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August 2008 Meeting Notes

Six members and two guests were present for our August meeting. Shirley led us in using two techniques to create ink jet transfers. Each transfer became a “tile” which can be used to make an elasticized bracelet. The instruction handout is available as a pdf file. Here is a link. InkJet Transfer Handout [PDF]
Future meetings are scheduled as follows:

**August 30:** Play Day

**September 13:** Mokume Gane with Nance

**October 11:** Translucent Layering with Jane

**November 8:** Open

**November 29:** Play Day

**December 13:** Open
Angela volunteered to lead a Christmas-themed project for our November meeting.
She will try to reserve our Hobby Lobby meeting room for the August 30th play day.
In the **business** portion of our meeting, we discussed:
**Bottles of Hope Project:** Coordinator Nance announced that she now has about 30 bottles ready to donate to cancer patients. She requested that members help by e-mailing her some messages of hope that she could place inside the bottles.
TV News9, which taped some of our members making the bottles in July, has postponed airing the segment until a planned interview for the story can be completed. They will call Angela when it is set to air.
We discussed possible places for our first Bottles of Hope donation event. Angela will contact our project liaisson, Cindy Matteson, for recommendations.
**Treasurer’s Report:** Angela reported that we have a balance of $388.97, and our members currently number 13.
**New Business:**
**Bottles of Hope Challenge:** The theme of this year’s national BOH challenge is “A Message of Hope.” The deadline for sending entries is December 15. For more information, contact Angela.
**Munro Crafts Order:** Jane reminded everyone who wishes to add items to her order to send her their lists, as she plans to place the order on Monday, the 11th. Items will be discounted fifty percent because of the size of the order.
**Holocaust Children’s Memorial Butterflies:** Nance talked about a request for handmade butterflies to be displayed at a memorial to the children of the Holocaust in Texas. She gave specifications for the butterflies and will make information available through our web site.
**Meeting space:** With our recent increased attendance, our present meeting space is becoming too crowded. Angela asked members for ideas for new meeting places. We discussed various possibilities. Nance will check with a place in Midwest City.
**Swap with Tulsa Guild:** Angela announced that the Tulsa Guild has chosen vessels as the theme of our inter-guild swap. She sent around a sign-up sheet for those who wish to participate. TheTulsa group has 6 members.
**August Swap:** Several people brought items for the birthday-themed swap. Jane’s item was birthday brownies, and she even allowed those of us who didn’t bring a swap item to have one!
Angela asked for new ideas for the themes of our bi-monthly swaps. Our theme for the October swap will “Harvest”, and for December, “Angels.”
Reminder: Next month, instead of a swap, we will hold a raffle. July winners will provide the raffle items.
**Library Drawing:** As there were no nominations for the library drawing, we decided to postpone our August drawing until the September meeting.
**Show and Tell:** What a creative group! Several members brought beautiful items they had made.

August Meeting: Ink Jet Transfers

Ink Jet Transfer Sample by ShirleyShirley will be teaching August’s lesson on **Ink Jet Transfers**. We will be transferring two ink-jet-printed images to polymer clay, then creating two small “tiles” which can be used in elasticized tile bracelets. Each tile will use a different technique, resulting in a slightly different look. One technique will result in a transfer with bright, clear colors, and the other will yield an image that is a bit yellowed, giving it an aged look. There are many types of images that would make a nice bracelet: copyright-free artistic designs; old prints or drawings; photos of children, grandchildren, or ancestors; fragments of maps; and vacation mementos. Lots of colorful design images will be provided for you to use, but for those who wish to use their own images, an e-mail message outlining options will follow.
– **When:** Saturday, August 9, 2008, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
– **Where:** The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK. (The classroom is up front, near the check out stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
– **What to Bring:**
– One-half ounce of white polymer clay (Shirley has used Kato and Premo with good results.)
– One-half ounce of translucent polymer clay (Will be rolled to the thinnest setting, so if you have a favorite brand that works well at this thickness, do use it.)
– One pkg. of black polymer clay
– One-half ounce of scrap clay
– Liquid polymer clay
– Elasticized bead cord (black)
– Brass tube, knitting needle, or some device about 1/8 inch diameter, or wide enough to measure a space through your tile big enough to accommodate a knot in your bead cord.
– Clay blade
– Pasta machine
– Needle tool
– Scissors for cutting thin slabs of cured clay
– Bone folder, stiff credit card, or plastic spoon for burnishing image on clay
– Tile(s) for baking surface
– Waxed paper, baby wipes, etc. for clean work surface
– Also helpful: Grid paper or a gridded cutting mat
Note on clay brands: Since the process involves several steps of re-baking, Shirley recommends using only clays with similar baking temperatures on one tile. Additional materials needed to finish the bracelet at home will be listed in the instruction handout.
**REMINDER** – We will be having a swap this meeting. Since our group seems to have a lot of August “babies,” our swap theme is birthdays. Think cake, babies, age, party hats, or any other festive birthday-themed items. To participate, bring one item. In exchange, you’ll receive one item from another swap participant.

