Minutes for August 2016 Meeting
Recorded by Marsha Hinds
Penni Jo called the meeting to order and welcomed our two visitors, Diane and Pat. She then had the guild members introduce themselves and give a little bit of polymer clay background.
We had 20 members present and 2 visitors. We then went around the room for show and tell. Both members and guests had show and tell – lovely jewelry, bottles of hope, cabochons and other wonderful items were passed around for all to ooh and aah about.
Tom presented a great lesson on Transfer Papers. He had prepared a little goody bag for everyone so they could try out the technique. Another great program under our belt.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the July minutes as published.
Jane, Vice President, gave an update on upcoming programs: in September Chris Crossland will be coming in from Muskogee to give our program/lesson. NOTE: Remember that we will not be meeting at the fairgrounds in September, but at the Unity Church Fellowship Hall at 5603 NW 41st; approximately Ann Arbor and NW 41st Street. In October, Marsha will be presenting, in November Angela, and our Christmas party is in December.
Angela, Treasurer, gave the Treasurers report. We have 29 paid members.
Angel and Connie gave an update on our Bottles of Hope. Some were delivered to the Toby Keith Foundation, and they were much appreciated. They prompted the members to work on “kid-themed” bottles of hope at this time.
During old business, the Fall Specialty class was discussed. Deb Hart will be coming to teach us. We are still working out the final details. Check out her website (www.debhart.weebly.com) to get a feel for her work.
It was noted that next month is the month for our drawing, so if you won in July, bring a prize for September. The retreat had some goodie bags left, so Tom gave out Door Prize tickets, and Angela won this month. We will continue to do Door Prizes on the opposite months of drawings until he runs out of prizes.