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April 2021 – Unofficial Meeting

Hello clay friends,

We are planning a small project to work on in person at Betty’s home in April. (4/10/2021 at 1:30)
This is an unofficial get-together and there will be no zoom at this time.
Hope you can join us!


Betty’s Address
6712 Randi Road, Oklahoma City (map)


Materials and tools:

  • Polymer clay (colors of your choice)
  • Pasta Machine
  • Czextuder* + LC Disk 1 (extension with 3 small holes)
  • Clay Blade (tissue blade)
  • Bowl on which to form basket (see example below which is available from Dollar Tree – 4 inches across is the best size)
  • Baking paper
  • Work mat
  • Rubber tip tool


*You can use whatever extruder you have on hand. There will also be some extras available if you don’t have one.

Contact us with any questions.

January 2021 Meeting – New Officers and Postponed Christmas Party

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Happy New Year!

Our January meeting will be held on 1/9/2021 at 1:30 pm at the home of Betty Bolerjack, 6712 Randi Rd, Oklahoma City. It is time for us to elect new officers for 2021. We will be using Zoom for that part of the meeting for those unable to attend in person. Zoom details will be available on our private Facebook group and will also be sent out via email. Please contact Betty for more info if you wish to attend as a guest via Zoom.

We decided to go ahead and have our Christmas party during our January meeting. Please see the December announcement for details. Looking forward to lots of fun in January!

Christmas Party – December 12, 2020

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We have had to cancel our party. See you in January!!!


It’s time for our annual Christmas Party! Instead of having a lesson, we will be bringing snacks to share and will play Dirty Santa which is always a lot of fun! We’ll meet at Betty’s house again. Her address is 6712 Randi Rd, Oklahoma City. You can find a map here. There will be NO Zoom this month.

Everyone, please bring a yummy holiday dish to share and a serving utensil if needed.  Please let Connie know what you plan on bringing.  Plates, napkins, and forks will be provided.

About Dirty Santa: REMEMBER the items in the Dirty Santa game are NOT gag gifts but should be something you’d like to receive. Everyone playing the game brings a hand-crafted polymer item. An item using a technique learned this past year or one you just enjoyed making and sharing. Playing Dirty Santa is optional – but please, please do bring an item. It is so much more fun with many participants, we had such a good time last year. 


Minutes for the November 2020 Meeting

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Nov.14th 2020 minutes for Central OK clay guild

By Connie

At home of Betty

Attendance 4 in person

9 on zoom

Program done by Marlene  G :  confetti Veneer

Connie will post Christmas party invite on FB no zooming on that day!


to roll retreat in person at canyon camp to year 2022

To have a virtual retreat for two days 2021

Motion made by Betty 2nd by Jane all approved

Connie will call Anita at canyon camp


Motion made by Connie 2nd by Jane all approved

Reimburse Betty for half the zoom membership fee for this past year of 2020

Betty will contact LeeAnne for check.


Retreat goody bags will be mail to guest will have extra fee to cover mailing

Jane, Marc, Betty, Connie will help getting them out.

LeeAnne treasurer report  19 members

Dec. Christmas party

Jan.2021 program by Laura C

Feb. by PenniJo

Jan:  we need new officers for 2021

Shirley said she would do Secretary on zoom

We still need a vice pres.


November 2020 Meeting – Veneer Confetti Earrings

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Our November meeting will be held both in-person and via Zoom. We will meet at Betty Bolerjack’s home  6712 Randi Rd, Oklahoma City on 11/14/2020 at 1:30 pm. Park on either Randi Rd or 67th St and come in either the front door or the back. You are welcome to join us on Zoom if you are unable to be with us in person. Zoom details will be available on our private Facebook group and will also be sent out via email. Please contact Betty for more info if you wish to attend as a guest via Zoom.

Marlene Gremillion will be doing our class this month and will teach us how to make Veneer Confetti Earrings. She will be joining us from Arkansas via Zoom. While we are still somewhat in experimental mode with Zoom, we are excited at the possibilities this has opened up for us in having members who live at a distance to not only join us for our monthly meetings but to also participate in teaching classes. Marlene teaches regularly in the area where she lives and we are glad to have her teach our November class. This looks like a fun project that she has prepared for us! Come join us and learn how to make these colorful earrings! I think she might even be planning to show us some other ways to use the veneers, as well.

