Minutes for March 10, 2018
Submitted by: Laura Clarkson, Secretary
Meeting convened at 1:35 pm by President Betty Bolerjack
17 Members were in attendance
8 Members brought items for show and tell. The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages
Cheryl Reich presented today’s program. She continued with cane making in preparation for our retreat. Today she taught us how to make a feather cane utilizing scrap canes.
Business Meeting
Secretary – Approval of Meeting Minutes: 2/17/18. Leeann moved the minutes be approved and Shirley Conway seconded. Minutes were approved as posted.
Vice President – Shirley Conway reported on the Program schedule for upcoming meetings. April will be the retreat, Myra Cleveland will teach animal print cane in May, Chris Crossland will present the Program in June. (Chris has asked for ideas from the members on what we would like her to present.) Several people volunteered to present programs to fill out the schedule for the rest of the year.
Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley reported we have 31 paid members currently and updated the financial report.
Bottles of Hope Coordinators – Tom Gibson asked that more members make Bottles of Hope.
Librarian : Jane Linn reported the latest editions for Polymer Week and Polymer Arts have arrived and are available for check out. Asked for recommendations for additions to the library. Cheryl Reich offered to donate some of her books to the library.
Webmaster : Myra Cleveland was commended by Shirley Conway for the website. Shirley said it had improved significantly over several years ago.
Tom Gibson gave an update on retreat planning. The goody bag packing party will be Saturday April 7 at 1 pm at Jane Linn’s house. It was suggested that volunteering for one meal preparation be mandatory for attendees. Myra will direct attendees to sign up at registration. Also the amount of work required for set up and tear down was discussed. Tear down is time consuming and volunteers are needed as many attendees leave right after lunch. The work Jane and her husband Bob put into clean up afterwards was noted. There will be seating assignments again this year, so Tom needs to know if you have a request to sit with someone.
State Fair
Betty Bolerjack reported she had been in contact with the State Fair. She has recommended a judge who is knowledgeable about Polymer Clay for the panel and the State Fair will contact the individual. It has been recommended that we consider increasing the prize for Best of Show from $25.00. After discussion it was moved by Marsha and seconded by Penni Jo that the prize for Best of Show be increased to $50.00 and 1st place in each category be awarded $10.00. There will also be a Bottle of Hope category this year.
This was drawing month. Bags were provided by Tom, Penni Jo, Marsha (2) and Betty.
Tom, Katherine (2), Jane, and Penni Jo won the drawing.
Everyone was reminded to bring inchies to the retreat.