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November 2009 Meeting Notes

This month our guild met at **Elements Beadery in Bethany, OK**, to learn about jewelry finishing techniques and the use of appropriate findings. Seven members were present. Thanks to Elements staff member, Pat Dorety, we had two delightful hours learning to solve our jewelry-making problems and exploring the many wonderful beads and findings at the store. Pictured (right), Pat helps several members complete projects they had brought with them.
After our visit, we held our business meeting over lunch at a nearby tearoom.
**Business Meeting:**
**Old Business:**

Congratulations are in order for members Penni Jo C.and Jane L., (polymer clay) and April G., (pottery/ceramics) who all have had pieces accepted in the Paseo Art Association’s juried competition. The show will run until November 28th. The Paseo gallery is open Wed. – Sat., noon until 4 p.m. The artists and their works are pictured at the end of this article.

**Use of Guild’s Flickr Site:** Angela reported that she had carried out the group’s decision to reserve the use of our Flickr site for paid members only.
**New Business:**

**Meeting Space:** Penni Jo reminded us to visit the larger meeting space at Southern Oaks Recreation Center, at 66th and S. Walker. The facility has good equipment, including an accurate baking oven. It is only available 6-9 p.m. weekdays, however, so we would have to change our meeting time.

**One of Our Members is an Author:** Angela Mabray has been asked to be a co-author of a new polymer clay book, and has been working on the chapters she is responsible for. We congratulate our talented Angela on this well-deserved opportunity!
**Upcoming Meetings:** V.P. April G. reviewed our revised meeting schedule:

**December 12:** Members will show and explain Christmas items they have made

**January 9:** Mica Shift with Lee Ann K.

**February 13:** Hollow Vessels with April G.

**March 13:** Hollow Vessels, continued

**April 10:** Flowers from Skinner Scraps with Penni Jo C.
**Treasurer’s Report:** Angela M. reported a balance of $410.31, and a total of 8 members.
**Bottles of Hope:** Chair Nance R. reported that she will be doing the bottles with cancer patients who are under age 18 soon, at an (as yet) undisclosed location.
**Librarian’s Report:** Angela reported that our newest purchase, *The Polymer Clay Cookbook*, by Jessica and Susan Partain, contains a great recipe for a sugar scrub to help remove clay from your hands.
**Library Drawing:** Instead of drawing this month, we purchased for our library two books from the bead shop, *Beading 101*, published by Hot Off The Press, and *The Best of Stringing 2009*, an Interweave Press publication.
No raffle was held this month.
After a delightful lunch in a beautiful setting, several members went to the Paseo gallery to see our members’ work in the container show. Pictured are (l-r) Penni Jo, Jane, and April with their work. All works: © all rights reserved.

Bead-In OKC Meeting

If you’re interested in beading and jewelry-making with polymer clay, you may want to check out the upcoming Bead-In. Pat Pearson has organized the group’s first meeting for Monday, December 7th, at the Midwest City Library, and she extended a personal invitation to our guild members. Details below:
Bead In OKC postcard

November 21, 2009 10:00am-12:00pm At Elements Beadery

Hi Clayers!
It’s time for another poly clay meeting and this one is going to be very very infomative. We will be having it at Elements Beadery in Bethany, OK where co-owner,Toni Mitchell, will be teaching us about jewelry finishing techniques and about jewelry findings. I gave them a list of the questions we had so I’m sure Toni will address them also. If you have problem pieces you need help with, please feel free to bring them so that you can consult with Toni or Pat after class. The address to **Elements Beadery is 6704 NW 39th Street, Bethany OK.** The meeting will be from **10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon**. We will have the business portion of the meeting after the class at a different location. Also, I think it would be great if we all could bring some examples of our work as Pat Dorety, the other co-owner, expressed an interest in what we do. Toni use to make lovely cane beads

November Meeting Date / Time Change!

The Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild will *not* be meeting on the second Saturday (November 14th) this month. Instead, the meeting will be November 21st from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Elements Beadery, 6704 NW 39th Expressway in Bethany, OK. We’ll probably head to a nearby coffee shop (or the like) for our business meeting after the bead shop portion. More details coming soon!

October 2009 Meeting Notes

*Many thanks to Nance R. and Jane L. for graciously writing up these meeting notes in the absence of the secretary.*
Seven members were present at our October meeting. We had a great demonstration of the “Starry Night” technique from Jane Linn, with reminders and a graphic to show us to be sure to include three intensities of color in our design: very light, medium, and fairly dark, so it would make the design pop.
Penni Jo gave us a demo in making feathers using the Starry Night pattern we had just completed.
**Business Meeting:**
**Upcoming Meetings:** April G. reviewed the meeting schedule:

**November 21:** We will meet at Elements Beadery in Bethany, where a staff member will give pointers on finishing our jewelry.

