Eight members and one guest were in attendance at our March meeting. Shirley welcomed Myra, our newest member, and Connie, our guest. She began the meeting with Show and Tell and members shared some fabulous clay projects they had made.
Angela brought us a program on making Mosaics. For inspiration she showed us 2 clocks, pendants, a vase, and a small box she had used a mosaic technique and some reference books in our library, including the mosaic section in her book, Polymer Clay 101. From her instructions, we each made at least one mosaic pendant. She also explained and demonstrated some alternate mosaic methods.

*(Follow this link for more of Ruth’s excellent photos of the March lesson.)*
The minutes were not read because they had been emailed earlier to members. Nance moved the February 2011 business meeting minutes be approved. Sue seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
* **Penni Jo’s Play-Day Retreat**: In Penni Jo’s absence, Jane reported that . because Penni Jo desires for each of us to experience the joy and fun of having an undisturbed, unstructured day of playing with clay and fellow ‘clayers’, even though facilities have fallen through, she remains undaunted. Penni Jo plans to have the retreat at her house in Moore. The date was discussed and agreed that April 6, our usual meeting date, would work best. The time is scheduled from 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. There is no fee. Lunch will be provided. Everyone is encouraged to bring a snack to share and for dinner, pizza will probably be ordered. A map and any other information will be communicated through email. A head count is needed because of limited space.
* **Midwest City Library Display:** The library set up time is scheduled for 1:00, Sunday, April 3, with the majority being available to set up. (However, later in the month, by consensus, the time was changed to 1:30).
* Shirley passed out forms to be filled out listing individual pieces for the display in order to make signage.
* The three display cases required the need for background covering. Using information that Shirley had gathered for us, April made the motion to purchase crushed velvet for up to $50, and if cost is significantly more for the yardage needed, to buy the black felt. Angela seconded the motion.
* Shirley asked Angela and Jane, with husband Bob’s help, to be in charge of the display’s signage. Information for each piece-your name, name of your piece, if any, and technique used, is needed to be written out at this meeting or sent to Angela by Saturday, March 19.
* Shirley will notify us of the time and date to dismantle the display.
* Everyone set out their entries and displays to get an idea of sizes and what we had to work with.

*(Look for more photos of the display items here.)*
Because of the need to spend the remaining time of our guild on preparation and final organization for the Midwest City Library Display, the regular reports on future meetings, treasurers report ($741.92; 9 members), Bottles of Hope, and library book review were sent by email prior to meeting.
Two free used VHS from International Polymer Clay Guild, while supplies last, are available to guilds for the asking. Angela offered to send, via email, the titles so members could chose and the ones with the most votes she can submit as our choices. She explained this had to be done in a timely manner, so immediate response is important.
Winners of the raffle were Sue, Connie, and Myra.
The group selected *Masters: Polymer Clay: Major Works by Leading Artists* as its choice for this month’s library book.