We’re so glad you’ve decided to join our group! We hope this page will help answer some of the common questions new members have. But always feel free to ask if there’s anything you’re wondering about!
Group Basics
If you haven’t already, you may want to start by reading these info pages:
- About Our Group: Explains what goes on at our meetings; lists current officers
- Membership Info: Info on dues and how you can earn dues discounts
- Guild Library: Procedure for checking out books/molds; current list of our library contents
Getting Involved
Our group has been blessed with folks who are eager to help. You’ll see this in your neighbor’s willingness to share their tools and supplies, and in the teacher’s openness in sharing all of his or her knowledge. We hope you’ll find your spot to jump in and help, too. Here are some suggestions:
Teach a Lesson: Let the Vice President know that you’re interested in teaching, what topic you’d like to teach, and your preferred month. A few weeks ahead of time (check with the VP for specific deadlines), you’ll need to send him or her the lesson title, a short description of the project, and a list of materials and tools each person should bring. Photos of the finished project are nice, too. The Vice President will take care of posting all of this information online for the group. While you don’t have to creating a handout for the lesson, many of our teachers do, and it’s always greatly appreciated by the other members. Even if you’re fairly new to polymer clay, you may have related techniques or specialties you can teach from another medium!
Hold an Office: We elect new officers each January, and limit most terms to two years to keep our leadership team fresh. Get in touch with the current president if you’re interested in a specific role. Here’s a list of officer duties.
Help with the Retreat: Our annual retreat comes together through the work of many volunteers. Consider chairing or helping with one of the retreat committees. Listen for opportunities during the retreat discussion at one of our regular meetings.
Stay In Touch
Our group communicates primarily online.
- Our monthly meeting announcements, including the supply list, is posted on this website about a week before the next meeting.
- If you would like to hear group news and get reminders about upcoming meetings, you should join our OKPolyClay Yahoo group. Please fill out the Yahoo membership request, and our moderator will approve you.
- We also have a Facebook page where we announce upcoming meetings.
Privacy Options
We have a group membership list, which is made available only to group members, where we list each member’s name, address, email address, and phone number. If you would prefer that certain of your information be left off of this list, please let us know.
We try to keep our website updated with photos our guild photographer takes of our members and their work. If you prefer we not include photographs of you, please let us know.