July 2008 Meeting Notes

Nine members and two guests gathered in July for our informal program on making beads. April S. demonstrated tools she has found helpful, including several bead rollers. Several members brought beads they had made in the past and shared tips. Everyone enjoyed experimenting with bead-making techniques.
**Show and Tell:** Members brought some beautiful things to show. Penni Jo brought clay thunderbirds she had designed for a customer. Nance and April showed beads they had made. Jane and Angela brought Bottles of Hope.
During our business meeting, Vice President April S. reviewed the upcoming meeting schedule, which follows:

**August 9:** Ink-Jet Image Transfers with Shirley

**August 30:** Play Day

**September 13:** Mokume Gane with Nance

**October 11:** Translucent Layering with Jane

**November 8:** Open

**November 29:** Play Day

**December 13:** Open
It was noted that the August play day falls on Labor Day Weekend. We will discuss this at our August meeting.
**Library:** Librarian Jane L. announced that the June selection for our library, *The Human Figure in Clay*, had arrived. She commented that it has wonderful detail.
**Bottles of Hope:** Coordinator Nance R. announced that she now has accumulated lots of finished bottles for our project. She still has lots of empty ones for anyone else who wants to decorate them. The Norman Newcomers Club may do more bottles this summer, and we will include them in our publicity when the time comes. Angela commented that Cindy Matteson has inquired about our progress with the project.
**Treasurer’s Report::** Angela reported our balance as $405.44. Lisa became our newest member in June, bringing our membership to 13.
**New Business:**
**Liability for Minors:** Penni Jo voiced concern about the safety of children working with polymer clay tools at our meetings and the resulting liability issues for the guild. She suggested that we add wording to our “About ” page on our Web site, specifying an age (possibly 18) below which a person could not attend our meetings without a parent or supervising adult. There was general agreement that we should do this.
**Tulsa Guild:** Angela announced that the Tulsa group would like to get together for a play day. We discussed our scheduled play days as possible dates and churches or libraries as possible venues in the Oklahoma City area. Angela will call the guild to discuss possible dates.
Angela asked whether anyone would be interested in giving private lessons in jewelry making. We have received an inquiry through our Web site.
**Library Drawing:** The book selected for purchase this month is *Polymer Clay Beads: Techniques, Projects, Inspiration*, by Grant Diffendaffer.
**Raffle:** Penni Jo, April S. and Nance brought raffle items. Winners were Angela, Lee Ann, and Shirley. The winners will bring raffle items for our next raffle, which will be at our September meeting. We will have a swap at our August meeting.

July Meeting: All About Polymer Clay Beads

This month is an exciting learning opportunity. **We will be sharing tips and techniques on creating polymer clay beads.**
Thumbnail image for bonebeads.jpg
Many members have expressed an interest in learning how to make polymer clay beads. There are so many different ways and kinds of beads that we thought it was time to have a meeting where we can all share tips on what works, what doesn’t work, how to operate some of the bead making rollers and anything else that comes up about polymer clay beads.
If you don’t have any idea how to do any of these things, this would be a wonderful opportunity to come learn, play and ask any questions you may have, I’m sure there will be plenty of members that can share experiences.
– **When: Saturday, July 12, 2008, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.**
– **Where: The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK.** (The classroom is up front, near the check out stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
– **What to Bring:**
– Polymer Clay: Bring whatever polymer clay you would like to use in attempting to make polymer clay beads. Some clays will lend themselves better to certain techniques and others are better for other techniques. The main thing is to come, experiment and share and learn. *On a personal note, I’ve found that Sculpy III tends to be to soft of a clay for any beads that I try to make, so tend to stick to using Premo, Fimo and Kato clay’s.*
– Wax Paper or other clean working surface.
– A Bead Baking Tray if you have one – no need to go out and buy one just for this lesson, as there will be a couple available.
– Any Bead Rollers that you may have – no need to go out and buy them just for this lesson, there should be plenty to share.
– ***Optional:***
– Pasta Machine (for conditioning clay)
– Clay blade
– Any texture or detail type tools that you may want to experiment with
– Canes that you may want to apply to any beads
– Latex or non Latex, thin gloves (if you want to try to eliminate fingerprints)
If you have made any Polymer Clay Beads, we would love for you to bring them to the meeting and show what you have made. On the same note, if you have found any books/resources about polymer clay beads, we would love for you to either bring them or the names/locations to share.
**REMINDER** – We will be having a raffle this coming meeting. **The prizes this meeting are to be provided by Penni Jo and April S.** If anyone else would like to contribute to the prizes, feel free to. Members will purchase tickets and place their tickets in a container for the prizes they would like to win. The winners take home the prize and are to provide a prize the next time we have a raffle (every other month).
We hope to see you there!

June 2008 Meeting Notes

There were twelve people at the June meeting, nine members and three guests. Angela Mabray gave us an extensive handout detailing stamping techniques and various types of ink and their effects. She led us in making coasters using a stamping technique, with optional ink and various ways of coloring the clay. As always, there were lots of interesting and creative results among the members.
**Business meeting:**
The meeting schedule, as far as planned, will be:

July 12: Beads (all members sharing tips about bead rollers, making beads, etc.)

