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March 2010

Wed. March 10, 2010-Lesson Change

Hello Clayers,
The March meeting will be held at the **Southern Oaks Recreation Center, 400 SW 66th Street, 6-9, Wed., March 10th**.
Due to a death in my family, I will not be able to teach part 2 of the hollow form class this month and will instead, teach it at the April meeting. Penni Jo has graciously offered to teach in my place. She will be unraveling the mysteries of the skinner blend to us and will be teaching us how to make multiple color Skinner Blends, resulting in different effects. She will also be teaching a twist on the Natasha bead called a Ruphia Peche Indian Bead created by Ruphia, the president of the of Corpus Christi Polymer Clay Guild where Penni Jo attended meetings during her stay in Texas. Thanks Penni Jo and Jane for all your help on such short notice! The supply list is as follows:
**General Tools needed:**
Pasta machine (we will have one to share)
Work surface or work surface cover
Cutting blade
Stylus or needle to make eyes on the indian bead
Skewer or knitting needle
Clay needed in colors you like
General clay tools
**Materials needed:**
A little bit of flesh and black clay
1/8 to 1/4 oz. each of Indian blanket colors or your favorite bead colors. ( 3 to 6 colors)
If you have a stash of scraps from other projects, you might want to bring them.
Penni Jo has added some additional info about the class.
Guild March Madness ~ Pick up lessons:
1. Revisit the Skinner blend. If you would like to know how to create a specific blend, let us know, we’ll help you figure out colors and amounts needed.
**Materials needed:**
a. Colors of clay that you would like to skinner blend
b. A specific kind of blend that you would like to have for a project, eg, flower petal, leaf, etc.
Bring any questions you may have about how to blends colors to make certain projects, ie. Calla Lilly.
2. Ruphia Peche Indian Bead using the Inside-out Technique (AKA Natasha Bead) Ruphia is the president of Corpus Christi Polymer Clay Guild where Penni Jo attended meetings during her stay in Texas.
Her Flickr site:
Etsy Site:
**If you are uncertain about the colors you want, Michael’s has clay on sale this week. Four blocks for $5.00. **
This month we will be having our raffle. April, Angela and Jane were the winners of our last raffle and should bring something for the next raffle. Also, everyone bring and idea for a book you would like to add to our library.