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Meeting for January 2020 – Bottles of Hope

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, January 11, 2020 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at Betty Bolerjack’s home:  6712 Randi Road, Oklahoma City

This month we will be making Bottles of Hope as a group.  Bring whatever embellishments you need to make as many bottles as we can for donation.  We will have several sizes of bottles to cover or you can bring your own.

What to bring:

Work surface

Pasta machine or acrylic roller

Tissue Blade

Favorite tools

Plus anything to give your bottle curb appeal to possible recipients

Texture sheets or silk screen


Old canes

Mica powders

Paints or inks

Sequins, rhinestones, cubic zirconia

And lots of imagination.

Any clay and any colors you prefer. You can use the sizes below to determine amount needed to cover the bottles we have plus an extra amount for a top.

A sheet rolled to the #3 setting on an Atlas Pasta Machine

or 5 playing cards thick is usually a good thickness to work with.

Our Bottles                 Around / High

Short Insulin bottle         2 7/8” X 2 1/8”

Tall Insulin bottle            2 ½”   X 2 3/8”

Sterile Water bottle         6 ¾”   X 3 ¾”

Large mouth Bulk bottle 6 1/8” X 4 1/8”

Tall Large mouth bottle  8 3/16” X 5 1/4”


  • This is inchie month, with a theme of Winter.
  • We will have our bimonthly drawing, so if you won something last time, bring something this time!
  • Time to pay our guild dues of $24 for the year.
  • Betty needs nominations for upcoming officer elections for both President and Vice President positions.  Elections will take place at our January 2020 meeting.

Minutes for December 14, 2019 meeting

Minutes for the December 14, 2019 Meeting:

Called to order at 1:40 pm by President Betty Bolerjack

Nine members were in attendance.




Annual Christmas party took place in Betty Bolerjack’s home.  Thank you, Betty!



Minutes of the November 9, 2019 meeting were approved.  Roe volunteered to record the minutes today.

Program Schedule:

January —  Bottles of Hope

February —  LeeAnn  —  Vase Form Molds

March —  Betty  —  Roses

Treasurer  —  LeeAnn Kelley

Membership:  26 paid members

Treasurer’s report was approved and accepted.

Bottles of Hope  —  Tom will provide all the bottles needed for our January meeting.  Be thinking about ideas!

Betty gave a Bottle of Hope to a friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer.  Her friend was greatly encouraged by this small gesture.

Jane suggested that we consider providing Bottles of Hope to doctors and nurses who then in turn could pass them on directly to patients.

Librarian  —  Jane Linn:  Tenth Muse Art is closing this business (due to do health issues).  With the remaining subscription that we hold we decided to purchase a copy of,  “Polymer Art Projects Organic.”  This purchase will close out our subscription.

Party Planner:  Connie Farrell

Old Business:

Retreat:  Tom Gibson – Two volunteers are needed to review and make food selections from menus provided by the retreat staff for our upcoming event.  Betty, Jane, Connie and Roe have volunteered.  Menus will be reviewed and selections will be made in the next few months.

It is time to send out company sponsorship letters for the upcoming retreat.  There was discussion on what is the most effective way to solicit donations, sponsors and promotional items.  It was determined that a thorough review of previously targeted businesses should take place.  Tom will make sponsor lists available to some members for review in the hopes of possibly expanding this list.  Connie and Angel volunteered to mail out solicitation letters.

Domain:  Betty reported that the transfer of our domain is now complete.

New Business:



Betty needs nominations for upcoming officer elections for both President and Vice President positions.  Elections will take place at our January 2020 meeting.

No news on the construction status of the Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center.

There was discussion on the need to increase Guild membership.

Drawing:  There will be a drawing at our January meeting.  Drawing items should be provided by Betty, Tom and Roe (November meeting winners).

Inchies:  Next inchie swap will be January 2020.  Theme:  Winter.

Next Meeting:  Saturday, January 11, 2020, location TBA.

Submitted by Roe MacDurmon

Meeting for December 14, 2019 – Christmas Party Time!

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at Betty Bolerjack’s home:  6712 Randi Road, Oklahoma City

It’s December, and as usual we will not have a lesson this month – instead, we will have a pot-luck and a fun social time, as well as playing Dirty Santa (so much fun!).

Everyone please bring a pot-luck dish and a serving utensil if needed.  Please let Connie know what you plan on bringing.  Plates, napkins and forks will be provided.  This year we are doing BYOB (bring your own beverage) so no cups will be available.

