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Minutes for March 10, 2018

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Submitted by: Laura Clarkson, Secretary

Meeting convened at 1:35 pm by President Betty Bolerjack

17 Members were in attendance

8 Members brought items for show and tell. The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages

Cheryl Reich presented today’s program. She continued with cane making in preparation for our retreat. Today she taught us how to make a feather cane utilizing scrap canes.

Business Meeting

Secretary – Approval of Meeting Minutes: 2/17/18. Leeann moved the minutes be approved and Shirley Conway seconded. Minutes were approved as posted.

Vice President – Shirley Conway reported on the Program schedule for upcoming meetings. April will be the retreat, Myra Cleveland will teach animal print cane in May, Chris Crossland will present the Program in June. (Chris has asked for ideas from the members on what we would like her to present.) Several people volunteered to present programs to fill out the schedule for the rest of the year.

Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley reported we have 31 paid members currently and updated the financial report.

Bottles of Hope Coordinators –   Tom Gibson asked that more members make Bottles of Hope.

Librarian : Jane Linn reported the latest editions for Polymer Week and Polymer Arts have arrived and are available for check out. Asked for recommendations for additions to the library. Cheryl Reich offered to donate some of her books to the library.

Webmaster : Myra Cleveland was commended by Shirley Conway for the website. Shirley said it had improved significantly over several years ago.


Tom Gibson gave an update on retreat planning. The goody bag packing party will be Saturday April 7 at 1 pm at Jane Linn’s house. It was suggested that volunteering for one meal preparation be mandatory for attendees. Myra will direct attendees to sign up at registration. Also the amount of work required for set up and tear down was discussed. Tear down is time consuming and volunteers are needed as many attendees leave right after lunch. The work Jane and her husband Bob put into clean up afterwards was noted. There will be seating assignments again this year, so Tom needs to know if you have a request to sit with someone.

State Fair

Betty Bolerjack reported she had been in contact with the State Fair. She has recommended a judge who is knowledgeable about Polymer Clay for the panel and the State Fair will contact the individual. It has been recommended that we consider increasing the prize for Best of Show from $25.00. After discussion it was moved by Marsha and seconded by Penni Jo that the prize for Best of Show be increased to $50.00 and 1st place in each category be awarded $10.00. There will also be a Bottle of Hope category this year.

This was drawing month. Bags were provided by Tom, Penni Jo, Marsha (2) and Betty.

Tom, Katherine (2), Jane, and Penni Jo won the drawing.

Everyone was reminded to bring inchies to the retreat.

March 2018 Meeting – Building Your Cane Inventory, Part 2

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

In part 2 of the Building Your Polymer Clay Cane Inventory, Cheryl Reich will again lead us in making feather canes, Skinner plugs, checkerboards, and stripe sheet and blocks.


  • 6-10 Skinner blend sheets, at least 3″x3″
  • All of your canes, especially the ugly ones!
  • 4 oz. of black clay
  • 2 oz. of white clay
  • 2-4 oz. of 3 (or more) other colors, your choice


  • Pasta machine
  • Tissue blade
  • Acrylic roller
  • Smooth work surface
  • Alcohol and paper towels to clean pasta machine and work surface

Minutes for February 17, 2018

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Submitted by: Laura Clarkson, Secretary

Meeting was called to order by President Betty Bolerjack

Number of attending: 19

Show and Tell

Jane made a Valentine’s switchplate and an earring holder. Wendi made 5 Bottles of Hope. Tom made several Bottles of Hope, but also made a cake topper in honor of his 50th wedding anniversary.

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages


Cheryl Reich presented the program. We made several Skinner blends and turned them into canes in preparation for our retreat.

Business Meeting

Minutes: Minutes for the 1/13/18 meeting were approved

Vice President – Shirley Conway reported on the upcoming programs

  • March: Cheryl Reichs will continue with building canes for the retreat
  • April: Retreat
  • May: Myra Cleveland
  • June: Chris Crossland

Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley gave the financial report. We currently have 27 paid members and 10 recently lapsed.

