~~ Our guest was Starla Ballew. She brought a lot of lovely jewelry to the meeting for us to oohhh and aahhh over.
**2. Show and Tell** ~~ As usual there was much ooohing and aaaaahing as members showed their most recent creations. Jane showed the hand sculpted gum paste figures sculpted by herself and Penni Jo for Christian’s birthday cake. Lee Ann brought a beautiful necklace and wonderful two pins. Nance showed a lovely thisle ring. . April brought hollow vessels and hearts that blew us away.
**3. Minutes** ~~ Approved.
**4. Program**~~ Pinched Petal Necklace — We made canes from the colors we identified in our last meeting from the book Polymer Clay Color Inspirations.
Members made skinner blends from multiple colors, created a blended cylinder and inserted the almond shaped skinner blend center into the blended cylinder. After reducing the cylinder to a long rope, slices cut from this cane went slowly from one color to another revealing a beautiful set of petal beads.
**5. Old Business** ~~
A. State Fair Reminder – be sure to sign up before the 14th of August!!
B. We discussed Penni Jo’s idea to a very simple retreat and have a two day event where we could learn, share and grow. She would like for us to think about the idea. Makin’s will send samples for an event or guild special event. Successes: PJ has been asked to make a project for the Makin’s website and has been tapped to teach at 2011 Fandango.
C. August 10th is the deadline for the PolymerCafe challenge “Mica Shift This”
D. We celebrated Angela’s tool article in the PolymerCafe magazine.
Reminder: Christi Fresian will be teaching in Liberty Mo Oct 23 & 24. for more info: .
E. Alberquerque workshops:
> 1. Lindley Haunan Saturday Sept 26, $200.00.
> 2. Jana Roberts Benzon April 2&3 2011
> 3. Heather Campbell ‘Faux Batik’ Oct 2011
> 4. Sarah Shriver Summer 2011
F. Shirley: reminder about the Midwest City Library needing items for their display cases. She will call for info. An email update was sent to the group recently. April seems good for everyone, so I have scheduled our guild display at the Midwest City Library for April, 2011.
**6. New Business**~~ None.
**7. V.P. Report** (upcoming lessons)
August – Air dry flowers – Nance – Deco Clay can be ordered from Piece Makers.
September – Pillow beads by Jane
October – Faux Enamel & Faux Cloisonne – Angela
November – Carving – Angela
December – Meeting to be members ideas
**8. Treasurer’s Report**~~ Angela
Balance – $612.55 – Members – 10
**9. BOH Report**~~ Nance
Nance has been out of the loop but is coming back.
**10. Librarian Report** ~~ Jane:
Reported about the new DVD Claying Around with Lisa Palveka.
Showed the newest PolymerCafe June issue.
**11. Drawing for a new book** ~~ Jane:
We drew for the new book, Artful Ways with Polymer Clay by Dottie McMillan.
**12. Raffle / Swap**
July Raffle winners were Nance, Penni Jo (2 items) and Starla.
*August Swap ~~ Anything made using a technique learned at Guild*
**Next meeting August 14 at Hobby Lobby in Moore.**