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December 2017 Meeting: Party Time!

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, December 9, 2017 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

It’s December, and as usual we will not have a lesson this month – instead, we will have a pot-luck and a fun social time, as well as playing Dirty Santa (so much fun!).

About Dirty Santa: REMEMBER the items in the Dirty Santa game are NOT gag gifts but should be something you’d like to receive. Everyone playing the game brings a hand-crafted polymer item. An item using a technique learned this past year or one you just enjoyed making and sharing. Playing Dirty Santa is optional – but please, please do bring an item. It is so much more fun with many participants, we had such a good time last year.

I’m reposting the rules that Tom has adapted for our Dirty Santa game:

How to Play Dirty Santa

Everyone playing the game brings a hand-crafted polymer item. Sometimes an item using a technique learned this past year or one you just enjoyed making and sharing. Please, please bring an item. It is so much more fun with many participants.

VARIATION: Since we will be showing off our gifts during Show & Tell, I will bring gift bags to mask the items for the game. Just to keep it in the spirit of Dirty Santa.

Numbers are written on pieces of paper for every gift and placed in a basket, bowl or hat.

Each person draws a number. Getting a higher number is actually better because you will have more chosen gifts to choose from.

The person with #1 picks a gift to open from the array of gift bags. The person with #2 can choose to take another bag or steal the gift from #1. If a gift is stolen, the person who had it then steals from someone else or picks another gift to open. Gifts stolen cannot be directly stolen back. They must be in the pool of opened and unopened gifts for at least one turn.

The game continues like this until everyone takes a turn select an item or stealing an item. The last person to go can steal from anyone in the game or select the remaining item.

NOTICE: If the first person has not had their selection stolen during the game, they may steal a gift from anyone else. This may open a new round of stealing, but that’s the nature of Dirty Santa.

Once a gift is stolen three times, it is retired from the game.

Minutes for November 11, 2017

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Meeting notes by Katherine Barnes

Number of attending 14

Number of visitors   0

Show and Tell

Deborah showed the rose wine glasses that we will be embellishing with rose petals sepals and stems. Connie an example of Sugar veil. Penni Jo, new mold PJ 057 Halloween. Wendi read the note from Kid Corral. Lee Ann had several pendants. Tom showed bottles of hope and Wendi’s bottle of hope too.


Our program today was by Deborah DiMaggio – decorating wineglasses with rose petals and leaves. There were rose petals in every color under the sun it seemed and all were beautiful.

Business Meeting

The business meeting opened with a discussion of the upcoming Treas. election and the duties involved. It will be very hard to replace Angela and we will miss her. We discussed next month’s Christmas party. Connie has sent out an email asking for people to volunteer for goodies at the Christmas party in order to avoid overlapping. We will once again play dirty Santa and have asked that members bpring a polymer clay exchange if they like.

Officers / Volunteers Reports

Secretary’s minutes

Penni Jo presented the minutes of the last meeting and they were approved. Deborah moved we accept them. Wendi seconded.

Vice-President  – Jane Linn

In January, Jane will do a program on polymer clay and wire

Since we will elect a new president and a new vice-president in January, the new vice-president will give us information on upcoming monthly projects. Jane has a few months already booked.

Treasurer report – Angela Mabray

Was given and approved. We now have 32 members.

Bottles of Hope Coordinator – Wendi McKinnon

Wendi reported that everyone loves the bottles that are being donated. Tom reported that a $13 check was donated to our Guild buy a bottle of hope recipient. He bought tiny “HOPE” charms for the members to add to their Bottles of Hope if they would like.The membership was pleased to hear of this lady’s generous donation.

Librarian – Jane Linn

Jane reported on the magazine “Polymer Week” and it was decided by the membership to subscribe for at least one year and add this magazine to our library. The magazine comes out four times a year.

Webmaster – Myra Cleveland

Myra reported that everything is fine.

Photographer – Tom Gibson

Tom reported that he will put up the photographs from today’s meeting on our Facebook page.

Party Planner – Connie Farrell

Connie is working on the Christmas party.

Mail Support & Comfort – Connie Farrell

No report at this time.

Old Business:


Tom Gibson has been in touch with Alice Stroppel our teacher for 2018. Tom said we might do a cane class in March 2018 to prepare for her class which uses canes. Cheryl volunteered to do a cane class in February.

Tom asked for volunteers to look for people to sign up to send out requests for goody bag items for the retreat. He has five sheets and was able to get for volunteers Connie Penni Jo, himself and one other..

There was no New Business

There were no Announcements

We will have the bi-monthly drawing in January 2018.

The next inchie theme is winter. If you would like to swap inchies, bring winter inchies.

Minutes for October 14, 2017

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Minutes recorded by Laura Clarkson

Number attending: 13
Number of visitors: 0

Show and Tell

Jane shared the elephant which she and Penni Jo will be teaching in the workshop on October 28, 2017. Betty brought a necklace based on the alcohol ink method that Syndee taught at the retreat. Deborah shared the wine glasses she will be teaching in November. Wendi brought Bottles of Hope – a cute dog, chicken and a sea scene. Tom also brought several Bottles of Hope-  a geisha, skunk, lumberjack, ancient statue, 2 demons and a ballerina, plus he shared an angel Christmas ornament he made. Myra shared necklaces she had made with ball chain. Connie shared several projects – the Altoid vignette, a butterfly she made with Lisa Pavelka’s gel, and a heart she made with a stained glass effect.


