October 2011 Meeting: Faux Embroidery
We are very fortunate this month to have nationally-known sculptor & instructor (not to mention our own group’s co-founder!) **Penni Jo Couch** teaching the lesson. She’ll be showing us **Faux Embroidery** — a technique many paid to learn from her at this year’s Fandango retreat. (But we get to learn it for free!) We’ll find out how to use skinner blend scraps or solid clay to create “stitches,” which can then be used to create patterns and decorative designs.
Our meeting will be held **Saturday, October 8, 2011, from 1:30-4:30**, at the Hobby Lobby on I-35 and South 19th in Moore (2650 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160).
**Supplies to bring**
* **Polymer clay**:
* Brown or wood grain for hanger
* Background clay, shown is ecru lightened with white
* Ivory clay for the tassels, borders and loops
* Small amounts of skinner blends in your choice of colors or flower color (shown is red)
* Stem and leaf colors (shown is green)
* **Molds & Textures**: If desired, the borders and tassels can be molded. Tiny embellishments can be purchased or molded. Any strong woven pattern of fabric can make good texture. Penni Jo will have both molds and texture sheets for use in class.
* **Jewelry Findings**:
* Pin back for a pin.
* If necklace, cord or chain of choice.
* For tassels, two head pins.
* **Charms/Jewels**: Iron on gems or tiny charms for embellishments.
* **Tools**
* Your favorite clay tools, plus…
* Single edge safety razor for cutting slivers.
* Wire cutters
* Round nose and regular small pliers.
* Small, sharp pointy tool like a smooth skewer etc. for lifting and ‘stitching’ the leaves and flowers.
* **Optional**:
* Mica powders for embellishing the hanging loops.
* Pasta machine for clay.
* Extruder for fine ropes.
**Note**: If you have the “Faux Ribbon Embroidery” tutorial printout that Jane gave everyone at the meeting a couple of months ago, please bring it.
**Swap Theme**
This month we’re doing a swap with the theme “**Come on Fall!**” Everyone who wishes to participate should bring one handmade item that fits with the theme.
**Retreat Meeting**
We will *not* be holding a retreat planning meeting before our regular meeting this month.