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September 2007 Play Day Notes

Three members showed up for the September Play Day, where we snacked on goodies provided by our host, Penni Jo (thanks!), and learned all about photographing our work. Penni Jo showed us her photography set-up, where we snapped a few photos. We then moved to the computer to learn how to optimize those photos (and scans) using Photoshop. A very informative & enjoyable meeting!
In the business portion of our meeting, we discussed the following items:
* The National Polymer Clay Guild will be having its Synergy Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, February 21-23, 2008. Registration begins tomorrow. Angela handed out postcards to the attendees with additional information (more postcards will be available at the next meeting). Or you can find out more on their website.
* Penni Jo offered additional ideas for future meeting topics: how to make an Inro box, and how to do the torn paper technique. Anyone interested in demonstrating these techniques for the group? If so, give me a holler!
* Jane suggested we might consider holding the Play Days in a different section of town for the members who don’t live in the Moore/Norman area. Those in attendance agreed.
* Angela handed out some business cards she made up with guild information on them. These will also be available at the next meeting.
Thanks to Penni Jo for hosting a very enjoyable Play Day!

September Play Day: Photographing Your Work

September has 5 Saturdays, so that means it’s play day time! This month, we’ll be learning more about an important skill… how to best photograph your clay creations. Penni Jo Couch (check out her photos here!) has graciously offered her home for the play day meeting place, and she’s also offered to tell us a thing or two about photographing clay work — including things like scanning vs. photographing, and how to use your handy-dandy computer to tweak your images. Some of our members use light boxes for optimal photo lighting, so we’ll discuss those as well. It’ll be a pretty informal information-sharing time, so if you’ve got a favorite photo tip, we hope you’ll come and share it!
* When: Saturday, September 29, 2007, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
* Where: Penni Jo’s house (Moore, OK). Note: Address/directions have been sent out to our mailing list. If you’re interested in attending, but aren’t on the list, contact us.
* What to Bring:
* If you have something you’d like photographed, bring it & we’ll use it to practice with. Otherwise, you don’t need to bring anything. We won’t be doing any clay work at this meeting.
Hope to see you Saturday! And afterwards, I hope to see our Flickr pool filled with lots more clay photos!

September 2007 Meeting Notes

Six members and one guest attended the September meeting. We had a fun time making Artist Trading Cards (ATCs), with members trying various techniques — skinner blend backgrounds, transfers, rubber stamps with mica powders, molding, antiquing — and even a beach scene complete with sand & shells! April also shared a successful inkjet transfer she had done using JetprintPhoto Imaging & Photo (Matte) paper (available at Wal-Mart, $10.00 for 100 sheets). Thanks to everyone who attended. And a special thanks to Jeanne Rhea of Heart of Clay for sending along gorgeous sample ATCs for us to drool over!
When we finished playing, we discussed the following business items:
* Group Swap: We will hold a swap at the October 13th meeting for anyone who wants to swap ATCs. You may participate regardless of whether you attended the September meeting. To get an idea of the number of cards each person needs to make, please RSVP by September 22nd if you’re interested. We will be organizing this swap via our mailing list, so be sure to sign up for the list if you haven’t already.
* Other ATC Swaps:
* There’s a polymer clay tree-themed ATC swap listed on Swap-bot with a sign-up date of September 15th. This one is open to newbies, so it’s a good place to get your feet wet if you haven’t done a swap before. You might even consider incorporating one of your leaf canes from our June meeting.
* Looking for more swap action? Here’s a list of all of Swap-bot’s current ATC swaps.
* The group modified, then voted on, the points reward system. Here is the system we unanimously decided on:
* Members will earn 2 points for each book or video they donate to the guild library.
* Members will earn 4 points for each lesson they teach or co-teach.
* Members will earn 8 points for holding an office for a year.
* At the end of the year, points will be calculated. For members who’ve earned 11-20 points, their yearly dues will be discounted $2. For 21-30 points, dues will be discounted $4. And for 31+ points, dues will be discounted $8.
* We held our first drawing to start populating our guild library. The two winning books (which should be ordered in time for the next meeting) were:
* Faux Surfaces in Polymer Clay: 30 Techniques & Projects That Imitate Stones, Metals, Wood & More, by Irene Semanchuk Dean
* Polymer Clay Jewelry, by Debbie Jackson.
* We discussed holding a joint meeting with the Tulsa guild, probably next spring. We’ve been emailing them to start arranging something like this and will keep everyone posted.
* We discussed the schedule for the rest of the year, and decided we should not have the 5th Saturday Play Day that would normally be scheduled for December 29th, since most people will probably be out of town or otherwise busy with holiday festivities.
* We decided on plans for the next two meetings & discussed additional ideas for meeting topics. If you are willing to teach us one of the unassigned topics, please get in touch.
* September 29th Play Day – Photographing your Artwork – Penni Jo.
* October 13th – Halloween Project – Cassy (Deviled & Angel Eggs) & Angela (glow-in-the-dark clay)
* Covering Switch Plates – Penni Jo
* Extruders & Canes – April
* Christmas Projects
* Ink-jet Image Transfers
* Rubber Stamps & Clay
* Faux Techniques
* Beads & Bead-Making
We look forward to seeing everyone at our September 29th Play Day!