About Dirty Santa: REMEMBER the items in the Dirty Santa game are NOT gag gifts but should be something you’d like to receive. Everyone playing the game brings a hand-crafted polymer item. An item using a technique learned this past year or one you just enjoyed making and sharing. Playing Dirty Santa is optional – but please, please do bring an item. It is so much more fun with many participants, we had such a good time last year. Please bring your item in a bag and keep it hidden from others.

I’m reposting the rules that Tom has adapted for our Dirty Santa game:

How to Play Dirty Santa

Everyone playing the game brings a hand-crafted polymer item. Sometimes an item using a technique learned this past year or one you just enjoyed making and sharing. Please, please bring an item. It is so much more fun with many participants.

VARIATION: Since we will be showing off our gifts during Show & Tell, I will bring gift bags to mask the items for the game. Just to keep it in the spirit of Dirty Santa.

Numbers are written on pieces of paper for every gift and placed in a basket, bowl or hat.

Each person draws a number. Getting a higher number is actually better because you will have more chosen gifts to choose from.

The person with #1 picks a gift to open from the array of gift bags. The person with #2 can choose to take another bag or steal the gift from #1. If a gift is stolen, the person who had it then steals from someone else or picks another gift to open. Gifts stolen cannot be directly stolen back. They must be in the pool of opened and unopened gifts for at least one turn.

The game continues like this until everyone takes a turn select an item or stealing an item. The last person to go can steal from anyone in the game or select the remaining item.

NOTICE: If the first person has not had their selection stolen during the game, they may steal a gift from anyone else. This may open a new round of stealing, but that’s the nature of Dirty Santa.

Once a gift is stolen three times, it is retired from the game.

Minutes for the November 9th meeting.

Minutes for the November 9, 2019 Meeting:

Called to order at 1:36 pm by President Betty Bolerjack

Seven members in attendance


Laura brought the cloisonné matchbox pendant she made at Penni Jo’s October 26 class.  LeeAnn brought a pretty cane and textured Bottles of Hope as well another that was sculpted into a walrus.  Betty brought silkscreen necklaces with matching earrings and treated us to a tour of her home studio.

The images are posted on our Facebook and Yahoo pages.

Yahoo page:

Facebook page:


Cheryl continued with part 2 of the “Covering a Glass Ornament with a Cane” class that she started at our October meeting.   We left with ready-to-bake retro ornaments.


Minutes of the October 12, 2019 meeting were approved after a motion by Cheryl and a second by LeeAnn.  Roe volunteered to record the minutes today.

Betty reminded us that officer elections for both President and Vice President are coming up.  Elections will take place at our January 2020 meeting.  We should all be thinking about these nominations as the end of the year wraps up.

Program Schedule:

December —  Christmas Party

January —  Bottles of Hope

February —  LeeAnn  —  Vase Forms

March —  Betty  —  TBD

Treasurer  —  LeeAnn Kelley

Membership:  26 paid members

Treasurer’s report was approved and accepted.

Librarian  —  Tom donated, “Making Miniature Flowers with Polymer Clay,” by Barbara Quast.

Party Planner:  All members are requested to send a note to Connie informing her of the food item they will be bringing to next month’s Christmas Party.

Old Business:

Retreat:  Tom Gibson —  Debbie Jackson will be our Retreat artist.  She will be teaching both a tie dye and mesmerizing metallic class.

Domain:  Betty reported that the transfer of our domain is now in process.

New Business:

The 2019 Christmas Party will be held at Betty Bolerjack’s home:  6712 Randi Road, Oklahoma City.

Announcements:  —  Excitement continues to build around this hybrid plastic/rubber polymer clay.

Drawing:  Bags brought by Connie, Tom and Cheryl were won by  Betty, Tom and Roe.

Inchies:  Next inchie swap will be January 2020.  Theme:  Winter.

Next Meeting:  Saturday, December 14, 2019 (Christmas Party at Betty Bolerjack’s home).

Meeting for November 9th 2019 – Ornaments.

Our next guild meeting will be Saturday, November 9th, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m, at Betty’s house.  The address is 6712 Randi Rd.  Click here for a google map:

This month we will be having a drawing, if you won last time dont forget to bring something.

This months program we will be covering Christmas ornaments or votive jars.  Cheryl will be providing both ornaments and little jars, here is the supply list of what you will need to bring:

What to bring:

smooth work surface

pasta machine

acrylic roller

Your retro cane from October meeting (there will be canes to purchase if you didn’t make one last month, or bring your own)

Tissue Blade

6″ metal or wooden knitting needle or skewer

disposable paint brush

Favorite tools and texture sheets

I will provide all other necessary items.