Polymer Clay Workshop Supply List (Veneers)

By Marlene Gremillion
**Polymer Clay in a variety of colors plus white and black. I prefer Premo and Souffle by Sculpy
**Liquid Polymer would be nice but not necessary ( I will be doing a demo with black)
**Roller I like the clear acrylic type
**Pasta Machine dedicated to Polymer Clay (sometimes you can find one at a garage sale or resale shop sometimes. I like a Makins Clay Machine or Atlas 150 or 180 (You may have to order the clay machine)
**Tissue Blade
Smooth surface to work on like a ceramic tile or tempered glass or a glass cutting board (NO wood though because polymer damages that surface) I have seen some people use the plastic cutting board sheets that come in a variety of colors but they will need to be taped down to your table.
Baby wipes
Paper towels or old hand towel
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubber stamps or something you might find around the house (old buttons, lace, mesh, course sand paper, anything you can press into the clay)
Polymer clay canes you may have made
Craft or hobby knife
Spoon metal not plastic
Cookie cutters or small cutters, round, oval, square or variety, use what you have before purchasing. I will show you a variety
5×7 or 8×10 glass to put your mosaic on for curing depending on the size you wish to make
Jewelry findings if you want to make earrings
Container to cover, a jar would do fine but make sure it is clean
Parchment paper for smoothing clay
Plastic wrap like saran can come in handy
Index cards larger size or you could use card stock
Clear Plastic Sheet Protectors for a three-ring binder
Oven for Curing Clay
Makins Clay Machine, Atlas 150 or 180
Note ** items can usually be picked up at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. You may be tempted to buy the cheaper brands of Polymer Clay but I do not recommend them since they crack and break. All in the Polymer Clay Section. Most of the other materials can be purchased at Walmart, Dollar Store and any grocery or variety store.
Online shops:
Munro Crafts
Poly Clay Play Store
Sculpey Store
Any questions feel free to contact me
Marlene Gremillion 501-226-9940 or
Pasta or Clay

October 2020 Meeting – Jan Montarsi Snowflakes

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Our October meeting will be Zoom only. We will meet at 1:30pm on October 10, 2020 via Zoom. Meeting ID and password are posted in the Facebook Members Only group. If you are not a member and would like to join us, please contact Betty here for more info. Our demo will be provided by special guest, Jan Montarsi. He will be showing us his special technique to make snowflakes using mini cutters. Scroll down for more info.

From Jan Montarsi:

Tools for the October 10th guild meeting Demo by Me!

Gather all your mini cutters. The sponge texture sheets are kind of important. Be sure to look at the comments within each picture. I have answered a few questions. I prefer white glitter fine, but for practice purposes, any fine glitter will do. I would suggest that you match your clay color to the glitter. Clear glass glitter works also.

(NOTE: Click on photos to enlarge. More info can be found on our Public Facebook Group.)

Minutes for the September 2020 Meeting

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Minutes for Sept. 12, 2020, meeting

Meeting at Bettys home

Call to order by Connie

Class by Betty: Anemone Jewelry

3 people in person attending

6 people on zoom

Pres. Report by Connie: I have checked with Hobby Lobby and Will Rogers flower center still nothing available.

After the first of year will ask Angel to check on Tinker credit union room.

Or back to my church, hoping if we have a place more centrally located on a regular basis we can build our attendance.

Meeting minutes approved for Aug.

Treasure report by Lee Ann:   18 members

Webmaster by Betty: she has added a prorated payment system for dues on website

We are using Facebook and email to share and communicate.

Please help post pictures and ideas on the nonmember FB group to help promote club.

Sept meeting Betty brought the gift bag. Connie won

Next drawing will be in Nov.  Connie brings gift bag

Oct. Meeting is inchie month fall theme. (however we made the decision to only do a zoom meeting and not meet in person.

Oct and maybe Nov. meeting will be zoom meeting only!

The Oct class will be by zoom with Jan Edward Montarsi (snowflakes) let it snow!!!

The Nov meeting the class will be by Marlene Gremillion. Not sure what the class will be (zoom)

Dec. is normally our Christmas party. We bring snacks to share and a dirty Santa gift, something you made out of Polymer clay. I will bring plates and plastic ware. Please bring your own drink.   Hoping we can all be there!!!

Submitted by Connie