Old Business

Retreat: Currently have 26 registered; Alice Stoppel’s classes are full. Chris Crossland and Connie Farrell have signed up to do demos. Donations from sponsors are coming in.

New Business



Management for the building has reminded us that we need to be parking in the lot across the street unless you have a handicap placard. You can pull up in the drive to unload, but then you need to move your car across the street.

Penni Jo has sold Best Flexible Molds to Trish at PolyClay Play. She and Joe are officially retired.

Next Inchie Swap is at the retreat in April.

Next drawing will be in March. If you won a drawing in January, you need to bring a bag for the March drawing.

February 2018 Meeting – Building Your Cane Inventory, Part 1

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Our February meeting has been moved back one week to the third Saturday, to avoid Affair of the Heart. We will meet on Saturday, February 17, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

Cheryl Reich will lead this two-part class to help you build a variety of canes for your inventory to prepare for the upcoming retreat in April. In part 1, we will be focusing on Skinner blends, Skinner plugs, bullseyes, spirals, and more!

Clay (prepared in advance)

Bring 4″ squares of clay in the following colors and quantities – #1 pasta machine setting (thickest):

  • 3 white
  • 1 black
  • 2 yellow
  • 2 red
  • 2 blue
  • 1 green
  • 1 purple

Additional Clay

  • 4 oz. black clay
  • 2 oz. white clay


  • Pasta machine
  • Tissue blade
  • Acrylic roller
  • Smooth work surface
  • Alcohol and paper towels to clean pasta machine and work surface

Minutes for January 13, 2018

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Number of attending            17 total attendees
Number of visitors               2 Visitors – Darlene and Tyler

Show and Tell

Members shared latest work –Tom made several Bottles of Hope, as always creative. Betty brought her latest jewelry. Darlene also shared some of her jewelry. Laura made Heart pins with Magic Gloss. Penni Jo brought examples of a pink and turquoise Skinner blend and the smaller elephant she has made. Connie shared the cutter she made for a nativity to solve the problem of collapsing walls.

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages

Yahoo pages

Our facebook page:


LeeAnn Kelley presented the program today. It was on wire wrapping. An example is on the above pages.

Business Meeting

Officers / Volunteers Reports

Elections were held for – President, Vice-President. The following individuals were elected by acclimation. Betty Bolerjack, President and Shirley Conway, Vice-President. With the resignation of Angela Mabry as Treasurer, LeeAnn Kelley was appointed. Thank you all for being willing to serve.

Secretary – Approval of Meeting Notes for   12 /9 /2017. Tom moved and LeeAnn seconded. Minutes approved.

Vice President –   Jane Linn reported on future programs

  • February and March: Cheryl will be teaching canes to help us prepare for Alice’s classes at retreat.
  • April is the retreat
  • May: Myra will teach an animal print cane

Treasurer – Angela Mabray: Membership – 9 paid members for 2018, but we had 35 at the end of December. Several individuals paid dues during the meeting.

Bottles of Hope Coordinator –  Wendi McKinnon has resigned as coordinator. Tom agreed to take on the responsibility. Thank you, Tom

Librarian – Jane Linn

  • The new Polymer Arts Magazine is now available in the Library. Also Fire Mountain sent their new catalog.

Webmaster – Myra Cleveland

  • Registration for the retreat is now open to members through the website

Photographer -Tom Gibson – Photos will be posted to Facebook and Yahoo group

Old Business

Retreat – Tom Gibson – The location has now been confirmed for the Church. Tom reports for Alice Stroppel’s class we will need 15-20 canes. It was discussed attendees could share canes. Lori Luli will give a demo on sanding. Talk to Tom if you would like to do a demo at retreat. Dates for the retreat are April 12-14. Registration is open. There is a discount code for members only. Be sure and register early to ensure your spot.

New Business

February meeting will be moved to the 3rd Saturday, February 17, due to Affair of the Heart being at the Fairgrounds on February 10. Crowds generated by the Affair of the Heart create parking problems. This announcement will be quickly posted to the website.