Cheryl taught our class today on Mokume Gane.

Business Meeting

Officer/Volunteer Reports

Secretary: Minutes of the September 9, 2017 meeting were submitted by Laura and approved

Treasurer: Angela gave an update on the current balance. We currently have 33 paid members.

Bottles of Hope Coordinator: Wendi McKinnon

Librarian: Reviewed Polymer Week Magazine. Quarterly publication. It is $15 per issue. No decision made.

Old Business

Retreat 2018 – Tom reported we have received 3 proposals for a guest artist for retreat: Alice Stoppel, Teresa Delgado, and Deb Hart. We will decide at the November meeting.

New Business

Penni Jo and Jane are teaching the elephant journal cover in Maysville on October 28, 2017. There is no charge for the class, but there is a $7 charge for lunch.

December will be our Christmas Party. Connie is coordinating. Bring a polymer clay piece for the Dirty Santa swap.


Almond won Best of Show at the Fair.

Drawing was held with prizes brought by Wendi, Angela, Deborah and the Guild; winners were Connie, Laura, Deborah and Jane.

This was also inchie month with a theme of Fall. Next inchie swap will be in January.

November 2017 Meeting: Floral Wine Glass

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, October 11, 2017 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

Deborah DiMaggio will lead us in decorating wine glasses with roses.


  • Clay in color of your choice for rose
  • Clay in color of your choice for leaves and stem
  • Bake and Bond, if needed


  • Pasta machine to condition clay
  • Work surface

Deborah will have wine glasses anyone can use, or you can bring your own (wine not included, LOL!).

Minutes for September 9, 2017

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Minutes recorded by Laura Clarkson  

Number attending: 12

Number of visitors: 0

Show and Tell

Wendi shared her Bottles of Hope. Betty shared what she has done with sugar veil molds. Myra brought several of the fan pulls she has made. Jane shared the mini-donuts she has been making with her granddaughter for an upcoming show. Penni Jo has a new pumpkin/Halloween mold.


Myra taught our class today on Ceiling Fan Pulls

Business Meeting

Officer/Volunteer Reports:

Secretary: Minutes of the August 12, 2017 meeting were submitted by Penni Jo and approved

Treasurer: Angela gave an update on the current balance. We currently have 31 paid members.

Bottles of Hope Coordinator: Wendi McKinnon

Old Business:

Retreat 2018 – Notices have gone out requesting proposals from guest artists.


Fair demos are next Sunday, 9/17/17, from 2-6.

Next drawing will be in October. August winners were Penni Jo, Marsha and Almond(?)

October is also inchie month with a theme of Fall

October 2017 Meeting: Mokume Gane Barrette

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Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, October 14, 2017 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds. This is inchie month, with a theme of “Fall”. We will also have a drawing this month, so if you won something last time, bring some goodies for this one!

This month, Cheryl Reich will be teaching a traditional Mokume Gane technique, plus unique twists.


  • Clay – about 1 oz. each of black, white, and several colors that work well together (metallics are great!)


  • Work surface
  • Pasta machine
  • Acrylic roller
  • Any texture sheets or rubber stamps that are deep cut

Cheryl will be providing a special baggie, the barrette clip, and many different textures, rubber stamps and other cutters to share.

Minutes for August 11, 2017

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Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild met August 11, 2017. We had 16 members in attendance and no visitors.

Show and Tell

Wendi showed her Christmas boxes with miniature scenes, our project for today. Elizabeth had delightful dragons, Connie blew us away with her Succulent garden and metal cross; Almond’s doll was stunning and very life like, Tom had wonderful bottles of hope and Penni Jo had some molds.


Our program this month was Christmas Boxes with miniature Christmas scenes by Wendi. She began her lesson right after the Show and Tell. We had a choice of a Santa/Tree, etc. scene or a Nativity scene. She described the simple forms that, when very small could be combined to create a plethora of tiny people, trees and animals. Thank you Wendi for a fab meeting.

Business Meeting

Officers/Volunteers Reports:

Minutes were approved from July.

Vice President – Jane Linn

Jane reported that we are booked for the rest of the year.September, Myra with Fan pulls. The meeting will be held at the: North Haven Baptist  Church, 4600  36th Ave NW, Norman OK, at regular times.

October, November classes are scheduled and December will be the annual party

Treasurer – Angela Mabray

Balance was reported, with 31 paid members

It was suggested we donate $40.00 to the church as they requested no payment. Connie moved we do so, Angela seconded; motion passed.

Bottles of Hope Coordinator – Wendy

Very glad to see so many BOH being created and brought in to the meeting. The children love them.

Library – Jane Linn

Discussion Polymer Week Magazine. Consensus, we will order one magazine to see if it is the sort we could use.

Webmaster – Myra Cleveland

Everything doing well. She posts all our lists and minutes and we are delighted with her excellent service.

Photographer – Tom Gibson

Continues to post all photos taken in the meeting onto the web and the Yahoo Page.

Party Planner – Connie Farrell

Christmas Party Sign up sheet is next.

Mail Support & Comfort – Connie Farrell

Let her know if someone is ill, etc.

Old  Business:

** Retreat: Tom Gibson: Send name or names of artists from which you would like to learn.

New Business:


Bi-Monthly Drawing/Inchie Swap

Next Inchie Theme: Fall, in October October: Fall

Drawing – Who brought: No notes here

Drawing – Who won: Unknown, but I think (Penni Jo) won

(Note: sometimes the drawing will be held on  a day when we bring inchies.)