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Minutes for November 2012 Meeting

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Show and Tell included Ruth showing two necklaces she had made with the iKat cane that Lisa taught at the October meeting. Lisa showed items that she made with the iKat cane also. She shared that soaking an item in ammonia will remove the Future finish many people use. This allows you to correct any drips that might occur. Lisa also displayed a whistle that she learned how to make from an online tutorial. Steampunk pieces that Tom & Lisa each made were published in a magazine. Kay brought beads to show, including a Kokopali pendant. Penni Jo shared cabons that she made using the cabon mold she carries. She explained how she loaded the mold with slices of canes, layering to create a flower & leaf design. When you push it from the mold, you have a beautiful piece. Penni Jo also showed a feather created from polymer. Lee Ann showed Bottles of Hope.

Lee Ann announced the following programs:

Dec – Swap; everyone bring one thing they’ve made this year & be ready to explain the process of making it; we’ll swap items at the conclusion of the meeting

Jan – how to make faux fossils; taught by Lori

Angela gave the treasurers report and announced that we have 21 members.

Jane announced that the next Polymer Cafe challenge is nature. Your entry is due in December.

Penni Jo told what has been planned for our retreat. The following list shows the responsibility and the person who will chair that area:

Decorations – Ruth

Food – Jane

Registration – Cheryl

Goodie bags – Penni Jo, Lisa, Cheryl

Printing & Website – Myra

Ovens – Tom, Nance & April

Demos – Cheryl

Publicity – Shirley

The website EventBrite has been set up for online registration. It is very easy to use. Our teacher, Syndee Holt, will also do a make and take. We voted to buy two ovens for the retreat.

Penni Jo also presented an offer by Patti Bond. She would be willing to teach two classes on a Saturday, charging $60 for both classes. We discussed using this as an alternative for our September meeting since our meeting place will be unavailable.

The guild agreed to pay ahead for the room rental.

Our next meeting will be Dec. 8th at the OKC Art Center located at the fairgrounds.


December 2012 Meeting: Share a Project!

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Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! This month is our Christmas swap, so everybody bring an item you have made and you’ll take home an item crafted by someone else. If possible, we would also love to hear how you made your item. We have quite a talented group so the items are fun and varied.

This meeting will be held at the City Arts Center at the State Fair Park (3000 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City), on December 8, 2012 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

Minutes for October 2012 Meeting

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Lee Ann opened the meeting. Shirley has had to resign her position as president due to health reasons. Lee Ann will finish out the year.

Show and Tell included Lisa showing pictures that gave her color inspiration. Tom showed a Bottle of Hope he made using the rose can that Penni Jo taught at the September meeting. Jane showed a cute Halloween cat and pumpkin necklace she made.

Lee Ann announced the following programs:

Nov – Covering Altoid tins, taught by Cheryl

Dec – Swap; everyone bring one thing they’ve made this year & be ready to explain the process of making it; we’ll swap items at the conclusion of the meeting

Jan – how to make faux fossils; taught by Lori

Angela gave the treasurers report. We’ve spent $114 this month in moving to a new software system for our website, printing fliers for the fair & our domain name renewal. We have two magazine subscriptions that need to be renewed. We voted to renew The Polymer Arts subscription. The report was approved.

The new software system will allow us to put pictures of the covers of our library books online. The book list will be available by clicking the button located on the right side of the site page.

We discussed purchasing skirting for the display/food tables at the retreat. We agreed that Ruth could purchase.

November is swap month. The theme is Home & Hearth. Bring something if you would like to participate in the swap.

The next meeting will be November 10 at 1:30 at the City Arts Center on the fairgrounds. Remember to enter at Gate 3, located on May Ave.

Minutes for September 2012 Meeting

Our meeting this month was at the SW OKC Library because the OKC Arts Center was not available due to the state fair. Lee Ann opened the meeting with show and tell. Nance showed a bargello necklace she had made. Tom showed his prize winning sculpture, “Dog Days of Summer.” Penni Jo displayed her mica shift experiments. She made several pairs of earrings. Lori shared several items that she made at the bead show in Wisconsin, including a faux fossil, water creatures and some copper etchings.

Penni Jo taught a class on making a rose cane. Everyone had very successful attempts. It was fun to see the variety of colors.

The treasurers report was given and the guild now has 21 members.

Lee Ann announced the upcoming classes:

  • Oct – Lisa will teach the Ikat cane
  • Nov – Cheryl will teach covering an Altoid tin
  • Dec – will be a swap, usually something we’ve learned during the year
  • Jan – Lori will teach

The guild will again demonstrate at the State Fair on Sunday, Sept 16. The demonstration will take place in the crafts building which is next to the OKC Arts Center. You may enter through Gate 3. LeeAnn has the banner. Bring a polymer item to work on and be ready to answer questions. Nance will have Bottles of Hope available at the fair.

The April retreat was discussed. Lisa will help with donations. Penni Jo handed out the submissions for teacher selection. The guild voted and selected Syndee Holt. She will teach her “Four Fauxs” and transfer techniques.

