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August 2018 Meeting – Faux Raku Bowls

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, August 11, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

This month, Betty will be showing us how to make Faux Raku Bowls. She will show us some basic techniques for creating the raku effect as well as some variations. From there, let your imagination soar! Your finished bowl can be used as a Blessings Bowl, Trinket Dish, or any other decorative use. She will show us how to form the bowls both on the inside of a form as well as on the outside in the shape of your choice. The Faux Raku technique would also make some beautiful Bottles of Hope, if you prefer!

There is no one right or wrong way to do Faux Raku and the results are always a surprise!


2-4 oz. clay in your choice of color. Suggested colors are Premo Black, Premo Accents Graphite Pearl, Souffle Poppy Seed, or Souffle Cinnamon, but it’s not necessary to stick with these colors. The bowl with the heart in the center is made from Premo Accents Silver. White can also create some interesting effects. Souffle holds the mica powders particularly well, but any clay will work.

Mica powders such as PearlEx or Perfect Pearls. Traditional colors are green, blue, pink or red, and copper, but feel free to experiment with other colors. The PearlEx Duos can be a lot of fun. Betty will bring a variety of colors to share, as well.

Metal Leaf (optional)

Shape (can be prebaked clay) to use for center design (optional)


Pasta machine

Texture mat, sandpaper, or other means of creating texture

Brayer or acrylic rod

Clay blade

Exacto knife

Any other favorite tools

Bowl to use as form (shape and size is your choice… Betty will have some extras available to use)

Soft brush

Your imagination (feel free to Google raku pottery and look at the images that come up for inspiration)

Minutes for July 14, 2018

Meeting convened by Vice-President Shirley Conway at 1:30 pm

14 Members were in attendance

The images from Show and Tell are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages.

Yahoo pages

Our facebook page:

Tom Gibson presented today’s program on using Tiny Pandora UV finish

Business Meeting:

Secretary – Approval of Meeting Minutes: 6/9/18/18 with correction of Shirley Conway not present in the Vice-President report.

Vice President – Shirley Conway – Program schedule for upcoming meetings.

August: Betty Bolerjack

September: Connie Farrell

October: Penni Jo and Jane – Chrysanthemums

November: Tom

December: Christmas Party

January (2019) – Bottles of Hope

Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley reported we have 31 paid members currently and updated the financial report.

Librarian: Give Jane your suggestions for additions to the Library

Webmaster: Cheryl Reich is the new Webmaster.

Old Business:

  • Retreat: Discussion of auction. Concern with the prices that some of the artist’s work sold for. Was suggested that the value of the item and suggested minimum bids be displayed. Some felt the placement of the auction on the schedule was problematic for being able to eat and also for some being able to attend in the evening. Further planning and feedback will be needed.

New Business:

  • Discussion of meeting place for September. Location has not yet been identified. Connie has been looking.
  • Discussion of Deb Hart’s all day workshop in October. Will request the 1st Saturday in October. She will be teaching INRODrawing:
  • Bags were brought by Laura (2), Penni Jo and Tom
  • Drawing winners: Jane, Penni Jo, Tom, Angela, CarmenThis was Inchie month – next Inchies in October  
  • Respectfully submitted by Laura Clarkson, Secretary COPCG
  • Next Meeting is August 11, 2018
  • Announcements: This was Myra Cleveland’s last meeting before moving to Panama. Refreshments were provided by Jane Linn to honor Myra’s contributions to the Guild. She reported she would be here for the Christmas party in December.

July 2018 Meeting – Tiny Pandora UV finish

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, July 14, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.  This is inchie month, with a theme of “Summer”. We will also have a drawing this month, so if you won something last time, bring some goodies for this one!

Tom will be showing us how to use the Tiny Pandora UV finish.

This month we will be doing a Demo/Play with Tiny Pandora DeepShine brush-on UV Finish. You are encouraged to bring a prebaked items you wish to coat. That could be earrings, pendants, bracelets or if you have baked your wolf from last month and need his/her eyes to have an extra sparkle. If you have a UV light box (36 watt or more) please bring it. There are no special tools or clay needed.

This meeting will be kind of a free to clay day because the demo will be brief. So bring something else to work on, we will have lots of bottles if you would like to work on one or two or more. (hint hint)



Minutes for June 9, 2018

Submitted by Laura Clarkson, Secretary COPCG

Meeting convened by President Betty Bolerjack at 1:30 pm

17 Members were in attendance

The images from Show and Tell are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages.

Chris Crossland presented today’s program. We made Mystic Wolves.

