Minutes for March 2016 Meeting
Minutes recorded by Katherine Barnes
Penni Jo calls our meeting to order and introduces Deb Hart our special guest teacher. She showed us how to make the most adorable sculpted owl earrings using her canes. Everyone had a wonderful time, and Deb Hart decided to become our newest member and join our Guild. She will also attend the upcoming OK Poly-Clay Twisters Retreat 2016. Welcome aboard, Deb!!!!
Show & Tell had five members who brought items. And two members brought bottles of hope. Thanks Tom for posting the photos.
Angel moved to approve last month’s minutes and Wendi seconded it.
Jane, our Librarian, was not present so Penni Jo read her report; and announced that Jan will host the goodie bag assembly at her house. Everyone is welcome to come and help! It will be on April 02, 2016 at 1:00 pm.
Penni Jo announced the May meeting will feature Laura’s tree; and the June meeting will be Jane and Penni Jo who will present creating clay signatures for our work. We will do our Inchies four times a year and the theme for each will be the seasons. January Inchies for Winter, April Inchies for Spring (which will be presented at the Retreat), July Inchies for Summer, and October Inchies for Autumn. We are renaming the “Raffle Drawing” and simply calling it “Drawing”.
Angela presented the Treasurer’s report and announced we have 23 paid members.
Angel and Connie ,our Bottle of Hope Coordinators, have bottles available. Connie will bring a large bag of bottles to the Retreat. We are hoping everyone takes home a few to decorate.
Myra, our Webmaster was present. Penni Jo commented on what an extensive amount of information Myra has on our webpage. Myra has the minutes available for each meeting dating back to November, 2006.
Old Business:
Tom discussed the upcoming Retreat and large number of sponsors who would be supporting our event.
Angela followed up on a letter received from the State Fair, asking if COPCG would be a sponsor and will we have a demo? Laura moved and Angela seconded to pay $25.00 to sponsor. After Penni Jo asked for volunteers for the demo, Connie moved and LeAnn seconded to have the demo on September 18th from 2:00pm to 6:00pm.
New Business:
The need for a new sign to represent COPCG at the State Fair was tabled and will be discussed in May’s meeting.
We held our Drawing and had six winners: Tom, Karen, Penni Jo, Laura, Angela, Connie, and Wendi. Please remember, if you were one of the lucky ones who won; don’t forget to bring prizes for the May Drawing.
April’s meeting will not be held because of the Twisters Retreat. Our next regular meeting will be May 14, 2016, 1:30 pm at Oklahoma Contemporary Art Center on the OKC Fairgrounds.