There was no swap this month. For next month’s goodies, Tom, Cheryl, Lori and Kay are responsible to bring items.

Next month’s meeting will be Saturday, Oct 13, at 1:30 pm back at the OKC Arts Center.

October 2012 Meeting: Ikat Cane

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Lisa will be teaching the Ikat cane. She has been playing with clay for many years. In fact, she was claying before claying was cool. Lisa is very knowledgeable and innovative about polymer clay projects.

Supply List:

  • Pasta machine
  • Extruder with small square disc
  • Ruler
  • Brayer or equivalent
  • Long blade
  • Round cookie cutter -larger than 1 inch
  • Small cutter or soda straw
  • Tile or other surface to work on
  • Cards for baking
  • Clay- 1/2 package of two different high contrast colors. Also about 1/4 pkg of one of the two colors for backing for pendant. (Black with a pastel or white or white with a dark color or black are good for color choices)
  • Have clay conditioned before class to save time.

If there’s time, Lee Ann will show another technique which will require a 1/2 package each of two colors to make skinner blend.


October is raffle month, so bring a few extra dollars if you want to participate! Tom, Cheryl, Lori, and Kay will bring items for the raffle.

Thanks to all who participated in the fair demo. Job well done on your fair entries! We have some amazing talent in our group and please bring your entries to the Oct. meeting ( with or without ribbons) so everyone can see them.

The meeting is back at the City Arts Center this month on October 13, 2012 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm.

Minutes for August 2012 Meeting

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Shirley called the meeting to order, welcomed everyone and gave the following reminder:

Reminder: Sept. meeting will be at Southwest Oklahoma City Library, at 2201 SW 134th, OKC (SW 134th is about 4 mi. south of I-240, down Penn. From I35, turn west onto SW 4th in Moore. Drive about 3 mi. Library is on north side of road, just west of Pennsylvania. Moore Norman South Penn Campus is just to the north of it. From I44, turn east on SW134th and go almost 2.5 miles. Just before Penn.) Bring floor covering for your space (shower curtain from Dollar Store would work. Also, nothing is to be taped or hung on walls.) 2201 SW 134th Street

There were 12 members in attendance.

Show and Tell: Lee Ann showed 2 necklaces, both Bargello but opposite coloring, that she had made. Myra showed a writing pen she had covered with a leaf cane at the top was a cute little lady bug. Nance showed a ‘bottle of hope’ that Lee Ann had made and donated. Kay showed a woven blanket button she had made.

Program: Finishing Techniques and Protective Finishes – Lee Ann and Shirley

Shirley gave a demonstration on how she sands and buffs her pieces.

She had a handout for everyone, “Finishing Techniques for Polymer Clay” and she explained her techniques.

Lee Ann spoke on Protective Finishes. She also had a handout for everyone.

She showed various products and had examples of pieces using those products.

Lisa had a handout for everyone on TLS, mica and Future.

Business Meeting:

1. Approval of July Meeting Notes– Motion by Angela, second by Myra; approved

2. Officers Reports: Vice President – Lee Ann: Upcoming programs:

Sept. – Rose Cane, taught by Penni Jo

Oct. – Ikat Cane, taught by Lisa

Treasurer – Angela gave the treasurers report.

Bottles of Hope Coordinator- Nance: Nance gave an update on the ‘bottles of hope’ project. She received one donation bottle at the meeting from LeeAnn. Nance had blank bottles available for whoever wanted to work on the project.

Librarian- Jane and Lee Ann will continue to bring books at our meetings.

Web Master- Stacie will do updates, Angela will do major web revisions and Myra will update the retreat page.

3. Old Business: State Fair Demo – (Angela) The guild is scheduled to Demo at the State Fair on Sunday September 16th from 2-6pm. Contact Angela for parking and fair passes.

Retreat 2013 – Penni Jo has posted a call for Artists with a September 7 deadline.

4. New Business: Guild Library Storage: Discuss possible options (Angela has some thoughts)

Other New Business: none


No raffle in September.

Clayers on the Move

We’re thrilled that our membership has soared in the past few months — so many more opportunities to learn new things from each other! But one of the first things we’ve learned is that we can’t comfortably fit 20 (or even 15) clayers in our old classroom. After lots of looking and deliberation, we’ve decided to make our move to a larger space.
Starting with our next meeting on July 14th, we will be meeting at the City Arts Center at the State Fair Park (3000 General Pershing Blvd, Oklahoma City). They have several large rooms available, all of which have plenty of space, good lighting, durable floors, and plenty of sturdy tables and chairs to accommodate our group. We liked Studio 2 the best, and hope to make it our main meeting room; however, we may be moved to other rooms, depending on what’s available on a particular day. We’ll post the current month’s meeting room on our website in the monthly meeting announcement.
It’s easiest to get to the City Arts Center off May Ave at the fair’s Gate #3 (most other gates stay closed). You can use this map to help find your way to the building. Once there, you can load in and out using the drive-through. For those of you carrying heavy items, they have large rolling carts available — just ask at the front desk. Their staff can also assist with any other questions you might have.
We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!