August 9: Ink-Jet Image Transfers with Shirley

August 30: Play Day

September 13: Mokume Gane with Nance

October 11: Translucent Layering with Jane
**Treasurer’s Report and Membership:** Angela reported that we have a balance of $418.20. She withdrew $14.00 in petty cash to help make change on raffle days. One member has had to drop out, bringing our membership to 12.
**Library and Drawing:** Jane reported that May’s library choice, *Creative Canes: 30-plus Cane Techniques with Polymer Clay*, by Barbara McGuire, had been received. This month, the book selected for the library is *The Human Figure in Clay*, by Mark A. Dennis.
**Show and Tell:** In addition to several Bottles of Hope brought by members, Penni Jo, April S., and Nance brought things for show and tell. Penni Jo announced that she will be teaching a polymer clay class for Oklahoma City Parks and Recreation. She also showed more of her inro projects and announced that she will be hired as an artist to teach inro at the Orlando Clay Fandango in Florida next March. Nan reported that her Bottles of Hope lesson at the Norman Newcomers Club was a great success.
**Swap:** This month was our first swap, and items followed a floral theme. Nance, April S., April G., Lee Ann, Jane, Penni Jo, and Angela swapped some beautiful floral clay creations.
Angela reminded the group that next month we will return to the raffle. Prizes will be provided by Penni Jo and April S.

June Meeting: Rubber Stamped Coasters

Swirly Bird Coaster 2 by CraftyGoat
This month, Angela Mabray will be giving tips on using rubber stamps with polymer clay, then showing how to make a **Rubber Stamped Coaster**.
* When: Saturday, June 14, 2008, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
* Where: The new Hobby Lobby in Norman, 2417 W. Main, Norman, OK. (The classroom is up front, near the check out stands. Go right after entering & it’s the first door on the right.)
* What to Bring:
* Polymer Clay: Our main project will use about 1/2 block of white clay (makes one 4″ coaster). Angela will be discussing various techniques, so bring along extra clay if you want to make other coasters.
* Rubber Stamps: Angela will have lots of stamps available, but feel free to bring a few favorites to use and share. Deeply cut stamps tend to work best with polymer clay.
* Cork Coasters: You can buy pre-cut round or square cork coasters at Hobby Lobby (a package of 6 costs $2.77). These are usually on the same aisle as bulletin boards & other cork boards. If you prefer, you can buy the rolls of cork and cut them down to size.
* Pasta Machine
* Glue: Super glue or Sobo
* Work surface and baking tile (at least 4″ x 4″)
* Clay blade
* Scissors
* StazOn ink pad, chalks, stamp cleaner: Angela will have some available to share if you don’t have these
* Optional (for projects other than the coaster pictured above): Kato or TLS liquid clay, alcohol inks, black acrylic paint, colorful acrylic paint
Swap: Don’t forget — this month is our first swap. Bring one item to swap that fits this month’s theme, which is **floral**

May 2008 Meeting Notes

Nine people attended the May meeting, including 8 members (2 of whom had to leave before the lesson) and 1 returning guest. Penni Jo demonstrated the faux zebra wood technique, then showed us all how to make inros from a PVC pipe mold she provided. As always, the resulting projects were diverse & wonderful. Thanks to Penni Jo for providing such an in-depth lesson!
If you missed the meeting (or just need a refresher on some of the steps), you can find the handouts here.
Our upcoming meetings are:
* May 31: 5th Saturday Play Day at Penni Jo’s home
* June 14: Rubber Stamp Techniques with Angela
* July 12: Beads (all members sharing tips about bead rollers, making beads, etc.)
* August 9: Ink-Jet Image Transfers with Shirley
* August 30: Play Day
* September 13: Mokume Gane with Nance
* October 11: Translucent Layering with Jane
During the business portion of the meeting, we discussed the following items:
* Swap Theme: Starting in June, we will be doing a swap every other month (alternating months with the raffle). Our June theme will be Florals. If you would like to take part, just bring 1 polymer clay item that fits that theme. Everyone who brings an item will swap with another member. The type of object you make is completely up to you, as long as it fits with the theme. Participation is completely optional.
* Membership: Lee Ann K. became our newest member, which brings our member count to 14. Our balance is $417.26.
* Bottles of Hope: Several members brought back finished Bottles of Hope. Penni Jo told the group about a possible lead for obtaining classroom space to teach Bottles of Hope workshops. April G. entered one of her Bottles in the Integris Hospital Celebration of Life & Art Exhibit.
* Show & Tell: We took a few minutes after the business portion of the meeting to do a quick Show & Tell. It was a lot of fun to see what members have been working on. Jane suggested members also bring their completed projects from the previous month to show.
* Drawings: Nance donated 2 prizes for this month’s raffle. Penni Jo and April were the winners. The new library book selection is Creative Canes by Barbara McGuire.