Minutes for December 2013 Meeting
Tom opened the meeting. There were 11 in attendance for our Christmas meeting. We began with Show and Tell. Connie told about her miniature nativity set. She used another nativity set for the textures and Loctite gel control glue to hold it together. She also showed an angel and a Bottle of Hope. Kay showed a flower cross. Both LeeAnn and Tom displayed their Bottles of Hope. Penni Jo showed Christmas tree earrings. Jane showed abstract buttons that she entered at the fair. They were made from ultra-lite clay and decorated with transfers. Jane said she was not sure that the clay was light enough for buttons.
The treasurer’s report was given. We currently have 25 members. We paid the deposit for Christi Friesen to teach at the retreat in April. The guild’s annual dues of $24 dollars are due in January. You can pay on-line with PayPal or pay at the January meeting with cash or check.
Jane showed several of her personal books. She reviewed the Polymer Arts magazine. She said it packed full of informational items. The theme for the Polymer Café challenge is “Summertime.” The deadline for submission is February 28. We agreed to purchase a Helen Breil e-book.
January is the month that we vote on officers. The positions are as follows:
President – conducts the meetings and sets the agenda
Vice-President – monthly program chairperson
Treasurer – keeps financial records and accepts orders
Secretary – keeps minutes of the meetings and uploads them to the website
Webmaster – assists in uploading items as needed and works with the retreat director in setting up on-line registration
Volunteer Positions include:
Librarian – store and bring the guild’s books, etc.; maintains the sign out sheet
Bottles of Hope – distributes Bottle of Hope to oncology centers; raises awareness about the project
Photographer – takes pictures at meetings and the retreat; posts pictures of same
We discussed the retreat on April 10-12. Christi Friesen will be our guest artist this year. She will be teaching a moveable mermaid and a panda with lily for her two classes. She will be doing two Make ‘n Takes.
Syndee Holt will be Polyform’s representative at the retreat. She will also do a Make ‘n Take. This will take the place of one of the demonstrations.
Lisa Pavelka has agreed to be our guest artist in 2015. Penni Jo has already requested the church for the 2015 date.
We agreed that bringing food in, rather than cooking on site, was very effective and made it easier for everyone. Penni Jo has suggested that for an additional fee of $100 we have the church set the fellowship hall tables up after we are through on Saturday. This was met with approval. It was also suggested that we set up clean-up committees so that a few are not stuck with all the work.
We closed the meeting with a “Dirty Santa” exchange and enjoyed the snacks that were brought.
Our next meeting will be Saturday, January 11 at the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center at the State Fair Park. The meeting will be held from 1:30 to 4:30 pm.