Business Meeting:


Approval of Meeting Minutes: 5/12/18/18. Penni Jo moved the minutes be approved and Jane seconded. Minutes were approved as posted.

Vice President

Shirley Conway reported on the Program schedule for upcoming meetings.

July: Tom Gibson – UV Resin; bring the Tiny Pandora Resin from your retreat bags and something to coat with the resin to the meeting.

August: Betty Bolerjack

September: Connie Farrell

October: Penni Jo and Jane

November: Tom

December: Christmas Party


LeeAnn Kelley reported we have 31 paid members currently and updated the financial report. Tom moved and Deborah seconded that the report be accepted.

Bottles of Hope Coordinators 

Tom Gibson asked that more members make Bottles of Hope.


New Polymer Arts Magazine has arrived.

New Business:

Discussion of Deb Hart providing an all day workshop in October. Those planning to attend were asked to indicate which of her classes we would like to be presented.


July will be inchie and drawing month. Inchie theme is Summer. Those who won the drawings in May were reminded to bring goodie bags for July’s Drawings. (Betty-2, Laura-2 and Tom).

Next Meeting is July 14, 2018


Minutes for May 12, 2018

  • by

Submitted by Laura Clarkson, Secretary

Meeting convened by President Betty Bolerjack

15 Members were in attendance

The images from Show and Tell are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages.

Myra Cleveland presented today’s program. We made leopard and zebra canes.

Business Meeting


Approval of Meeting Minutes: 3/10/18. Deborah moved the minutes be approved and Jane seconded. Minutes were approved as posted.

Vice President

Shirley Conway reported on the Program schedule for upcoming meetings.

  • June: Chris Crossland – Wolf
  • July: Tom Gibson – UV Resin
  • August: Betty Bolerjack
  • September: Connie Farrell
  • October: Penni Jo and Jane
  • November: Tom
  • December: Christmas Party


LeeAnn Kelley reported we have 31 paid members currently and updated the financial report. Marsha moved and Deborah seconded that the report be accepted.

Bottles of Hope Coordinators

Tom Gibson asked that more members make Bottles of Hope.


Joyce Burge donated 2 Books to our Library


Myra Cleveland reported she will be moving to Panama and we will need a new webmaster. Cheryl Reich volunteered.


Tom Gibson gave an update on retreat. Requested everyone who attended to fill out the survey.

State Fair

Betty Bolerjack reported on the State Fair. They are having some free classes this Summer. Look on the Fair website for Take pArt in the Fair

This was drawing month. Bags were provided by Tom, Jane, Katherine (2) and a Retreat bag by the Guild.
Betty (2), Laura (2), and Tom were the winners

June 2018 Meeting – Wolf Sculpture

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, June 9, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

The inimitable Chris Crossland will lead us in making a majestic wolf bas-relief sculpture. Here are the notes from Chris:

We are so excited to be presenting the class at the guild meeting in June! Even if you do not consider yourself a sculptor, you will be able to create this majestic creature using the templates and techniques I will teach you. We will be making a gray wolf, but it can be made in any color combination by using the color mixing method I will show you. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE have your master mix ready when class starts because this mixture will be the mid-value of the wolf. The light and dark values will be mixed in class using various amounts of this master mix.


  • Blade
  • Exacto knife
  • Needle tool
  • Christi Freisen WIA (Wow It’s Awesome) tool…or your favorite sculpting/texturing tool
  • Large ball tip tool
  • Knitting needle in 2 or 3 sizes
  • Ceramic tile 6” x 6” (wolf will be sculpted on the tile and will be baked at home on the tile)

All required templates will be supplied, cut out and ready to use. We will also provide pre-baked eyes. You will have a choice of golden or blue eyes.

Master Mix (PREMO)

  • Mix one 2-oz block each of silver, pearl and white clay. Roll out on a #1 thickness or the thickest setting on your pasta machine.

Additional Premo clay needed in class (all based on 2-oz blocks of clay):

  • 1 block white
  • ½ block graphite pearl
  • ¼ block black

May 2018 Meeting – Animal Prints

  • by

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, May 12, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

Myra Cleveland will show us how to make a leopard cane, and (time permitting) a zebra cane.


  • Clay – Gold, bronze, burnt umber, ecru, black, white

We will use about one section (1/4 of a package) of each, but having a little extra is good!


  • Pasta machine
  • Blade
  • Stiff card or plastic (an old credit card or the card Connie included in our goody bags)

Meeting Notes

We will have our drawing at the May meeting. Tom, Katherine (2), Jane, and Penni Jo won the drawing at the March meeting and need to bring prizes for this month’s drawing.