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Meeting for October 12, 2019 Retro Canes

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, October 12th, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m, at New Day Church of the Nazarene, 5949 NW 39th Expressway in Warr Acres. Enter through the glass doors near the back of the building.

This is inchie month, Fall theme!

This months program will be Cheryl teaching retro canes, which will be used in November on Christmas ornaments.

What to bring:

work surface

pasta machine

acrylic roller

conditioned PREMO clay 1-2 oz each in at least 5 christmas colors (ex: red, green, gold, black, white)

Tissue Blade

Optional:  2″ round cutter

I will provide all other necessary items.



Minutes for the September 2019 Meeting

September 14, 2019

Called to order at 1:37 pm by President Betty Bolerjack

7 members in attendance

Show and Tell:

Leann had cabochons she had covered with ice resin (a two part resin), Connie had bracelets made with copper wire and clay, Tom had made a giraffe bottle of hope and Betty had her finished Bead and Clay project from last month.

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages

Yahoo pages

Our facebook page:

Program: Today’s program was presented by Lori Luli using stencils and silk screen on polymer clay.

Business Meeting:

Minutes of the August 10, 2019  meeting were approved after a Motion by Lori and a second by Leanne.  Laura volunteered to record the minutes today.

Program schedule for the following months was presented:

October – Cheryl Reich – Cane making

November – Cheryl Reich – Covering a glass ornament with a cane

December – Christmas Party

January 2020 – Making Bottles of Hope

February 2020 – Leanne Kelly – Vase mold

Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley

Membership: 26 paid members

Treasurer’s report was approved after a motion by Laura and second by Tom.

Bottle of Hope CoordinatorTom Gibson reports we still need more Bottles of Hope

Librarian – there was a concern related to Polymer Studio due to the illness of Sage Bray.  It was noted that we had received the latest edition last month and Laura had returned it to the library today.

Laura shared a website called Curious Mondo which offers free live tutorials

Old Business:

 Retreat – Tom Gibson: Canyon Camp has been confirmed.  We have received 2 proposals.  Tom will post the proposals online and request previous retreat attendees to vote on which they prefer.  Motion by Laura and second by Kathi to authorize Tom to confirm with artist who is chosen by the poll.  Motion approved.  Will have artist set up by meeting in October.

Website:  Laura moved and Lori seconded to authorize Betty to move forward with Siteground for website host.  Will contract for 3 years at 3.95/month and $30 for transfer to the new site.


  • State Fair demonstration will be Sunday, 9/15/19, tomorrow. Betty passed out the Tickets and parking passes.  Demo is 2-6 pm.
  • Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center is now scheduled to open in March 2020. October and December we can meet in the church, but in November we will meet at Betty’s house.
  • Next inchie swap is in October

Drawing: Bags brought by Laura and Tom, drawings won by Connie and Lori.  Next drawing in November.

Inchies: next inchie swap is October.  Fall theme.

Next Meeting: October 12, 2019

Submitted by: Laura Clarkson

Meeting for September 14, 2019

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, September 14th, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m, at New Day Church of the Nazarene, 5949 NW 39th Expressway in Warr Acres. Enter through the glass doors near the back of the building.

We will have our bimonthly drawing, so if you won something last time, bring something this time!

From Lori:

Due to circumstances not entirely under my control, this is going to be a demo with play time, as opposed to a project. (Although I guess veneers could be considered “projects”)

I will bring:

Silkscreens, stencils, mica powders, paints, and maybe some other things. These will be available to play with after the demos.

I’ll also have a couple of old giftcards or hotel keycards and a couple of tubs for the silkscreens

Things you might want to bring

-Standard clay tools (pasta machine, work surface, blades, etc)

-black clay (or other dark clay)

-your favorite clay colors

-any powders, paints, silkscreens, or stencils you wish to play with

If you want to try silkscreening with paint, bring a plastic bin to put water in, such as a pencil box or shoebox-sized bin.

