September 2009 Meeting Notes
After beginning September’s meeting with Show and Tell, we got right down to business, with six members in attendance.
Angela Mabray’s lesson involved making nametags embellished with 3-dimensional molded items. Angela, whose Crafty Goat blog is widely known for its carefully researched reviews of books and materials, began by discussing several mold-making compounds, noting their strengths, weaknesses, and their appropriateness for different applications. This was accompanied by a detailed handout. We then made a nametag base and transferred a toner-based printout of our name to it. Last, we created molds of some small items from colored clay and attached them to the tags. Pictured is a nametag in progress.
Thanks to Angela for a well-organized lesson! Few finished during the meeting, but we hope to see some beautiful nametags next month.
**Business Meeting:**
**Old Business:**
**Oklahoma State Fair Competition:** Entries will be accepted September 12th from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., and September 13, from 12:00 noon until 5:00 p.m. Enter the grounds through Gates 3 or 4, located off May Avenue.
**State Fair Guild Demonstration:** Angela distributed fair tickets and parking passes. She will e-mail everyone a map. It was decided that each member participating would choose a separate technique to demonstrate.
**New Business:**
**Hobby Lobby Display:** Jane L. announced that she had a new sign made and had purchased a new stand for our Hobby Lobby display.
**Polymer Cafe Competition:** Jane announced a contest sponsored by *Polymer Cafe Magazine* featuring faux techniques. She urged members to enter.
Vice President April G. led us in planning topics for our upcoming meetings:
**October:** Starry Night Cane and weave canes with Jane
**November:** Share a Tip Day
**December:** Faux Wood with Lee Ann
**January:** TBA
**February and March:** Hollow Vessels with April, a 2-part lesson
April asked whether we would be interested in a class on jewelry findings and their use. Everyone was in favor, so April will check with area bead stores to find a presenter. Additional program topics under discussion are calliedoscope canes, pietre dure mosaic, rose canes, polymer clay portraits, and mica shift.
**Treasurer’s Report:** Angela reported a balance of $501.01. We have 8 members.
**Bottles of Hope:** Nance R. reported that beginning next Tuesday, she will be teaching bottles of hope for the cancer support group during the second Tuesday of each month at Norman Regional Hospital.
**Librarian’s Report:** Jane L. brought attention to our newest issue of *Polymer Cafe Magazine* and Angela M. reviewed our newest library addition, *Polymer Clay Color Inspirations: Techniques and Jewelry Projects for Creating Successful Palettes*, by Lindly Haunani and Maggie Maggio. She described it as an excellent and exhaustive workbook, akin to a college course in color, which might be too thorough for some, but very helpful for others. Angela also praised Maggie Maggio for her newly begun online “Saturday School”, with weekly excercises that go along with the book. Her web site is
**Announcements:** Angela Mabray will be teaching a class September 27th at the Craft Weekend at Downtown DIY. She distributed cards. Craft Weekend will provide a location where people can come to participate in a full two days of crafting.
**Drawing for a new library book:** *Polypens*, by Linda Peterson was the winning item and will be purchased by the guild this month.
**Bi-monthly Raffle:** Winners of the raffle items were Nance, April, and Lee Ann. As winners, they will be responsible for bringing items for the next raffle, in November.
**October Swap:** October will be a swap month, and the theme will be “canes.” Any member may participate by bringing one, two, or three canes, adding up to a total of 3 inches of cane to swap with others.