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March 9 2019 Meeting, Translucent Cane

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, March 9, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

For this months activity we will be making Teresa Salgado’s Translucent cane taught by Laura Clarkson. 

What to bring:

Clay: 2 oz each of Translucent, White and a color.  Metallics are really pretty.

Work Surface

Pasta machine



Cane benders, if you have them



  • We will have our bimonthly drawing, so if you won something last time, bring something this time!



February 2019 Meeting Minutes

Minutes for February 09, 2019 meeting of COPCG

We held our monthly meeting at the New Day Church of the Nazarene. Our normal location at Contemporary Arts Center Arts at the fairgrounds was not available because of Affair of the Heart.

Betty, our Guild President, called the meeting to order. We had 14 members in attendance and one visitor who decided to join; bringing our attendance to 15 members. Welcome aboard, Roe! Betty read aloud last month’s minutes. A glitch on the website had caused a delay in posting. This has been fixed—thanks, Cheryl. LeAnn moved to accept the minutes and Jane seconded. All approved. Shirley stated that, with the exception of July; teachers for our upcoming meetings through August had been scheduled. Cheryl mentioned she had several glass ornaments, and would like to teach the November’s class.

For Show and Tell:

9 Bottles of Hope were brought in; each beautifully wrapped in polymer clay, and turned over to Tom. Also we enjoyed seeing a necklace, earrings, and barrette; folk and spoon set; and a flower panel. Our newest member, Roe surprised everyone by handing out St. Valentine’s Day themed inchies.


LeAnn read the Treasurer report into record. We currently have 24 paid members.

Bottles of Hope:

Tom announced he was having trouble finding bottles for our Guild members to cover with polymer clay. Tom asked if anyone knows where we can get more; please let him know.  


Jane purchased two new books to add to our extensive library; “Polymer Studio-Vol. #1” and “Do you see what I see?”.


Tom discussed the different corporations that have donated supplies to the April Retreat; but goodie bags may be a little smaller due to less donations. Angel will bring more bags in to use. Jane volunteered her house for the goodie bags to be filled. Date and time will be announced later. Current link is only available to COPCG members, but it will go live soon for non-members. Inchies or swaps will be done at the Retreat. General discussion regarding food, duties, etc.

New Business:

Betty discussed using the app. “Slack” instead of using Yahoo email to communicate with Guild members. Remember, next month is Drawing month. Anyone who won the last drawing should bring in a goodie bag for March’s Drawing. Also, she suggested this facility the next time we cannot use our normal meeting place.   All members attending agreed. Betty will reserve this room again at the New Day Church of the Nazarene for our September meeting. Then Betty turned the meeting over to our member teacher.


Cheryl Reich taught our class today. Everyone received a copy of her book; Cheryl Reich’s Color Mixing with Kato Polyclay.  She brought all the clay for us to condition, and all members worked on conditioning the various colors. The colors were cut into numerous shapes, and baked. The end result was so each member would have an extensive color wheel.

Submitted by Katherine Barnes, Secretary COPCG

January 2019 Minutes

Minutes Central Oklahoma Polymer Clay Guild 1/12/2019 Called to order at 1:30 pm by President Betty Bolerjack 13 members in attendance 1 visitor total attending 14

Show and Tell: The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages Yahoo pages

Our facebook page:

Program: Today’s program was devoted to completing bottles of hope

Business Meeting: Minutes of the December 15, 2018 meeting were approved after a Motion by Penni Jo and a second by Leanne Vice President – Shirley Conway presented the schedule for the following months: January 2019 – Bottles of Hope February 2019 – Cheryl – Kato color kits March 2019 – Laura – Translucent cane April 2019 – Retreat May 2019 – Tom agreed to demonstrate building an armature June 2019 – Penni Jo and Jane August 2019 – Kathy Luli Still looking for volunteers to do program for July, September, October and November.

Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley Membership: 33 paid members Memberships renewals are due. Can pay by PayPal.

Bottle of Hope Coordinator – Tom Gibson reports we still need more Bottles of Hope

Librarian – Jane Linn: Polymer Studio subscription has been ordered. Will order Christi Friesen’s newest book “Do You See What I See.”

Old Business: Retreat – Tom Gibson: Discussion of cost for attending retreat. Due to the increase of cost for venue the price to attend the basic retreat will be $85 with members receiving a $15 discount. The artist classes are$55 per class or $105 if attending both. This year those not registering for the artist’s classes will move to the Small Meadow during the class. This will allow more spaces for individuals wishing to attend the classes. Food will be provided for lunch only and will be catered. Breakfast and Dinner will be on our own. Angel Mance offered to be in charge of preparing the printed Program this year. Discussion of need to get the registration open online.

New Business: Election of New Secretary: Katherine Barnes agreed to accept the position and was elected. Group Communication: Betty reported on Slack program that is free and allows for communication between members of the group. She, Connie and Cheryl are currently in the group. Others will receive invites to the group. February Meeting: Affair of the Heart will be the same weekend as our meeting in February. It was decided to find a different meeting location for our February 9, 2019 meeting. Betty thought we should be able to meet at her church located at 5949 NW 39th. She will check with the church to confirm. Laura offered to send out an email notifying everyone.

Submitted by: Laura Clarkson, outgoing Secretary COPCG

February 9 2019 Meeting – Color Mixing Kits

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, February 9, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the New Day Church of the Nazarene.  Address is 5949 NW 39th Expressway.  North side of the street just West of MacArthur on 39th.