September Meeting: Polymer Clay Artist Trading Cards

Yellow Goat X-ing ATCSeptember is International Artist Trading Card (ATC) Month — and to celebrate, we’re making polymer clay ATCs at this month’s meeting. Angela Mabray will be teaching the group all the basics of these little works of art — including the rules you shouldn’t break, the etiquette you should follow if you swap them, and some ideas on how you can use transfers, texture & more to make unique ATCs from polymer clay.
Here’s the meeting details:
* When: Saturday, September 8, 2007, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
* Where: The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK. (The classroom is up front, near the check stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
* What to Bring:
* Clay: You won’t need much for each card (1 block of clay will make 2-3 cards). Bring any colors you want. Angela has personally had good luck with Premo for image transfers, so you might bring that brand if you’re interested in doing a transfer.
* Work Surface: Small tile(s) that you can create your projects on, then put directly in the oven.
* Pasta Machine or Brayer
* Tools, Embellishments, Etc.: A clay blade is the main tool you’ll *need* — bring whatever else you think you’ll want. Rubber stamps & texture sheets are great for texturing the cards. Embellishments could include paper, fabric, beads, metal — anything you want to imbed in your project or glue on afterwards. Feel free to print your own image transfers if you have an idea (& a printer/paper combination that works for transfers) — or Angela will have some images already printed for transfers.
Angela is the current president of our group. She blogs about crafts at CraftyGoat’s Notes and sells crafts at She also has a few of her ATCs posted in this Flickr photo set, if you want a sneak peek at some of the ATCs you’ll be seeing.

August 2007 Meeting Notes

Angela's Turtle and Starfish SculpturesWe had a smallish-turnout for our August meeting — but we still had a lot of fun! There were 4 people present for our “Sculptures Inspired by Christi Friesen” lesson — our teacher April Salcedo & her daughter, Cassie; Angela; and first-time visitor (and brand new member!) Shirley. April explained how to make the starfish first, then a baby turtle. She also went over some of the goodies in Christi Friesen’s various books. Everyone seemed to have a great time creating beautiful marine life.
Because we had such a small group, those in attendance decided to hold off til September on the library and points system discussions. We decided that the September 8th football game would probably not cause traffic problems since the game starts at 11. No other games’ times have been announced, so we’ll play it by ear on the next few meetings.
The next meeting will be September 8th, when Angela Mabray will be teaching how to make polymer clay Artist Trading Cards. Hope to see you then!