Minutes for the October 12, 2019 meeting

Number of attending           9 members

Number of visitors   _          1 visitor

Show and Tell:

Lots of goodies to see at show and tell this month. PJ showed the items being taught in her next class. Jane’s BOH was Faux Wedgwood, Connie had inchies and a BOHs with beautiful silk screened characteristics.  Betty blew us out of the water with her stencils for silk screening. She tested different materials and described how she worked with the materials and added the clay to bottles for BOH’s. She finished them with the use of varathane varnish.  To make a lid she used a piece of bamboo skewer to make the support for the lid. “Garden” screen set was used to make “Blossom” Pendant with earrings and bracelet. Folk Art set has focused on color and how it responds to light effects. Alizarin Crimson clay (2 parts) with Graphite Pearl (1 part) for some of her work. After watching the video Delgado Bracelet form using a can she described the technique that include staggered seams, etc. She showed how to ‘dome’ the bracelet.  Tom showed his Bottles of hope, one a “Sutton Slice” finish, One a sculpted dragon and on was silk screened. He showed the award winning Earrings from the door knockers in the movie “Labyrinth”.


Everyone made one large cane of contrasting values and Christmas colors which was extruded by the class teacher Cheryl Reich. The large extruded canes were stacked and every member went home with a large finished Retro Cane. Next month we will bring our cane back and Cheryl will show a technique to cover Christmas ornaments with the cane slices.

Business Meeting:

  1. Officers / Volunteers Reports:

Secretary –Approval of Meeting Notes for  Acceptance of Minutes of 9/14/19 moved, seconded and were approved


Vice President –  upcoming classes

Month:  Nov      Cheryl Reich ornaments  ~~ at Betty’s House

Month: Dec. Christmas Party Dec 14

Month: Jan   Bottles of Hope

Month   Feb Lee Ann Molds Class need glass.


Treasurer – Lee Ann Kelly

Membership:26 paid members


Bottles of Hope Coordinator Tom Gibson

Delivered BOH’s to both places and received a battered, torn and kind thank you note from, I think, the Toby Keith center. It was damaged in the mail but still got to us.  Tom says we have lost our source for bottles and does anyone know of a doctor or dentist, etc. that could collect bottles for us.


Librarian :  Jane Linn introduced our newest book: 2019 Polymer Journeys. Looks great!


Web Master :  Cheryl Reich

Betty reported that  the domain needed to be updated. Billy and Angela have graciously hosted the website all these years and we are grateful for their time and generosity.  Now Cheryl and Betty are working to update our website. Connie moved, Cheryl 2nd that we move our domain to site ground. a vote was taken and the motion was approved. Cheryl and Betty are working hard to make it easier for the membership to use the guild’s website.


Photographer:   Tom Gibson

            Everything going good.


Party Planner: Connie Farrell

Would like us to let her know what food we are thinking of bringing to the Christmas party please. Thank you.


Mail Support & Comfort: Connie Farrell

If you know of a sick or injured member, please let her know. She sends really sweet cards.


Old Business:

** Retreat: Tom Gibson


A vote was held and the teacher selected was Debbie Jackson. There was a three way tie for the classes. Sadly we can only have two.

Tom has received the contract from Canyon Camp and will be sending a check for $359.00 to the camp this week. He has reserved 25 rooms. In addition to the room costs we must pay to rent the sound & TV for $75.00/day. This will allow us to see and hear the teacher and announcements.

Other old business: The new building will not be ready until March. It is at 11th and Broadway off I-235 at 10th St exit.

State Fair Judge: We need to develop a more detailed sheet for the judge(s) to write on and give feedback to the entree. The judge needs to have a sheet for each entry for criteria of judging and to send back to the person who entered the item so that they might learn.

But before that, we need to have some classes in the elements and principles of art and design.


New Business:

Betty gave out maps to her house


Drawing next month ~~   Connie, Lori, Cheryl will bring gift.

Penni Jo Couch Matchbox Pendant class.

I’ll be teaching a class Oct 26th here in Maysville at the Senior Citizens Center. No charge, except for lunch. 9:30am to 4pm.
Class covers the Matchbox Pendant, Faux Cloisonne design (or choice of other artworks) and the free form Calla Lily Pin or Pendant.

Faux Cloisonne & Matchbox Pendant Class
Saturday October 26th
Maysville Senior Citizens Center
4th Street & Elm St • Maysville, OK 73057
9:00 to 4:30
Hosted and taught by Penni Jo Couch

There are a few spaces left so let me know if you would like to come soon. I’ll email you the pdf tutorial with the materials list.


Again, the Class is free but the homemade lunch is $7.00

If you can come, either email, message or call me. I’ll put you on the list and send you the class pdf (it’s free too)!