Announcements – none

BiMonthly Drawing / Inchie Swap

  • Next Inchie swap will be at the retreat.
  • Drawing – The following people brought goody bags for the drawing: Laura, Penni Jo, Jane, Deborah, Marsha, mystery donation and also the Guild donated a Goody Bag from last year’s retreat
  • Drawing – The following people won the drawings this month Betty, Lori, Tom and Marsha was the big winner, winning 3 drawings. Marsha generously gave the Retreat Bag to our visitors.
  • Next drawing will be in March.

January 2018 Meeting: Wire Wrapping

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, January 13, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

Lee Ann Kelley will show us how to do wire wrapping.


  • Wire – Parawire, Vintaj or Artistic – 20 gauge and 26 gauge. Hobby Lobby has all three brands. You will need 10 inches of 20 gauge wire and 4 feet of the 26 gauge wire.
  • Polymer clay disks – Lee Ann will supply these, baked and ready to go.


  • Pliers – round nose and chain nose
  • Wire cutters
  • Nylon jaw pliers – if you don’t have these, you can borrow Lee Ann’s.
  • Sharpie
  • Ruler
  • Small paint brush or knitting needle to make a bail

If you can’t find some of the supplies, you can use Lee Ann’s.


  • This is inchie month, with a theme of Winter.
  • We will have our bimonthly drawing, so if you won something last time, bring something this time!
  • Guild officers will be elected.
  • Time to pay our guild dues of $24 for the year.
  • Retreat registration will be announced.

Minutes for December 9, 2017

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Minutes recorded by Penni Jo Couch

Welcome All to the Christmas Party!!

Number of attending 12 to begin & maybe 14 at the end

Show and Tell

Many of the gifts brought for the “Dirty Santa” part of our party were shown with much oohing and aahing.

Lots of food was brought and laid out on the three big tables. Everyone brought their own favorite drink and a bottle of homemade wine was donated and opened. (It was wonderful!)

The Program was first dining and visiting whilst Tom secreted the gifts into bags.

Business Meeting

Officers / Volunteers Reports:


Approval of Meeting Notes for Minutes are on line.

Vice President –   Jane Linn

Month: January – Wirework with Lee Ann
Month: February – Caning
Month: March – Caning

Treasurer – Angela Mabray

Members: 34 (renewed members Carla and Rosella)

Bottles of Hope Coordinator – Connie Farrell


Librarian – Jane Linn


Webmaster – Myra Cleveland

Myra will serve next year again and will get the retreat info up early January

Photographer – Tom Gibson

Tom took pics of all the show and tell, gifts and BoH’s.

Party Planner – Connie Farrell

Connie brought plates, napkins, and plastic ware.

Mail Support & Comfort – Connie Farrell

Old Business

Election of officers next month. Will need President, Vice President, and Treasurer. First two are elected, Treasurer is appointed. If you are interested, please contact Penni Jo. PJ to contact missing members.

** Retreat: Tom Gibson – a brief discussion of Classes and need for canes. Penni Jo suggested that we provide small sketchbooks with pencils for retreat attendees. Some members will be researching this. Also, Myra and Tom, with other members discussed some of the finishing details for the registration. Myra would like to get it online early January.

We would like ideas for classes.

New Business

The State Fair came up and the category was suggested “Bottles Of Hope” Jane moved we add this category, Betty seconded, vote carried.

Speaking of the State Fair, these questions came up again:

  • Can our entries be displayed together?
  • Can we bring in a judge with polymer clay skills?
  • Can some of our members volunteers help to set up the judged items?

Some of the ideas suggested for classes this coming year are:

  • Making cookie cutters – Sue?
  • Jungle print cane – Myra
  • A “demo day” with many demonstrators
  • Cluster pendant with sugar veil background – Betty
  • Findings challenge, one month after drawing a finding, member to bring finished item
  • Colored pencil illustrations on clay – Penni Jo

No Announcements

BiMonthly Drawing / Inchie Swap to be held in January, with a theme of Winter. Also, a drawing will be held in January.

Inchie themes:

  • January – Winter
  • April – Spring
  • July – Summer
  • October – Fall