August Meeting: Sculptures Inspired by Christi Friesen

This month, April Salcedo will be be introducing the guild to Christi Friesen‘s Sculpture series books. April received permission from Christi to share her work with you for our meeting. While she doesn’t have one particular project to show us, she plans to do a small demonstration on how to make a “starfish” and a “baby turtle.” These are quick & easy (should take about 15 minutes), and will allow us to become comfortable with the style of sculpting & a few other techniques before we tackle the bigger projects. April will also be bringing these books for us to look through and find project(s) to make on our own:
* Dragons – All about dragons
* Welcome to the Jungle – Jungle life and greenery
* Under the Sea – Sea life (April’s personal favorite)
* Cats Big and Small – Cats, cats, and more cats. The newest book – just released!
Here’s the meeting details:
* When: Saturday, August 11, 2007, 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
* Where: The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK. (The classroom is up front, near the check stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
* What to Bring:
* Clay: Approximately 2 blocks. April suggests using Premo clay for these projects as Sculpey III can be too soft and brittle to stand up to the projects. April also recommends blending/marbleizing two complimentary colors (e.g., gold and green, blue and white,ecru and white, orange and yellow, etc.) to bring more interest to your project. You might consider bringing more clay if you want to make multiple little project from the books.
* Tiles: To create your projects on and put directly in the toaster
ovens, so you don’t have to move your work.
* Various Beads: Seed beads or smaller type round beads work well. April also recommends the smaller shell beads. The beads will be cooked in your projects, so make sure they can withstand the cooking heat.
* Craft Wire: 28 gauge. This will be used to attach your beads to your project. April will also be bringing her wire, and there should be plenty for all to use, as it doesn’t take much.
* Wire Cutters, Chain Nose Pliers: April will have hers, if you don’t
want to buy any. Only used to prep the wire for the beads.
* Pasta Machine or Brayer
* Brown or Burnt Umber Acrylic Paint: For finishing and
bringing out the details.
* Glazes (optional): If you want to put on to seal your work. This is a
personal preference and you don’t have to do this.
* Sculpting Tools: Used for details and adding texture. This might be
wooden, toothpicks, straws, shells, whatever catches your fancy. No rules here!
* Paper Towels or Wipes: To clean up with — the paint/patina stage can
be quite messy!
* An open mind and your imagination!
April has a few of her completed turtles in the display case at the front of the Norman Hobby Lobby if you want to see some finished projects. She will have completed examples of her sculptures at the meeting. She highly suggests heading over and taking a look at Christi Friesen’s site before our meeting. It will give you a sense of who Christi Friesen is (if you don’t already know) and a better understanding of what to expect walking into our meeting. The site includes some of her own sculptures and focal beads. There are a few projects for download at a minimal price, info on her classes, and a list of shows and magazines she’s been published in. April will be passing out information at the meeting about a group special buy on her books that Christi has extended to our guild (see a list of books here.) She’ll also have a handout about Christi’s class information to consider if we would like for her to be a guest artist.
April and her daughter were two of our earliest guild members, and April now serves as our guild photographer. You can see some of April’s works on her Kreative Karma site, at her Etsy store, as well as on her Flickr photo page. April says:

“When I first got into Polymer Clay about a year ago, I did a search online and found Christi’s site. I was and still am very impressed by her art work, but more I really love her books. I like the humor, and the way she guides you through the creative process. I’m not one that has a ton of patience for meticulous work, and with these particular sculptures, you don’t have to be exact spot on, and you’re not 100% replicating a process. She gives tons of suggestions and encourages you to be your own creative self.”

Hope you’ll come be creative with us!

Guild Member Winner in Amaco Challenge

A big congrats to Jane Linn for winning “Best Use of FIMO” in the AMACO Bottles of Hope Designers Challenge CHA-Summer 2007. The challenge winners were announced at this week’s Craft & Hobby Association show:
* Best Use of FIMO – Jane Linn
* Best Mixed Media – Karen Mitchell
* Best Expression of Hope – Lynne Ann Schwarzenberg
* People’s Choice Winner – Dee Dye
* Best Children’s Theme – Patricia Lynn Hillman
* Best of Show – Tommie Howell
If you haven’t seen Jane’s bottle, check it out here (#8). Her award-winning bottle (along with the rest of the top 25) will be auctioned off to benefit Gilda’s Club Chicago.