Lori Luli

Minutes for the August 2019 meeting

Called to order at 1:32 pm by President Betty Bolerjack

8 members in attendance

Show and Tell:

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages

Yahoo pages

Our facebook page:

Program: Today’s program was presented by Kathy Luli on Clay Lace Bead Embroidery

Business Meeting:

Minutes of the July 14, 2019  meeting were approved after a Motion by Lori and a second by Kathy.  Laura volunteered to record the minutes today.

Program schedule for the following months was presented:

September – Lori Luli – Silk Screening

October – Cheryl Reich – Cane making

November – Cheryl Reich – Covering a glass ornament with a cane

December – Christmas Party

January 2020 – Making Bottles of Hope

Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley

Membership: 26 paid members

Treasurer’s report was approved after a motion by Tom and second by Jane

Bottle of Hope CoordinatorTom Gibson reports we still need more Bottles of Hope

Librarian – Jane Linn: Polymer Studio has been received

Old Business:

 Retreat – Tom Gibson:  Request for proposals have been put out, but no responses have been received as yet.  Date of the Retreat has been moved to April 17, 18 and 19 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).  It will be held at Canyon Camp in Hinton, Oklahoma.  Discussion occurred regarding whether to make the retreat all-inclusive this year, rather than separate the classes out of the retreat registration.  The venue makes it possible to accommodate everyone in the classes.  Betty’s husband has volunteered to provide transport from the airport to the venue for those flying to the retreat.

New Business:

       Elections are scheduled for January 2020

Photographer:  Tom asked for feedback on the slideshow format of the photographs.


  • State Fair Contest registration ends 8/15/19, with entries turned in by 9/7/19. The Fair demonstration will be Sunday, 9/15/19, this is the day after our next meeting.  Connie suggested someone to coordinate what needs to be brought to the fairgrounds.  No volunteer identified.  Suggestion was made to print business cards to hand out.  It was moved by Kathy and seconded by Connie to buy these.  Motion passed.
  • Next inchie swap is in October
  • Drawing will be in September. If you won in the last drawing, please remember to bring something for the drawing.
  • Next Meeting: September 14, 2019

Submitted by: Laura Clarkson

Meeting for August 10, 2019

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, August 10th, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m, at New Day Church of the Nazarene, 5949 NW 39th Expressway in Warr Acres. Enter through the glass doors near the back of the building.

Kathy Luli will be teaching Lace Bead Embroidery pendant/ornaments.

Supplies for Kathy Luli’s clay lace bead embroidery pendant/ornament

You bring:
-Bead mat (or felt sheet or dish cloth)
-Magnifiers, if you want/need them

-Craft scissors (some will be available)
-Your favorite Clay lace, no larger than 3″
-Additional beads or crystals

Included in kit:
-Front and back felt
-Clay lace (3″ medallion in pearl)
-Assortment of beads (size 8 & 11) & crystals/rounds (2mm, 3mm, 4mm)
-Fireline thread (size=6lb)
-Needle (size 10 beading)

Also available:
-Size 15 seed beads
-Additional colors of beads & embellishments


Minutes for the July 2019 Meeting

Minutes for July 13, 2019 meeting of COPCG

Betty, our Guild President, called the meeting to order. We had 9 members in attendance and 1 visitor. Betty kicked the meeting off with Show & Tell. Attending members brought bottles of hope, necklaces, earrings, purse hangers, pin, and bracelets for all to enjoy. Our visitor brought several pieces of jewelry, too. Then the June’s minutes were offered up. Cheryl moved to accept and LeeAnn seconded it; all approved the minutes.

Shirley, our VP, updated everyone on who would be teaching upcoming classes. August will be Kathy, teaching polymer clay lace with bead embroidery; September will be Lori, teaching silkscreen; October and November will be Cheryl teaching a class in cane making and a follow up class covering a glass Christmas ornament. December is our Christmas party. Shirley suggested our January class should be to create more Bottles of Hope. All present agreed with the idea.

Play Day in July:

Penni Jo is having a play day on Saturday, July 27th at the Senior Citizens Center in Maysville. Penni Jo will be teaching a class on how to make her eagle feather cane. It will be 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and the class will be FREE. If we can get at least 7 people to sign up; the Senior Citizens Center ladies will make the attendees a fabulous homemade meal for a modest charge. Remember to communicate using Slack-Local.

