Minutes for July 2014 Meeting
Minutes recorded by Angel M.
We had 12 members and 1 visitor at the July 12, 2014 meeting. Show & Tell items included Bottles of Hope, jewelry, dragons, Best Flexible Molds texture sheets, and a pen. Penni Jo also asked the group to offer opinions on the texture sheets as a focus group.
Jane was our instructor this month. She presented “Extruder: Retro & Beyond”. Many samples were sent around to inspire us to get our extruders out and use them! Jane took us through the steps to make a retro cane. Jane and Myra brought and showed extruder discs from a couple different companies. Myra demonstrated two discs that worked together to make a heart cane.
During the business meeting, we discussed the following:
Minutes from the last meeting were approved, Penni Jo motioned and Cheryl seconded the motion.
Vice President Connie gave an overview of the upcoming programs:
- August: Angel – Swellegant
- September: Chris Crossland– glass pebble project
Angela gave the treasurer’s report. We have 23 members.
Librarian Jane described the latest addition to the library, the current Polymer Café. The challenge listed in the magazine is “Faux What?” due August 31, 2014.
We discussed where to have the September meeting due to the State Fair of Oklahoma during the month. Many questions were raised, and we are checking on an alternate date in the same location.
August is raffle month, members to bring items for raffle are: Myra, Connie, Tom, and Angela.
Inchies were brought by four members. August inchies will have a theme of “Back to School.” Anyone who would like to participate should make and bring enough inchies to swap. Connie asked if we were going to continue doing inchies, due to the low number of members participating. No solid answers were gained from this question at this time, we may need to visit this again. The question prompted conversation about what to people use the inchies for. It was suggested that we explore what kinds of things could be made with the inchies.
Nance handed out bottles to cover for our on-going Bottles of Hope project.
Web Master Myra reported that things were fine, and she had nothing new to report.
Tom opened the topic of renting storage space to house our library and ovens. Tom e-mailed earlier this month about this topic discussing the need etc. $20.00 a month was the fee for renting a cabinet at our current location. After much discussion, it was concluded that we have funds to cover this type of expense. The library books would be accessible when the doors to the Art Center were open. The president, vice-president and librarian will have a key to the library cabinet. Some of the members went to check out the cabinet and where it was located. Nance motioned to approve renting the cabinet and Angel seconded, the members were in agreement and the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned. Our next meeting will be August 9th at 1:30 at the Contemporary Arts Center on the OKC Fairgrounds.