This month we will be learning about color mixing and working on mixing color samples.  Everyone will receive a copy of Cheryl Reich’s Color Mixing  with Kato Polyclay.  Everyone will get a total of 204 recipes and as many samples of those colors as we can get completed.  This retailed for $65.  This book is no longer going to be published so this is the last chance to get a copy. 

All you will need to bring is a work surface, pasta machine and a blade to cut clay, everything else will be provided.  If you want to bring a rubber mallet or any Kato Polyclay you have (including the concentrates) it would be helpful but isn’t necessary. 

January 2019 meeting – Bottles of Hope

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, January 12, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

This month we will be making little bottles of hope as a group.  Bring whatever you need to make as many bottles as we can for donation!  We will have some bottles to cover or you can bring your own.


  • This is inchie month, with a theme of Winter.
  • We will have our bimonthly drawing, so if you won something last time, bring something this time!
  • We will be electing a new secretary.
  • Time to pay our guild dues of $24 for the year.
  • Retreat registration will be announced.

Minutes for December 15, 2018

(Date of meeting was rescheduled from 12/8/18 due to forecasted winter storm)

Called to order at 1:30 pm by President Betty Bolerjack

12 members in attendance


Show and Tell:

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages

Yahoo pages

Our facebook page:


Program: This was the annual Christmas Party. Dirty Santa gift exchange. Pictures can be viewed at the above websites.


Business Meeting:Minutes of the November 10, 2018 meeting were approved after a Motion by Tom Gibson and a second by Katherine Barnes


Vice President –   Shirley Conway presented the schedule for the following months:

January 2019 – Bottles of Hope

February 2019 – Cheryl – Kato color kits

March 2019 – Laura – Translucent cane

April 2019 – Retreat

Still looking for volunteers to do programs for May, June and July.

August 2019 – Kathy Luli

Treasurer – LeeAnn Kelley

Balance: $6885.84       Membership: 33 paid members

Memberships expire this month and renewals are due in January. Can pay by PayPal.

Bottle of Hope CoordinatorTom Gibson reports we still need more Bottles of Hope

Librarian – Jane Linn: last issue of Polymer Arts was received and will now be receiving Polymer Studio. Discussion occurred re: any new resources to purchase. Laura Clarkson reported she has Christi Friesen’s new book, “Do You See What I See.” Might be something we would want.   Will bring it to the January meeting.

Old Business:

Retreat – Tom Gibson: Tom reported the venue has been secured and Eugena Topina will be the guest artist

Yukon Library Display: Connie volunteered to be in charge of organizing the display. Will send out email with details for those wishing to bring items directly to the library.

New Business:

Group Communication: Betty has concerns about how to communicate quickly with all members. Discussion occurred regarding some having difficulty receiving communication notices when messages are posted in the Yahoo Group. Tom said he and Myra are administrators for the Group. An Ad Hoc Committee was appointed to explore options – Betty, Connie and Cheryl.

Drawing: Discussed the # of bags has increased. Was decided that next month, those who won more than one bag at the November drawing would only provide one bag for the drawing. January will be a drawing month. Those who won in November are Laura, Tom and Connie.

Inchies: Inchie exchange is also in January. Theme is Winter.


Submitted by: Laura Clarkson, Secretary COPCG

December 2018 Meeting – Holiday Party Time!

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, December 8, 2018 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Contemporary Arts Center at the fairgrounds.

It’s December, and as usual we will not have a lesson this month – instead, we will have a pot-luck and a fun social time, as well as playing Dirty Santa (so much fun!).

Everyone please bring a pot-luck dish and a serving utensil if needed.  Plates, napkins and forks will be provided.  This year we are doing BYOB (bring your own beverage) so no cups will be available.

Also please bring any items that you would like to show off in the display case in the Yukon Library in January. Items will be returned to you at the February meeting.

About Dirty Santa: REMEMBER the items in the Dirty Santa game are NOT gag gifts but should be something you’d like to receive. Everyone playing the game brings a hand-crafted polymer item. An item using a technique learned this past year or one you just enjoyed making and sharing. Playing Dirty Santa is optional – but please, please do bring an item. It is so much more fun with many participants, we had such a good time last year.

I’m reposting the rules that Tom has adapted for our Dirty Santa game:

How to Play Dirty Santa

Everyone playing the game brings a hand-crafted polymer item. Sometimes an item using a technique learned this past year or one you just enjoyed making and sharing. Please, please bring an item. It is so much more fun with many participants.

VARIATION: Since we will be showing off our gifts during Show & Tell, I will bring gift bags to mask the items for the game. Just to keep it in the spirit of Dirty Santa.

Numbers are written on pieces of paper for every gift and placed in a basket, bowl or hat.

Each person draws a number. Getting a higher number is actually better because you will have more chosen gifts to choose from.

The person with #1 picks a gift to open from the array of gift bags. The person with #2 can choose to take another bag or steal the gift from #1. If a gift is stolen, the person who had it then steals from someone else or picks another gift to open. Gifts stolen cannot be directly stolen back. They must be in the pool of opened and unopened gifts for at least one turn.

The game continues like this until everyone takes a turn select an item or stealing an item. The last person to go can steal from anyone in the game or select the remaining item.

NOTICE: If the first person has not had their selection stolen during the game, they may steal a gift from anyone else. This may open a new round of stealing, but that’s the nature of Dirty Santa.

Once a gift is stolen three times, it is retired from the game.