**December 12:** Christmas Decorations/Giftables

**January 9:** Mica Shift Technique with Lee Ann
**Treasurer’s Report:** Angela reported a balance of $476.77.
**Librarian’s Report:** Jane L. reviewed our newest library purchase, *PolyPens: Polymer Clay Pen Sets* by Linda Peterson. She felt that it provides beginners with good instructions for making some fun and practical pen projects, as well as providing inspiring ideas for more advanced clayers.
**Old Business**

**State Fair Guild Demo and Competition:** The group evaluated the project and made the following suggestions for the future:
1. Have a sign-up list at the demo table where interested visitors could list their phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
2. Add to the back of our guild handout flyer some basic information about polymer clay and supplies to bring to the first meeting or to get started.
3. Consider having members do the demonstration in shifts.
4. Members thought the display of our banner, raised and behind the demo table was excellent.
5. On the demo table, have a display of finished projects that show the diversity of the medium, along with a sign that says, “You can do this with polymer clay.”
6. We discussed adding two additional categories for the competition, one for childrens’ work, and one for miniatures. It was also suggested that we break beads and buttons into two separate categories.
**New Business:**

**Meeting Space:** Penni Jo invited us to visit the spacious facility at Southern Oaks Recreation Center, where she teaches her Thursday night class. We have discussed the need for more space at our meetings, and this space would give us room to grow. However, it is not open on weekends, so we would have to change our meeting time.
**Announcements:** Angela updated us on several crafts shows and competitions in the area.
**Library Drawing:** The winning suugestion for purchase this month was *The Polymer Clay Cookbook: Tiny Food Jewelry to Whip Up and Wear*, by Jessica and Susan Partain.
**Show and Tell:** Guild members brought their state fair entries to show, and all were incredible! Most were put in the Hobby Lobby display case at the front of the store.
No raffle was held this month.

October 10, 2009 Starry Night Cane Pen

Hello Clayers! This month, our wonderful and award winning President, will be teaching us Donna Kato’s ‘Starry Night’ cane. Jane says, “Apparently Donna Kato using leftover bits and pieces of clay pieces left on her work table, end pieces from canes, and leftover canes , came up with a beautiful cane that reminded her of Vincent van Gogh’s painting The Starry Night. With this cane, we will make 2 other canes and then cover a pen.”
Janes Pen is beautiful but ,unfotunately ,I have spent 2 hours trying to attach it to this announcement to no avail! I’m sorry I cannot include her images.
We will meet Saturday September 12, 2009 from 1-4 p.m. at the *Hobby Lobby in Norman (2417 W. Main, Norman, OK)*.
**Supplies to bring:**
Leftover clay you like and want to put together AND/OR end pieces of canes and leftover bits and pieces of canes equaling at least 4 oz. of clay OR 3 or 4 colors of clay that combined will equal at least 4 oz. of clay.
1 oz. black clay
1 oz. white clay
1 Bic Round Stic ballpoint pin
Elmer or Sobo glue
(Optional) Any canes you have that you might want to decorate a pin covered in your ‘starry night’ cane
**Tools (favorite clay tools):**
Work surface
Pasta machine
Acrylic roller
Knife or blade(s)
Ruler-6 or 12 inch
Our guild did wonderfully at the Oklahoma State Fair. It would be wonderful for everyone to bring there state fair entries for everyone to see! The fair displays were sort of jummbled and compacted and as a result, it was difficult so see everyones beautiful pieces. So, please bring your fair entries and we can share them at show and tell.
This month is swap month! The swap for this month is “canes” every one bring 1 to 3 canes with a total of all the canes together measuring to 3′. Also, bring a book suggestion for the library!

Group Makes First State Fair Appearance

The Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild made its first official appearance at the Oklahoma State Fair this year, taking part in both competitions and demonstrations.

Creative Arts Competition

The group sponsored the new Polymer Clay Creations category in the Creative Arts competition. There were 20+ entries (including at least 1 entry from outside the group) in the 4 classes. Esteemed group president Jane Linn walked away with first prize in 3 of the 4 classes, with Penni Jo Couch taking first in the other class. Jane also won the $25 Best of Show award donated by the group. See full results here. [PDF]

Polymer Clay Demonstration

Polymer Clay Demo (Photo by Ed)
On September 20, several group members spent the day demonstrating various polymer clay techniques to fair visitors. The demo tables were set up near the Creative Arts display cases, which proved to be a great spot. The group handed out lots of fliers and talked to many friendly and interested passers-by. Hopefully a few will join us at our next meeting!
Polymer Clay Demo at the Oklahoma State Fair
Thanks to all who took part in the competitions and the demonstration — great work!
Photos courtesy of Shirley (top photo), Ed (middle), and Angela (bottom). More photos here.