Library and Treasurer reports:

Jane, our Librarian, was unable to attend. LeeAnn offered up the Treasurer’s report; we have 26 paid members. Katherine moved to accept and Shirley seconded. All approved the Treasurer report.

Bottles of Hope:

Tom announced he would deliver Bottles of Hope to The Toby Keith Foundation Kids Korral and the Troy and Dollie Smith Wellness Center; possibly next week.


Tom have communication with several guest artist for Retreat 2020, but we are in the very early planning stage. More information will be forthcoming. Last meeting, Canyon Camp & Conference Center near Hinton, OK; was selected as the new location for Retreat 2020.

Old Business – Website:

Cheryl and Betty offered a brief discussion on selecting a new host for our website. Both individuals are highly knowledgeable and realize much needs to be considered before the selection process is completed. Betty and Cheryl will continue to review options.

The State Fair of Oklahoma is coming up in September and registrations to exhibit will be July 1 – August 15. If you are experiencing problems with the online form; it was suggested to call the phone number on the form and ask to speak to Nancy. The Guild will be hosting a demo on September 15, from 2:00 to 6:00 pm. Currently 10 members will participate at the demo. Please use Slack-Local to communicate with Betty if you would like to participate.

At the present time, the COPCG is without a permanent home. We will be meeting at New Day Church of the Nazarene in Bethany for the August and September meetings. Betty will follow up with New Day to see if the room is available for October through December. In appreciation for the use of the Church’s room, the members present decided to donate $40 per meeting. Lori moved and Cheryl seconded it. All present approved.

Today’s program:

Our guest artist was Betty, who taught us how to make floral earrings made with margarite beads (little polymer clay flowers with a single hole in the middle). They were fun chain earrings that include extra crystals for added sparkle.

New Secretary:

Laura suggested for the next few months, a different member take the minutes at each meeting. In January, a new secretary could be elected, if Katherine does not return as she plans.

Our meeting ended with our drawing. Laura, Cheryl, and Tom were our winners!

Submitted by Katherine Barnes, Secretary COPCG

Eagle Feather Cane Workshop on Saturday July 27th with Penni Jo

Penni Jo will be teaching how to make the Eagle Feather cane. no charge. If you sign up she will send you the tutorial (as soon as it’s finished and I’m on the last page) . The date is Saturday July 27th from 9 to 5. Here is the materials list for the cane:

•Strong Polymer Clay needed:You may use Pardo, Premo, Kato or Fimo Classic. Just be sure you use the same clay brand throughout the cane to assure a good, strong cane.
Colors –
•2 to 3 blocks White,
•1 block of a Medium-Dark value Brown {Pantone 469u}, (NOTE: If using Premo, Mix 1 part Raw Sienna with 1 part Burnt Umber),
•1- 2 blocks of Black,
•1/2 – block Yellow. NOTE: A small part of the Yellow and Brown will be mixed with some of the white to make the Ivory color in the feathers.
•If using Premo, 1 1/2 blocks Ecru will work for Ivory and you won’t need yellow.


•Scotch or masking tape

•Pasta Machine for making the Skinner blend. In the instructions PM will stand for Pasta Machine.

•Long, flexible tissue blade or other flexible blade for cutting cane.

•A long rigid blade for cutting feather slices.

•Small piece of card stock for baking surface.Materials Needed for Projects Included

•For Earrings lower right, Instructions begin on page 14.

•2 ear wires, 2 eye pins. If no eye pins approx 5 inches 20 gauge wire. Beads: two 6mm silver tone, four each red & black seed beads or your choice of colors, sizes and style of beads. Optional beads on page 15, step 10.

•For Pendant left Instructions begin on page 13 at Step 68: Materials needed,

•Daisy shaped Separators, one 8mm, two 5mm and two 4mm spacers.•Eye Pin.

•Wire: about 5 inches of 20 or 22 gauge wire for feather pendant wire wrap.

•Tiny bits of colored clay red, turquoise & pearl clay.

• Viva Decor metallic paints or mica powders Turquoise, Coral or Scarlet, and Micro Pearl.